Play VRChat

Play VRChat

Attached: come here.webm (720x1280, 2.95M)

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Is the dance scripted or is there some incel with a headset on somewhere dancing like a bitch

I wish anime was real

i would have to be single to play this game

E-girl pole dancer with full body tracking

Wtf. How mentally unstable do you have to be to put self harm scars on your avatar?

Attached: 1647893977747.gif (200x200, 2.61M)

I really want to beat off to this but I can't knowing that it's likely a troon behind the avatar.

This guy is a groomer. He'll manipulate you into feeling like shit, because he is a sick, sadistic faggot.
Ignore his dumb thread and watch out for your own well being.
Kill the jews.

It's okay friend, it's a confirmed girl.

Attached: FP2n_AVUYAcDbIj.jpg (1080x1920, 292.78K)

i can understand the homophobia, but cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

why are you even on Yea Forums if you're not an incel

to talk about video games

because it's fucking hot
in a "i can fix her" sort of way

t. incel
only incels care about video games
t. incel

you need to learn how to use that

i think you replied to the wrong user, i'm just a seething virgin with a severe lack of affection

it doesn't get better

Thank you user

only if you tell me where I can find this on there.

goddamn she's actually pretty good

Attached: 1577416604405.png (187x346, 106.51K)

That's a man, unironically.

why are females so much more flexible with their hips and waist? it's kind of unsettling how much control they have over that particular part of their body, like what muscles even allow that type movement?

Gay, that's a man behind the avatar.

Why? Why would I want to socialize with failed normies who can't have a real social life?

Attached: 1629050016444.png (390x390, 149.41K)

ok genuine question, what vr headset should i get? i looked through all the different models there are but i cant really decide nor am i smart enough to know all the small differences between them

Attached: uyuifgyufguiygfuyyu.png (738x702, 655.98K)

as long as you're alive there's the infinitesimal chance that things might go better, but at this point i'm not living for that chance, i'm just living to experience the few mediocre pleasures i have access to

i thought relationships filled that hole, they don't. all it does is create another opening for betrayal

none, get some gyro stuffs and emulate vr on your pc without an overly expensive headset

either get a quest 2 or wait for next gen

my internet is too bad for online games. I would nolife this if I could

>can't prove it's a girl
I'm not creating a twitter account just to scroll down this page.

Because you get to be a cute anime girl and make friends

Attached: Void Club VR Joker.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)


is vket still a thing? i enjoyed looking up the skirts of everything there

i'd rather feel love then lose that love than never feel love at all desu

Anti what? I said kill the jews, you dumb nigger. Not kill the semits.

religious jews aren't the ones in positions of power though, only secular jews

the idea of love for a woman is a lot different from what you think it is

i know, which is why you shouldn't love a woman the way you'd want to be loved

>Id rather be rich then become poor for the rest of my life than be poor from birth and remain poor and ignorant

If you say so


which world do I need to be in to see this bitch?

the rich becoming poor is wiser than the poor ever staying poor

>Provide evidence its a girl
>Don't bother to look at evidence or click on the seven million other links she has
>"I-It's obviously a guy!!!"
Is this some kind of wish fufillment? I'm sorry user I know you're a bit of a tsundere but she unfortunately does not have a penis...

But I'm boring and a shitty conversationalist. What do I do?

Feels like watching a 3MB avi porn clip I downloaded on a 33.6kbps modem in 1995. The fuck is that framerate.


rofl youre the kind of guy who would sponsor an african child for a month to live with you to get to know what its like to live in a first world then send him back

>that clipping

Attached: 3b9.jpg (600x825, 49.7K)

>Because you get to RP half-baked troon fantasies and act pubescently with other dysfunctional failures stuck in dark rooms around the globe

honestly that sounds based, it'd be the most hurtful way to flex on the poor

I think you niggers need to take a look at ''''''''her'''''''' porn twitter

it's a fucking man

Attached: 20220412_003850.jpg (4096x2305, 1.55M)

i would be a slutty poledancing femboy slut on vrchat but i dont want to spend my time and money to do so because anybody else with the time and money to frequent vrchat is probably insufferable. yes im a hypocrite no i dont care, i might as well spend less time and less money to have my hole dicked down by some overweight mexican boomer off grindr instead

No functioning male can. Only permavirgin incels with stunted mental development.

I didn't even notice the clipping until now... Why are you looking at the tits?

Thanks for clarifying.
Kill all jews. Skin the religious ones.

>Creating an entire conversation in your head that did not happen in reality
>whatever click the million links
>It's just endless pictures of a VR character and some nudes that are still vague
Spoonfeed me or take your smug dishonesty and kick rocks. Do they have a vagina or not?

are you a godskin apostle from elden ring or something?

I am not trans so I can't. Sorry

>Faceless irl pics on their Twitter
>Twink proportions
100% a dude you faggots.

i just wanted to know if vket was still a thing :(

>Skin the religious ones
Secular is the opposite of religious, idiot.

46 year old balding male trannies imitate anything and everything that teen girls do, self-harm included

it doesn't matter if it's a male or female. you fucking autistic retards shouldn't be giving this slut any attention, nor should anyone else.

>Download 6 billion gigs in custom fetish avatars

no thanks

With all of these self-harm scars, I'm 100% positive this is a woman.

Attached: fansly-sswzbp5nipl.jpg (1440x1080, 182.64K)

>800lb males pretending to be girls jerking off to 800lb males

>tfw too much of an antisocial autist to even download VRChat

Attached: ShaderFes.webm (860x860, 2.94M)

I hate that this video is convincing me to...

There's literally pictures of her tits on her fansly

Is there a single picture without the legs held tightly together?

Gay emo guys with self harm scars were all over myspace, tumblr and certain MMOs. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of them grew up into femboys.
it's 2022, this is literally meaningless

I don't want to speak on a mic and have everyone irl hear me.

Nah, pussy never gets shown.

>this is a man according to Yea Forums

Attached: Untitled 77.jpg (800x546, 279.73K)

Attached: fansly-gb0llru6sdp.png (1081x1080, 2.44M)

How do you fuckers even find this shit on VRChat.
I feel like chatting with other lonely and perverted losers surrounded by anime titties.
might be fun

Is this our inevitable fate?

My bf has more girly body than that thing.

That's 100% a trap

i literally have bigger tita than that and im a guy

How can you be this sheltered to the internet

VRChat looks fun but I never have anything to say even in normal chatrooms.