Nintendo have just purchased land. Get the fuck in here landchads.
Groundbros??? We're in trouble...
Video games?
Buildingchads we can't stop winning...
This is bullshit. Land shouldn't be exclusive
>Video games?
That's where more will be made!
Honest question: Should I get a circumcision? I have phimosis and even after a few years of stretching I still can't pull back the foreskin all the way. Should I just bite the bullet and go through with it?
lol you guys are dumb
As long as they don't touch my square of land in Kabuki-cho, I won't start murdering bitches.
So thats what they meant by touch grass
Land is now exclusive to Nintendo.
Its over...
oh no landnation pirate bros, its over.......
>Completion date: 2027
This is what happens when every land purchase has to be AAA. It doesn't have to be a 22 floor steel frame building, a AA land purchase with a trailer park can be just as fun even if it's not as pretty too look at.
Does it really take 5 years to build a 12 story building?
>5 gajillion taiwanese yuan
okay, how much is that in real money? 5 bucks?
roughly 50mil
The Twin Towers are coming back baby.
Please understand...
Why don't you ask a doctor?
They are serious about expanding their internal teams huh
We are going to see a lot of old IP revivals next Gen for sure, all those comp Sci nerds straight out of college with nostalgia for star fox and f zero will do what nintendont, or rather nintenwouldnt
Nintendo made so much money from the switch they're just throwing it at everything, aren't they? I wonder what they're going to cook up there when it's finished.
they'll need the space for the TP2 dev team
I had phimosis and I got circumcision. It was a painful recovery but worth it due to universal healthcare in leafland
While the waiting times might be a massive pain in the ass, not being bankrupt by medical expenses is pretty nice.
B-bros, I can't set foot on the ground any more.
What the fuck is happening???
>grass and trees are gonna be Switch-exclusive now
I had the same problem, got the surgery when I was 19, recovery is awful but pretty short, worth it. It's a really cheap surgery in my country, I don't know yours.
At the last investor meeting they said they were throwing a billion dollars at expanding
are the memes about circumcision making you lose sensitivity true?
I had it done to me as a baby by my abusive boomer retard parents so I don't actually know
Yes, you lose about 95% of the sensitivity if it's done as a baby.
It's been 5 (plus?) years since I had the operation done. I can't remember what it was like beforehand at this point.
prime 4 bros... we aren't alone anymore...
now thats what i called acquisition than buying a bunch of faggot devs
What video game is this?
user that got it at 19 here. 8 years since that and no. I'm even going through some premature ejaculation issues lately because stress, a lot of sensivity mind you. The meme may be true with toddlers though
i had phimosis but now I can mostly pull it back while having sex. keep trying before making a rash decision. I found doing it in the bath was the best way then try to get an erection so it will slowly stretch
Not me, I'm a latino, catholic as fuck, and I hate jews, I just had issues with my penis, due to infections (pee often got trapped under my foreskin), and sex was painful, my foreskin didn't work for shit, literally impossible to pull back.
Que Dios te bendiga, user.
>I still can't pull back the foreskin all the way
Just use an onahole. Seriously I had the same issue and that fixed it instantly.
you didn't peel your foreskin when you were a kid didn't you?
how bad was post-circumcision recovery? I don't plan on cutting off my turtle hood and I can't imagine getting the procedure done at all would be an experience that would be worth the hassle of recovery if it isn't necessary.
No, I was 19
First day is a nightmare, then it isn't too bad unless you get a sudden erection (stay the fuck away from erotic material). After 3 weeks you are fine, full recovery is met after a full month. It isn't too bad but if you fap or have sex in the mean time chances are you'll destroy your dick and instantly become a tranny though.
Private property is anti poor
What do you think they're going to do with they're newly acquired property?
It's not. Quit being poor
>unless you get a sudden erection
what a terrifying thought to experience extreme anguish over a passive horny thought. thanks for the reply, I really do hope the three weeks of cock torture was worth the trouble for you user.
>he doesn't emulate his land
lmaoing at you all
Seem like Sony does not want pelpoe to know this
Please, don't mine me natives! I am simply pirating this land.
Don't fucking do it bro
you can't own land
Friend, I had phimosis as well
I got one of them battery hitatchi wands (theyre now named Vibratex) and the FENERGY male head tickler
I turned it up to max so much that my severe phimosis and tight skin would get so loose
Fucking thing went from almost not able to have sex to fully able to be pulled down my cock in 3 months; yes it was uncomfortable at first but I would orgasm for what felt like minutes
If you could copy the land without occupying the original land that would be pirating it. That way everybody would be happy.
what are the actual differences?