It took a whole decade but it is finally happening.
Fully Voiced too
Mahoyo HD remake will have English Subs
so all those years spent working on an english translation (that never even got finished) were wasted?
and the english translation is nearly finished holy shit
Yup, fuck 'em. After F/HA taking forever to only be leaked VN translators are ego maniacs
Nothing can come out of this, Type-moon bros we lost...
All thanks to that delicious Gaijin FGO money.
Unironically the truth, if Tsukihime every gets subs it will be because of that shit as well
>and the english translation is nearly finished holy shit
>believing this
A fan translation is never even near finished until it's out. Fan translations have sat for over a decade after being started with no progress.
I still don't believe it. It may be an error or something. I'll wait a couple days for actual conformation from various sites. If it's true I'll preorder this shit from playasia. I have the physical PC version since god knows when, waiting for the fucking patch.
Not for PC players.
Offical PR release in Japan
This is the site they use in Japan for PR news. It is 100% Real and Confirmed
>OFFICIAL mahoyoru in english
>extra CCC translation almost done
>tsukihimates going fast as fuck and are almost done with arc's route
EOPchads win again
>making a post about emulating switch version
>realize they might censor some violent parts
It's over
What about Tsukihime?
>TM kino back on the menu
>attention whore discord tranny translators BTFO
Nasu-sama... I kneel
Fuck off Koyama, I don't want Scathatch's visual novel, especially not when you lie and say that your waifu is "Aoko" here even though it is clearly Scathatch.
I won't stand for this blatant attack on Aoko's character and design
...srw alpha
That was literally the game I had in mind when typing it out, lol.
The PS4 version is unironically more likely to be censored than the Switch version. I'm serious.
was tsukihime censored on the switch?
tsukiR translation when?
Reminder that the fan translation was being translated from a French translation.
>Not for PC players.
If it's on Switch it's on PC.
Gonna need voice patch for the PC version.
This will be their decade
that doesn't look like aoko to me, are you sure
What are they gonna get? An anime adaptation? A spot as guests in Melty Blood?
Wonder what they had to do to get Nasu to agree to this.
You're actually retarded.
You are literally reading into it the exact opposite way that it actually is.
We both hate Scat, but the fact is she and some others are just Koyama's outlet since he can't do more Aoko until now.
Nasu said something a few months ago about being surprised at all the messages he got from western zoomzooms begging for a Tsukire translation.
I mean Aoko came first by a long way, are you really going to get suckered in by a few shitposters?
I thought they said that they "restarted" and started scrapping and redoing shit, so they had even less progress
>official Type Moon VN translation
Nasu is surprised by a lot of shit about the English fanbase. He knows people have been interested in his works for a long time yet does absolutely nothing about it and gives bullshit reasonings why it hasn't happened yet.
last time i checked im sure it was like 70-80 percent finished. anyway its what they get for being slow fucks
Aokobros we'll finally see how her game was beyond that PLATONIC IDEAL OF A PUNCH bit where the hillbilly one-shots a werewolf because he's the ultimate chad.
Since he is a well known Souls fan even the official FGO devs joked with him being too busy with Elden Ring. Guess everything else is delayed further.
What timeline am I living in?
An English TL is coming out of it. The hell are you talking about?
Scat doesn't look like Aoko.
The ""Aoko"" in mahoyo doesn't look anything like Aoko
Koyama is a hack who draws his waifu and then says it's whoever he was supposed to draw
It's been so long
God does exist
I guess this also isn't Aoko.
If your line for Aoko is Tsuki/MB done by Takeuchi, then you deserve to suffer.
And by the way, Koyama actually draws her properly to the vision Nasu has, instead of Takeuchi being unable to do so.
Scat doesn't look like Koyama's Aoko even, but only very sad people like to say so.
Unironically preferencing Takeuchi over Koyama is asinine at best.
I doubt he and other TM related people due since the reason FGO was released in English is because the FGO director was surprised by the cosplay of Fate characters in a convention he went to.
>trusting SEA subtitles
You fools you got monkey pawed and you don't even know it
It's that or japanese to french to english """translation"""
I'm so happy bros, the future is bright
Nasu-sama....I capitulate
Woah, I don't remember her boobs being THAT big??
These will be your translators for today, say something nice about them.
They're the same as Arc or Rider, so Takeuchi just sucks, that and she hides them with a baggy t-shirt.
>dw in current year
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Shinji raping Aoko_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I can't believe this is real.
I swear to god if the fuckers making the fan translation drop it
correct, tsuki/mb/KT is aoko and that is not.
Takeuchi is objectively a worse artist than Koyama in the year of our Lord 2022, but both of them are terrible at designs. At least the original tsuki/kagetsu designs are good (aside from that one t-shirt)
how does it stack up against fsn and tsuki
Nobody on Yea Forums knows Japanese.
JOPs on /jp/ say it's boring and the weakest of Nasu's work.
Aoko's physical design in Mahoyo is perfect, though how a different artist would execute it could be better.
Clothing is fluid, it doesn't fundamentally matter.
I get that you like red hair, and red hair is great, but brown is best by test.
Both old and young are the same true Aoko, and for as long as you reject that reality you will be miserable.
>make shit up lmao
Better than OG tsuki and maybe better than TsukiR. Close to FSN due to it's direction, budget, music, and writing alone. A bit short, but it's excellent in general.
>Clothing is fluid, it doesn't fundamentally matter.
It fundamentally DOES matter as an expression of the character. How one dresses says magnitudes about an individual.
Brown hair sucks. It turning Red is also stupid as fuck and looks worse due to the awful effects used in Mahoyo.
I was miserable anyways, and always will be
>It turning Red is also stupid as fuck
We both agree on something. But our autistic beam struggle isn't going to stop.
great production values