You can only post ITT if you've played all of the games

You can only post ITT if you've played all of the games

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They're all shit.

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B, just because of Okami. Path of Radiance isn't great either, not bad but a bit boring.


B has nothing that holds up compared to the other 3 rows


they're all equally shit


Persona Trannies everyone

B is the best row


>B has highest number of popular games
>Immediately everyone in the thread starts shouting B
Contrarian Yea Forums everyone

B is garbage, all mediocre games praised by people who never finished them simply due to their cultural status in the industry and due to not having played anything other than entry level schlock skewing their perspective on what a good game is.

B is obviously the worst row, no contest there

Contrarian is a buzzword with no substance to back it up. Accept having shit taste
A is fucking stacked and wins by a longshot, B is shit & mostly outdated relics

I haven't seen Neverhood in forever, that shit was cash.

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B. Nothing in the row holds up compared to contemporaries. It’s like watching dark Knight or empire strikes back and then something like Persona, satantango or Seventh Seal, you see the downgrade there & it baffles you how so many people praise the former as the best without even watching the latter

C or D. probably C but only because it's completely weighed down by Fear & Hunger and the fuckin Talos Principle, despite having gems like Chaos Theory and Castlevania IV.

Fear and Hunger shits on anything in B aside from Symphony of the Night

They're all equally great. i love video games

B, very primitive & streamlined games

>All these people shitting on B
The only arguably "bad" games in here are Dark Souls and Path of Radiance


This only tranny zoomers would argue

B has no good games.


the image is asking me to "vote" for what I disliked playing most, im not arguing objective quality here. I respect the niche Fear & Hunger went for, and could play it just fine, I just didn't particularly enjoy it, or most of what it offered, it's a preference thing. I fucking hated The Talos Principle though, fuck that game.

A is stacked with irrelevant shit. B is far superior in every metric.
Shame F-Zero is in A though.

Masterful bait, trannies like you need to be banned

Boring and stale, just like your row. Don't you have some shit thread to make about how good a game is that you've never played, arcanum tranny?

B, this filters a lot of NPC’s good on OP for making this


B is the overrated row, but it's not the worst, A is. the best is D and it isn't even close.

best to worst is
B > C > D > A

B is far and away the worst one

Castlevania sotn is a good game really fucking good in fact, but anything else in the row is really outdated and some of them are unironically horrible in terms of game design


>Persona fag calling any other game shit

B - Worst games
C - Most overrated
A - Best games

JRPG's suck ass so Im going with D

I've only played like 3 games on this image, am I uncultured?

>put all the best games ever in row B
>put random trash no one has heard of in the other rows
>everyone answers B
kek, what is this?

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I have played 5 of those

i feel like the image was made to see just how contrarian Yea Forums is, B has 2 "best ofs" for your average user, which is why people hate it.

Worst post itt


Definately D

Not a chance you NPC faggot, B is the worst

>People who don't play games, AKA: NPC's pick the only ones they played disregard the other options
>People who actually like video games, played all of them and acknowledge that B is the wort

A. The only two must-play games in there are F-Zero and Sin and Punishment.

Nothing in the second row is good

Tell me one game from row B that is less essential than Talos Principle
>inb4 you name a game

This, if you asked NPC tranny dilaters they would tell you Shawshank Redemption, Lord of the Rings, Pulp Fiction, garbage like that is the best movie of all time. No self respecting person would ever claim those are good which is why critics routinely snub them from "Best of all time" lists, NPC's would then cry their buzzwords that NICHE BAD and parrot whatever normalfag tranny product they played or watched maybe once saying "How dare you have opinions, you pretend to like things, they aren't mainstream they aren't good". Really a shame but it's the kind of thing you get with trannies in the social media era

If you haven't played everything in this image your a casual, and you only think those casual entry level games are good because it's all you've played, sorry not sorry about you being a NPC.

D row is garage sale garbage, reply if seething more.

>Buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords


Most people here have played more niche shit than all of these. You sound like the type of person who would call me a casual for not playing ocarina of time, but you're one tier deeper. Yeah, I'm a real casual for having played mushihimesama before dodonpachi, or smt: if instead of soul hackers. Think before you post.

B has a lot of games that aren't the best of their series. A has the best games.


Going with C. Suikoden II and Ikaruga kick ass, but Megaman X2 immediately drags it down hard.
Can't lie though, choosing that was pretty hard.

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>soul hackers
Not even the best debisama let alone megaten

D, easy

How is hard when you have dogshit like mgs3, chrono trigger and banjo on the same row?


Because none of those are dogshit and you're literally just a pretentious faggot. Are they overrated, fuckin sure. Are they better than X2 and Fear & hunger? Yeah, absolutely.
Also B has Okami, Dark Souls, and SotN which immediately makes it better than C.

Got it backwards

All of those games are shit and you are just crying and having a meltdown that everyone agrees