Gundam Evolution

Now that the playtest is almost over, did the Gundam Evolution devs learn any lessons from Overwatch?

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do we even know when the playtest ends?

4/12 6:00 (PDT)

games fucking trash. i hope the devs die

>solo queuing is cancer
No they did not.

Border Break >>> any Gundam game.

Great, now it's time for the European beta to start!!

>Guy whining in chat because nobody picked tank
Yep, it's overwatch

It's unironically shittier than Overwatch, which is already shit.

The team is pretty retarded if nobody picks BIG RED.

>learn any lessons from Overwatch?
They learned lessons from Paladins. It's better for a game to be fun than to be "eSports"*
*tl note: cultural degeneracy

Anyone want to group up?

Delete barbatos and the game would be fine

The more I play the less of a problem he becomes but yeah Barb is really stupid about how much you can do for so little effort.

Any team without the Sazabi, Barbatos and GM Sniper II is gimping itself.

Sazabi is overrated as fuck his ult just tickles

I delete barbie all the time as Zaku/Dom

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>his ult just tickles
So? He can still win almost any fight because of his huge health/armor and stun.

>solo queue experience

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Not to rape their employees?

Hello fellow 1560 brother

why are bombs and mines and shit so laggy? they go out like a second after I press the button so it looks like they're getting thrown from behind me

>barbatos and exia just slaughtering backline all day long

Not having a melee button fucking sucks. Getting an enemy low as Zaku and having to either try and catch them with a grenade or just stare at them while I reload is painful. Could just be that I need to learn to aim.

>Japanese dev
Y-yeah, the definitely don't do that...

yeah there definitely needs to be a melee button
very frustrating when you get a guy down to 10hp but you have to reload

Imagine this feeling but as a DOM with the 9000 year long reload time

Gundam Mk II is the sexiest Gundam.

It's so dumb, especially when the zaku heat axe is as iconic as it is

Oh just use your -1m radius confetti mine

how do I not suck as zaku

Melee as a whole feels OP

>Make the charge attack single target so he can't instantly kill half your team on a flank in a tight area
>Give the jump a better audio cue because there's no counterplay to getting slam dunked in 0.1 seconds from behind a wall
There, Barbatos is fixed.

>dash in
>run away

>dash in
>die instantly because my gun is useless past spitting distance

the default region is Asia, which area are you playing on?

3 dashes with the longest range that recover during smoke

>Playing GM
>Enemy team has a Zaku

Attached: I'm gonna violate you.jpg (500x570, 34.54K)

>dashes behind you
nothin personnel...

All of you think Barbatos is the one wrecking your shit because it and Exia look the same. In reality Barbatos is just a low tier pubstomper who can only kill people using a 10% keyboard that doesn't have a shift key. Exia on the other hand is the most broken and overpowered thing in gaming since Black Ops 4 had a lootbox exclusive automatic explosive rifle.

>Rotates camera
Your turn user.

>teammate leaves 20 seconds in
>counts as a loss
Well I just won a 5v6 before that so whatever

The only thing annoying about Exia is that it feels like his hitbox is half the size of his model.

Smoke bomb and run away

From the trailer it seems like Exia is just a Genji reskin while Barbatos is Reinhardt's, can anyone confirm? Couldn't play the game bc it wasn't available in my Region
Also isn't Battle Operations 2 coming to Steam? Isn't it better than this Overwatch Reskin?

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God i fucking wish we had the hambrabi instead of asshimar

Kind of, except Barbatos is more like Doomfist. Exia definitely reminds me of Genji. GM Sniper is 100% Widowmaker.

Sazabi is closer to Reinhardt's gameplay style because of the shield. Barbatos is Doomfist.

Exia is definitely close to Genji. Barbatos plays more like Doomfist than anything.

Don't worry user, I'll still be here when you come back, even if it's another flank.

Exia looks super cool but I legit have no idea on how to play the fucker.

oh what the fuck, how do i change to NA?

typical feddie always looking for more war crimes to commit.

exia is genji, the rest isn't really comparable
they do borrow one or two skills from ow/paladins etc

Flankers aren't people so it's fine.

>Want to try suits I haven't played much yet
>Pick GM Sniper
>Enemy team has a zaku with the red skin

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when you first boot the game up, the option is in the upper right corner

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>When all of your kills are headshots
>Not like a ton, but even 10 felt like god

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skill issue

pale rider is so fucking good
I just hail mary a nade into a group and half their hp is gone

>lessons from overwatch
In my opinion they did a lot better from Overwatch
>better maps
They aren't just totally shit with 2 massive chokepoints like Overwatch
>ultimates aren't cancer
There aren't too many G-skills or whatever that wipe the entire team for free like overwatch
>better class system
There are still MS that are better at healing/tanking but they aren't nailed to a cross on that role. Mercy can't do damage. MS that have healing abilities can
Dash and run system in Gundam is pretty good and leaves room to outplay people
Game is a bit rough and could use a lot more polish but it's execution is a lot better than overwatch. Some balancing is a bit odd/bad

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why is NA so free? are Asia players really that much better?

I'm sad that it's ending. Legitimately had a ton of fun with this game. The only things that killed my enjoyment were Barbatos faggot and the overpowered sniper rifle.
It's too easy to get headshots in this to allow a 1 shot kill on most suits.

It does not do that much damage. It's like 1/4 hp on most suits. He's ok, but needs some buffs. Should have a bigger magazine, and maybe a little more health.

nevermind its fun

good you deserve it for being a sniper faggot. It doesn't even take skill to snipe in this game

>we lived long enough to see a competent modern Gundam shooter

what a time to be alive

You know there is a character called "GM" and not just "GM Sniper" right?

The other GM.

Oh right, the shield guy. Alright, carry on.

idk man, kizuna 2 is more fun and bandai should've just ported it instead of making evo.

Gundambros we won
Xqc said that the game is better than the OW2 Beta

nigga its fucking worse than overwatch. HOW

If anything, Hambrabi would replace Marasai.
Literally uses the exact same armaments.

I didn't play the playtest, but from what I keep reading, it's the same meta pick queue cancer that Overwatch was. I just assume it's going to release near Overwatch 2, we'll get a day or two of people calling each other's games shit, and then they'll both die since they're a style of game with an oversaturated market that nobody asked for to begin with.