Any other anons finally get their Q2 orders in today?

Any other anons finally get their Q2 orders in today?

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Had something better since last september

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Getting mine Friday

>tfw still have to wait for the END of Q2

I got this last 7 hours. I can't wait for my baby

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I ordered thursday and paid for it and it still says shipping soon wtf valve and now there's a storm on the way wednesday.

You might get it this Thursday.

Based. Schizo chink poster malding

I've had mine and haven't used it. What games should I play?

>only 72 hours to pay
this is going to stress me out

why the fuck do people buy this, do you really go enough places to need a portable? you're not just buying this because it's new, right user?????

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seethe. Switch sold millions. Gameboy, DS sold millions, so, fucking obviously yes.

Your becoming a Apple customer for another company, a company that doesn't care or updates their devices.

I might go outside some day. Maybe

its a fun toy. that's essentially all that video games are, and this one lets you play them in bed or while shitting, both of which are very comfy experiences.

doesn't matter open source

if im going on a long trip I take a laptop, otherwise I cant settle enough into a game unless I have at least an hour or two.

I dont get mobile gaming.

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Got my order in on thursday. Hopefully it arrives this week.

I already sold mine for twice the msrp to dumb anons in the discord. It couldn't even run the Mario Odyssey SD card thing I bought for it, fucking stupid.

a company that doesn't care or updates their devices.
they still support my SC,stop pretending you know what you're talking about.

who cares about you? You're a statistical anomaly and irrelevant with your alienware gaming laptop. Most people are happy with a tablet or their phone or a switch. The Steam Deck tries to fill a niche between something like the switch and a PC.

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I’m buying it because I’m a fuckong game hobbiest, not some tourist casual that clods their way through one or two AAA trash climatic ‘game’ per year. So, you’ll never understand.


Sent from my iPhone 13 Pro Max

Casuals are an unprecedented form of cancer. The first step to ridding the world of cancer is to first rid the world of casuals — user

give me one single situation you have enough time to get into a game on a steam deck in public, and not look like a gigantic manchild

Braindead consoomers

>actually cares what a bunch of random strangers, who have zero impact on his life, thinks
>can’t even imagine not all games are deep stories RPGs
Are you even trying?


If I see you wagglin around your piss deck in public I'm hammer fisting that shit down to the concrete and throwing $600 cash in your face.

Maybe you just stop being poor.

Q2. No email yet.
I hope to get it before the month's over so I can take it on my upcoming flight.

you have failed to answer the challenged question user, try again sweatie

I already have superior PCs, thanks though.

But I don't own a switch or a console.

No you won’t. Why do come to the internet and touch-guy-larp?

1) stuck at the cabin
2) long road trip
3) going to toilet
4) play in back yard on nice summer day while watching my bees collect honey
5) sit at the back of kids school concert with bluetooth headphones on

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Because you're poor

Fight me, faggot

yeah I'm sure you go around destroying other peoples property. I'm sure you go outside.

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Norm died. From cancer.

just paid for mine, hopefully it comes wednesday/thursday, the one advantage of living in jew york is everything ships from either here or california

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He must have been a casual

sometimes just constantly sitting on the chair in front of the pc gets tiresome. i wish i could be gaming while in bed instead would've neat to have a deck just for that reason. i dont have one of them fancy bed tables to get my laptop on either.

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1: you're at a cabin, why the fuck are you playing a steam deck? go fuck your bitch
2: you're driving retard
3: this is what phones are for. You're telling me it takes you longer than 10 minutes to lay a log???
4: a laptop would serve this better
5: great dad material right here, not even paying attention to their kids concert would rather play WAHOOOOO BA-DING YOU SAVED THE PRINCESS!!!

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Oh I have a good income and property but why would I waste money on shit products? Is this blind obsession to spend on bullshit an american concept?

My reservation got moved to after Oct 22. Pretty annoying since it has said Q2 22 since I reserved it.

Try that motherfucker I'll shoot you and claim self defense.

You should probably call your doctor, I think your HRT is causing serious mood swings in you.

shut up nigger

Nah. These last months have been brutal to my bank account and the longer back I am in the queue, the (probably) better

What is that?

Calm down, Jenny. This is 2022, transgenders have no reason to hide in the shadows now. You should be happy instead of mad all the time. Call your doctor, seriously. I don’t you 41%’ing on us.

It’s trash. It’s some chink shit with horrid specs.

is this what it's like to be an NPC? you just call everyone a tranny and in your mind, this means you win? faggot.

I know how the word “tranny” is derogatory and insulting to people like you. That’s why I used the word “transgender.” I know you’re going through a lot and all of us here on Yea Forums are here for you. But, you have to calm down.

whatever you say faggot, keep making an utter fool of yourself

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>1: you're at a cabin, why the fuck are you playing a steam deck? go fuck your bitch
I've got solitude and nature I may as well take advantage
>2: you're driving retard
Not necessarily. Depends on the vehicle and the trip really. To the cabin, yes probably. Other trips, who knows.
>3: this is what phones are for. You're telling me it takes you longer than 10 minutes to lay a log???
If I'm obsessed with a game like Elden Ring I'm going to keep playing it with all the time I can.
>4: a laptop would serve this better
No it wouldn't.
>5: great dad material right here, not even paying attention to their kids concert would rather play WAHOOOOO BA-DING YOU SAVED THE PRINCESS!!!
You've clearly never attended one of these events. You go there, you watch YOUR kid do his thing, then you have to sit there for the rest of the stupid kids to do their performance. Why should I care about some other parents kids?

Why are you asking random people on the internet for advice?

Tough guy here

it's just a dumb pointless purchase desu, a laptop does it better, a PC does it best.

It's consoomer shit that has little to no purpose, outside of tricking you into buying yet another electronic instead of something useful, like a firearm

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You are really mad it seems. Let’s talk this out. Let’s start with your birth name… is it Jerry? Keith? Bruce? Then tell us your “real” name. Is it Jenny? Cynthia? Barbara?

>worse than my desktop
>worse than my laptop
>worse than my switch

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>the one advantage
and the disadvantages?

ask your mom I fucked her in the ass and left her on read, tell her i decided not to loan her the money

Man, why the fuck do you get so anal about what other people buy?
>a laptop does it better
You can't play videogames on a laptop the same you can on a handheld, a desktop much less so.
>>why do plp buy switch if a ps5 does it better11?
People like handhelds, get over it

A laptop offers infinitely better utility, specs, and is cheaper to boot.

Ahh yes. She did tell me a story about you. Said you were really small and had a hard time getting hard. She also said you broke down crying because of your gender identity crisis. Poor thing. Don’t worry about the money, we got it covered!

>carrying around a fucking laptop
Bet you’re a windows cuck too.