3x3 thread

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Waiting for some chud to put Elden Ring on his 3x3.

mines still a work in progress

I also found twilight princess to be really boring, midna aside.

If that's the first portal then good taste

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2/4 +morrowind, suikoden - edgy zelda, dmc
2/3 + platinum, aa -super vertigo
1/2 + hk -re4

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wish you faggots would put this in the OP more, otherwise you'll see nothing but the same people

>to make the 3x3: www.befunky.com/create/collage/
>rating system is liked/played, ie 5/9 means you liked 5 of the 9 you played
>to make a 4x4 or greater, see the .webm

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+ + -
+ / +
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+ + +
+ + +
As always, great art picks.
+ + -
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+ / +
+ + /

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So is this where you seek each other's approval of your gaming taste or some kind of similar faggy deal?

Can someone explain the plus/minus thing people comment with in these threads? I just like seeing what games people like and complementing their tastes but I don't want to disrupt something you guys do if there's a system in place

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I think it's just:
+ played and liked
- played and dislike
/ didn't play
mapped to the 3x3 pattern of the quoted image. Not that hard to figure out.

+ just means they liked whatever games they mention, - is disliked, ~ means half-like
so for example, 1/2 + BB, - NV
if they do it like
- - -
+ + +
- - -
that just means they like all 3 in the middle row

Thank you both. Very kind of you.

The most polite user I met today.

Thank you. I hope some people end up rating mine or just wanting to talk about it. I included the specific console versions of the ones I prefer where it matters like RE4 or Dead Rising as well

honestly I only post here to look for indirect recommendations and also occasionally discuss vidya

2/7 + BB, NV, - PM64, AC, RE4, SMG, Cuphead
try Dragon's Dogma, LISA: The Painful, Vanquish, Bug Fables, Maximo: Ghosts to Glory, Metroid Prime, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Alien Soldier if you're fine with retro (boss rush game similar to Cuphead)

Great list. Love DD, Bug Fables and Prime so I will give these all a shot


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2.5/3 +Fallout New Vegas, +Dead Space, ~Cuphead

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4/4 +DMC3, Morrowind, FF8, Vanquish
Laguna is the best FF character
6/6 +SMG, New Vegas, KH2, T&T, Portal, Bioshock
5/6 +DaS, DeS, RE4, Rain World, DKC2, -HK
6/6 +KSSU, SA1, SMB2, SMS, MKDD, MM4
8/8 +Death Stranding, NieR, RDR2, FF8, P4G, RE4, Deadly Premonition, KOTOR 2
I'm playing FF6 for the first time now so afterwards I'll most likely play FFX
6/6 +BB, PM64, RE4, SMG, New Vegas, Dead Space
Never played the GameCube Animal Crossing even though I loved Wild World and New Leaf. Think I should give it a shot? Also insanely based for RE4 on Wii.

Attached: Vidya 3x3.jpg (3264x3264, 3.7M)

You and I would get along very well.
God DAMN what a list. And absolutely. I still have my over 20 years old original AC save file and have it backed up on my computer. It's amazing.

+ Vanquish, Morrowing

+ Galaxy, Portal
~ Halo, Platinum
- KH, Bioshock

Bully, MML, Johto

+ RE4
~ Chaos Theory
- Dishonored, RDR, Persona, all FFs

+ Dark Souls, DKC2

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you prefer AM2R over the other 2D ones? curious as to why, haven't played it yet, waiting for 2.0
4/7 + LISA, Katana, NV, VtMB, - Fallout, HL, Disco
would recommend Planescape EE


+ + /
+ + +
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- + +
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+++ + /
+ + +
+ + +
Hope you're liking VI, and I definitely hope you like X.
I use bighugelabs.com/mosaic.php

+ + -
+ - +
+ + +

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dangerously based

/ / /
/ + /
/ / +

...on HRT!

I always struggle with starting Planescape, but i saw some build recommendations, once i finish playing with the Might and Magic series i will give it another try, i really want to like that game.
As for my preference of AM2R over the other ones, it stems from the fact that i replayed for more than 10 years zero mission and fusion and their issues are very bothersome to me now, especially from a performance perspective since i emulate them, AM2R runs smoothly being a native PC game and the controls are more akin to the GBA era games which i started with so the typical metroid fan problem arises for me and super metroid gets a little difficult for me to enjoy. But anyway, AM2R represents the middle road, it has some issues, namely the robot section where you need to grab a supermissile like in a crane game, but it doesn't have a very linear map, if i remember correctly you can even turn off the lava, do randomizers, the movement of the gba titles, no dialogue from obnoxious AI's, no chozo statues. And when i always wanted to live the experience of killing all the metroids in 2 since i was 8 years old, but couldn't get into the original one (still trying to this day).

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morrowind is 100% nostalgia.
I'm sorry

but i started playing Morrowind last year and i love it

I really hope the dlc for katana 0 comes out soon

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no you don't
Source: me I said so :)


appreciate the reply. and yeah just pump WIS INT and CHA as high as they'll go and become a mage when you get the opportunity
those are listed in order of importance relating to how much dialogue they'll give you, WIS is important early on since it boosts xp gain
the other stats don't really matter since combat is easy and barely prominent

don't remind me bro, i've been waiting for it almots 2 years now, the pain is real

me with the cuphead DLC

thank you for the tip, i'm eager to finally play it, and discuss it here, is hard not to read the threads for this game aah

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>Max Payne 2
did you see they are fully remaking them? exciting

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Heard about it yeah. Not really into remakes though.

I tried to get bring back KFC and Levi's in Crazy Taxi trending on Twitter but it didn't work

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9/9 kino well done
based grandpa

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Outer wilds is the GOAT, only recently started Tunic but liking it so far

2/2 Bloodborne is amazing, really enjoyed my time with Dead Space too

2/2 P4 was the least favorite of 3,4,5 for me, but still fun
3/3, top row is pretty good

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based monster hunter enjoyer

t. 26 year old boomer

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Hell yeah dude. Unfortunately World and Rise never caught me the same way FU/4U did. I have like 1700 hours in those two games combined while I felt done with Rise after like 100

Each new one you play sucks you in less. I also haven't gotten much out of Rise.

I blame infinite restocking and scaling G rank. I miss the days of running out of potions and living off of herbs and shit in the field in order to get a 45 min kill on G rank 4 horns solo, THAT was fun.

+ + /
+ + +
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Most rounded taste I've seen

+ / +
/ - /
- - /
I don't think I like you

/ + +
/ + /
+ / /
I sense smug

- - /
/ / /
+ + /
I wish I had your tastes

+ / /
/ / -
/ + +
Barely know what im looking at.

+ + /
- + +
/ + +
I feel like I know what kind of person you are

+ + /
+ / /
+ / +
You're invited over

/ - /
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/ - /
I'm sorry

/ / /
+ / +
/ + /
What a comfy guy

/ / +
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/ / /
This is the first time where I don't know if I believe someone.

+ + /
+ + +
+ + +
You're a fucking loser, we should hang out.

- - -
+ / /
+ + -
You have good taste I just can't get into anything even mmo lite.

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this but unironically
as much as I love wirebugs for the diverse movesets, they make the game way too fucking easy as well
I draw the line at bringing back hot+cold drinks though
>You're a fucking loser, we should hang out.
love you too user, 4/5

MGR represents all of Metal Gear.

Games with a lot of text are always good

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extremely based

I played TF2 again recently and I decided to play community servers instead of quickplay to evade the bot problem Valve couldn't give less of a fuck about and I kinda fell back in love with it. No game out there feels this good to play. Playing Scout on Harvest is absolute joy is like crack.
+Max Payne 2. It's not my favorite but it's good to see the franchise get respect.
gen 2 remakes are probably my favorite Pokemon games too. Battlefront II is a truly cultured pick. I played that game for probably thousands of hours. I think Kashyyk and Kamino were my favorite maps. Lynn Emblem is also a sterling choice.
You're the type of person who perfers the finer things in life. I can tell.
I don't know enough about most of these games to give a proper response, but Alan Wake is a rare pic. It's been a big year for Remedy. Can't wait to see them tackle horror for the first time.

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what is the game in the top right?

ZTD>VLR and V3>Dr2. If I saw you on the street I'd beat the shit out of you

The House in fata morgana. Only good visual novel in existence

You're about to catch some hands user, single solitary snail style
TF2 has endless content, everytime I go back I fall in love with a new class. 12/16, nice to see people admit LiS is very good.

how long did it take you to make a chart that nice?

god I fucking love hotel dusk

Me and my friend would do the same rotation of maps every week in bf2 on splitscreen and had so much fun. Corsucant was my favorite map since i could get darth maul on confederacy side. Hoth hunt was also a blast with the wampa

Now THAT's a hot take; I couldn't even finish ZTD and I loved VLR, and the only thing V3 does better than Dr2 is the OST.

Decided to only pick from games I played in the last year so it's not just all-time

12/16, can't agree with Bloodrayne or LiS but anything by Love-de-lic is based

9/9 hotel dusk fans have good taste

1/9, I liked Def Jam at least

7/9, underrail is kino

4/4, best in thread for maximo, crazy taxi and AC3

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ZTD is just janky and too western, still funny though.
I'll agree V3 has the best OST. My favourite track is still this though, which is technically DR1.


Funny you choose both games that sporadically shit the bed and loose control near the end. I think you just like chaos.
I have a game for you.

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I hope they re-release Hard Corps: Uprising at some point, would be a shame if it it stays on PS3/360 forever.

Stranger of Paradise arguably peaks toward the end though.

It comes more from a hatred of VLR than a love of ZTD. VLR bored me to death and disappointed me with the ending, at least ztd was hilarious. Fucking eric and carlos man.

As for V3, I think danganronpa sucks so it was nice to play a game that agreed with me.