Why isn't Frida happy with her?

Why isn't Frida happy with her?
Must be a woman thing

Attached: DP 78.jpg (1920x1080, 587.44K)

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video games

thats a puffy vagina

I want to rape ;_;

What Game?


yes, game

Attached: DP 18.jpg (1920x1080, 547.71K)

the artist is problematic

Is it back on the switch?

I dunno, I'm playing PC version

I love video games so much bros.

>yandex search gives me vtuber whores
Duel Princess.

What does her butthole taste like?

>Perfectly plump pussy
>goes for asshole

id like to make out with it for myself and see

Is this the Donadona artist

Attached: 1642764259777.jpg (1280x720, 120.55K)

different artist

Attached: DP 33.jpg (1920x1080, 814.55K)

What tag do I search to get more intricate detailed panties?

Probably shit

not enough minor detail so no

>Censoring the word "heck"
This shit has gone too far

i think its supposed to be a sound autistic chuni's make instead of censoring the word heck.

it's a scoff.

donadona seems to popularized the colour style and use of screentone

Wasn't this shit banned from everything?

What was Eleonora's endgame?

It's on unrated PC storefronts like DLSite. It will also return to the Switch eShop at some point according to the developers.

to own Frida completely
too bad this game stops before getting into grimdark territory even tho all rstories are pretty much alternate timelines
it was funny when Frida's campaign had a reference to something that happened in Eleonora's campaign tho

given how long it's been, I wouldn't be surprised if they've been heavily modifying certain things for the Switch version to be able to get back on there

planned but no ETA twitter.com/qureate/status/1509133662910283781

does the game have some hardcore stuff?

outside of the sexy stuff, it's pretty much a lighthearted comedy cute women do cute things game
it's nice to play when you can't fap or not looking to fap currently

Other games with /ll/?

don't really know much about that genre

Did we ever find out why this game got banned on the Eshop?

I thought it was a hiccup.

nope, but after playing it, I seriously think it was this line because it directly talks about sex

Attached: DP 64.jpg (1920x1080, 860.85K)

Damn, who's the artist?

what the fuck is the point when there aren't even nipples in this game? god the art is so good too, it's so disappointing

There are lots of games on Switch that directly mention and even (partially) show sex.

it's just cheesecake fanservice as a reward for getting through the gameplay

>cheesecake fanservice

>sees girl butthole
>thinks of men

yea but in this one the dialogue keeps dancing around having to mention it and then they just casually drop this line and blurt it out like that

just like dungeon traveller and utawaremono, the artist is soo good at drawing lewds made me wish its an eroge instead

Is it good?

you know, like those bikini and lingerie pinups in old magazines

it's good. not great, but good enough.

Were they in cooking magazines?

That is baby steps compared to Witcher 3 (also on switch).

Is it enough to get me coom tho?

Can't say. Depends on what you coom to, I guess
kids have fapped to less tho
dunno about that

eh maybe ill try playing it later, hope its horny enough since there's no new eroge

I just like seeing what each character's story is about and being able to try out the new cards that get added for each of them and playing a deck based on those

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Attached: 1643430125127.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)


it's weird that those pointy brown rock things on the top-right aren't visible in her normal portrait

Same dev has made plenty of porn games already, this was their attempt at something slightly more mainstream

Not a tag, but a pool: Exquisite Underwear

Attached: buddha-face.jpg (2225x1252, 280.46K)


thats a penis

like poop and sweat

why did this get taken off the eShop again

Is the gameplay any good?