>Dorothea...we couldn't possibly...what if Rhea or Seteth found out?
Fire Emblem
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Why is he so hot?
I love my wife Bernie!
the cutesythea
He looks like he just needs a little estrogen and he would make for a beautiful femboy.
Corrin can give him some pointers.
I hate you zoomer niggers for ruining FE forever. FE was once an SRPG first and an ironic zoomer weeb dating sim second.
It's just a game. Calm your tits.
And now the game is literally impossible to discuss here because you would rather post about waifus than gameplay
Waifufaggotry has always been part of Fire Emblem. Always. They just went from being written like women's romance novels to being written like tokimeki memorial.
>Waifufaggotry has always been part of Fire Emblem. Always
Not nearly to this extent and you know it. It got way worse with the 3DS games and now has exploded to be entirely about waifus with 3 houses
Lrn2 spot a waifu thread and don't go into it faggot
>He doesn't know about Lyn
Based cutesithea poster
>same age as petra
Actually Petra is aged different due to her people having a different calendar than Fodlan.
epic lore
das rite
>inb4 vocaroo of her saying "shut the fuck up"
To be fair, he wasn't even saying it never had waifufaggotory. Just that it was second to the actual srpg elements. 3H has a lot of poorly implemented persona-esque social crap, but is also one of the least strategic games in the series, if not the absolute least. That's the issue.
I love Byleth so much
I gave you variety.
>going for Whorothea and not best girl
>tfw no savage third world gf
Shit, just like LySHIThea.
neck yourself
i think they just feed those savages differently
who's the hag
Thing is that FE did take from popular manga and anime in those days like they do now, but whats different is that in those days it was more fantasy and action oriented material while now it very generic romantic-comedy anime shit.
Like compare the cast of FE7 and Awakening, two different worlds.
t. Edelgard
Femleth can't sex Petra unfortunately.
We'll have discussions soon enough when Three Hope drops(for better or worse).
He is pretty cool. Goes to saunas with his students and shit
It'll be for the worst honestly since barely anybody here actually cares about musou, it'll just be an excuse to post more 3H threads and shit on Edelgard.
>marika is the only one that wants a loving husband and doesn't degrade you or treat you like shit
>loves cars and is a happy person
>mc readily gobbles up piss and shit but treats marika like a disgusting freak for having a dick
>only 2 scenes with the dick out and hours of scenes with consuming piss and shit
what a goddamn waste of good art and character
why can't the japs do anything right?
She can in my mind
elden chads...
i'm in act 2 for the first time and didn't spoil the game for myself, so i'm discovering that I have to kill enemies I didn't invest time and friendship into in act 1. I don't know if I can keep playing this game now, resto in peso Ignatz :,
>>mc readily gobbles up piss and shit but treats marika like a disgusting freak for having a dick
>>only 2 scenes with the dick out and hours of scenes with consuming piss and shit
WTF time out
>but treats marika like a disgusting freak for having a dick
Nigga I would too. Trannies are freaks.
No one will give a shit about gameplay, but there will probably lots of posting about how they fuck the story up this time.
I don't get why she can sex Whorothea but not Femleth.
You haven't played the game but you have a fanart saved on your PC?
The good news is that this game looks so fucking retarded that 3H looks face from getting cheapened... for now.
...I don't remember the shit eating part when I played ER.
>but is also one of the least strategic games in the series, if not the absolute least
What turn count did you finish your playthrough with?
>"Dimitri eats this? Is he cannibal? Smell bad."
Does the Edelboo also freeze in embarrassment when you stare at her?
>there is a legitimate chance we can romance Femleth in Three Hopes
Nah, she's just around to bother dimitri when he is having sex with frogleth
Dorothea is canonically an enbarr bicycle
only for Byleth. she stares right at Dimitri's eyes for the rest of his life.
Based Marika enjoyer
>Fire Emblem thread on Yea Forums
>3h shit
>3h shit
>3h shit
Holy fuck. Where's the classic FE discussion?
It's dead jim
>Awakening is a decade old
It is Classic FE now.
Yes, it's dead too
i like the characters, i'm 100hrs in already and i'm fighting claude in act 2 right now
cute tactician!
>Edelgard gets to eat that daily
it's not fair, bros.
homos leave
>edelghost watches dimitri as he fucks
>sothis watches byleth as he gets fucked
that's some common ground I guess
I want Dimitri to inject me with his babies so bad
it's the women, user
Nonsense, I follow but the most perceptive of examples
Mercie is back!
Meanwhile in dimitri's mind