can someone explain to me the appeal of speedrunning? where's the fun in abusing broken exploits to get to the end of the game immediately without experiencing the game's content?
Can someone explain to me the appeal of speedrunning...
seeing the folk that take part in it, it becomes clear there's some sort of mental illness involved
Well all speedrunners already experienced the games content normally first, so anything they do after that such as finding glitches and breaking it really has no relation to experiencing the content or not. It’s just neat to see what kind of bullshit is possible
If youre speedrunning you didnt beat the game
>can someone explain to me the appeal of speedrunning?
The same as the appeal of any game, only with more skill and competition involved (which in turn provides more incentnive to improve at the game and explore its mechanics).
>broken exploits
So what?
Combos in SF2, which went on to become a staple of fighting/action games, were a glitch/exploit.
Air juggling in Onimusha which led to the creation of DMC was a exploit.
Unless you're talking extreme cases like OoT any% where they literally skip the game, which represents less than 0.000001% of speedruns, thats a different topic, but even then there are other categories to play
Doing the same thing repeatedly and making small optimizations is very calming. It also provides a community of likeminded individuals for people who know nothing but isolation.
A new more-challenging game derived from a game you already like. I don't get how it's so hard to understand.
some games are meant to be spedrun like resident evil though
What's the appeal of bowling? Sprinting? Golf? Guitar Hero?
It's all just a competition for a high score. That's it. What don't you understand?
i think it's entertaining to watch someone break a game and use every exploit available. however i couldn't imagine actually being the guy who spends his entire day doing these runs over and over to get a better time, it would be boring as shit.
i speedrun so Yea Forumsirgins can obsess about me
I think it's just people's competitive instinct to find/make one when there isn't an outlet available regarding the circumstances and/or skillsets
Speedrunners usually pick a game they already know very well and enjoyed from previous playthroughs, and have likely already experienced the full contents of.
"Doing everything" is usually it's own category of speedrun.
speedrunning is done by people who have already experienced the game, so they aren't really missing out. by exploiting the game you can sometimes gain more appreciation for the game because exploiting makes a lot of the underlying mechanics more apparent. its fun for the same reason racing is fun, why drive so fast when you could be taking in the scenery on the side of the road?
Do you genuinely think speedrunners haven't done a normal playthrough first?
>abusing broken exploits to get to the end of the game immediately without experiencing the game's content
I think most speedrunners play the game normally, not knowing about tricks like that during the first play through. I am in no way a speedrunner or skilled but I like to replay early Halo games and trying to beat my own time record. Watching some games being speedrunned can be pretty interesting to watch if it's a good game to speedrun with lots of tricks, skill involved.
beating it as fast as possible for fun
>where's the fun in abusing broken exploits to get to the end of the game immediately without experiencing the game's content?
they already experienced it. people don't open up the game and speedrun it
The new breed of speedrunners? A lot of them haven't. They are looking for games that are decent for speedrunning specifically and have not necessarily played the game normally.
I can see the point if youre the #1 or #2 and can get lots of views on YT/twitch doing that, I guess.
Why the fuck would someone bother doing that if they cant monetize it successfully is beyond me, its like the most boring braindead thing imaginable.
I'm going to assume that a recurring Yea Forums autist (probably south american) latched onto him for some retarded reason and is reposting these speedrun threads to give the speed autist more audience.
I only watch speed runs and challenge runs of survival horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill. For me, it's watching a game I like be played expertly with zero fuck ups or played under hard circumstances. Like knife only, no damage runs of Resident Evil and shit. CarcinogenSDA is great if you want to see that. His commentary is mostly focused on the game and he also uploads no commentary versions if you don't want to listen to an autist speak
Yeah wtf is up with this retarded spam lately
Dist is so hot bros...
Oh boy, a speedrun! I can't wait to see masterful gameplay and insane strats.
>runner glitches out of bounds and skips 80% of the game
I hate speedrunning and eceleb zoomer faggotry, but you are legitimately a woman if you can't understand the appeal.
It's fun to test things, to push yourself to a limit and surpass it.
And then a new skip is discovered and all previous effort is erased
i have to disagree
what phenotype is this?
Why does OP keep posting that ugly little manlet? Ela is the better speedrunner.
It helps trannies forget that they'll never be a woman
Literally autism
Speedruns only have appeal in the first place because seeing skilled people playing games is interesting. Everyone likes to see someone destroying something that is difficult and requires a lot of skill and training.
Unfortunately as the focus is on making the shortest time inevitably things start to degenerate to autistic people breaking the laws of physics inside the games rather than masters demonstrating their skill.
Autism and also a ploy to retain viewers on livestreams because of the repetition.
>wastes 15 seconds exiting out to save 2 seconds because of a door opening animation
man just deduct 2 seconds of your time jesus christ what is this autism
There isn't any, its just the casual appeal of seeing something done fast and nothing else. It certainly isn't entertaining to watch otherwise, its fucking boring and takes all the joy out of the experience.
he'd look normal if he lost 40 lbs
The only actual skillful elite gamers are the ones playing Fromsoft games anyway so yeah speedrunners are clowns
Some people enjoy playing the same game over and over. There's a degree of comfort in playing a game and knowing where to go and what to do. And some people enjoy watching others play a game at a really high level of skill. As to why trannies seem to congregate in speedrunning "communities", god only knows. I imagine it ties in with some kind of low level autism. Autists love planning things out and doing things "properly".
What's with the dist hate recently? He's a cool dude that just wants to go fast.
He's making their FOTM normalfag open-world game look goofy and poorly-programmed by beating it in 10 minutes, as if the 10 hit boss strings and visible input reading wasn't showing that already
someone said he looks like dungeater so now it's open season i guess
High functioning autism and a community that sees the repetition as a psychological safety blanket. I'm not trashing it btw, I think it's good for people to be soothed by whatever floats their boat.
It's also a nice quarantine zone for an awful lot of trannies. If you just avoid speedrunning, you can avoid a ton of video game related tranny shit.
He's actually not a cool dude and is kind of a salty bitch. But I think the hate is mostly coming from soijacks that keep shilling him here (e-celeb posting).
Are the trannies in the room with you right now, user?
Lot of people posting dist lately. Kinda weird, but hey, whatever.
I don't speedrun games, but I do find it fascinating from a game design perspective.
You have no talent
One is replying to me in this thread if that counts.
It seems to be ERkiddies who are mad at the game having as quick a run. It's not happening for any of the other hundreds of speedgames out there
I hope you realize this kind of insane obsession isn't normal or healthy user.
>It seems to be ERkiddies who are mad at the game having as quick a run.
I don't get this. How does him beating the game like this affect their time with it? I can say that the run may be boring from a viewer standpoint, but that doesn't touch my experience with the game.
I only see him salty when people ask him dumb fucking questions that would get them permanently banned in another stoner's stream instantly.
>Speedrun trannies have Elden Ring living rent free in their biologically male heads
Autism. It's literally autism
>Thing you enjoy gets ruined by a distinct demographic
>You're not allowed to complain about said demographic, otherwise you're just obsessed
Yeah shut up.
He actually runs a fairly tight knit channel and will ban you if you make fun of him or say he's boring. He has very thin skin, but that seems to be par for the course for speedrunners.
Explain why there are two threads shittalking Distortion on the board that happen to be at the same time as ER having 30+ threads up constantly, and Dist getting a sub 9, without admittting that it's ERkiddie autism
You can't, because that's why this thread exists.
You are literally proving my point you obsessed freak. You're as bad as they are when they whine about muh cishets being behind everything bad.
>why do people compete in video games?!?
what a stupid question.
whats the appeal of posting on Yea Forums its just speedrunning version of reddit for degenerates
>noooooo there are Elden Ring threads up so that MUST mean Elden Ring fans are wasting their time shitting on some literally who speedrunner tranny
You mentally ill subhumans are really something else.
literal autism
autists love repetition just playing the same game endlessly to prefection
bawk is the only speedrunner worth watching because he doesn't go full autistic and nerd rage over shit. he never sticks with a single game for too long either aside from re3.
Why would you go into a person's stream and call them boring or make fun of them and NOT expect to get banned? Are you retarded? The only people who wouldn't are big streamers who are too busy filling their chat blacklist with 10,000 variations of nigger and don't have time to care about a literal nobody calling them boring.
Your projection doesn't remove the fact this thread was made because Dist beat ER in less than 9 minutes. If you think that makes the game look bad, that's on you.
How autistic do you have to be, to not understand the appeal of speedrunning ?
Its really not that complex.
Why are you pretending it's okay to seethe over light hearted humour? He literally bans people for posting "COPIUM" when he's in a bad mood. Look at ela's stream. The dude takes it in stride when chat makes fun of him for fucking up. And that's why he has a bigger more positive community.
Bawk is pretty good. I like CarcinogenSDA too. I tend to prefer that latter's videos because the commentary is focused and helpful if you're playing the games yourself
The "community" will just vote to ban the major glitches making such fast runs possible. Simple as.
Kinda neat of From to include him in their game though
>Your projection doesn't remove the fact this thread was made because Dist beat ER in less than 9 minutes
>source my gaping tranny ass
Also since I know you trannies are brain retarded, I'm not claiming there's no source for this literally who beating the game in 9 minutes, I'm saying there's no source for your schizophrenic claim that this thread exists because of that other than your delusional paranoia. Stop listening to the voices in your head (unless they're telling you that you will never be a woman)
>speed running
In the real world, banter and ribbing is a sign of a healthy relationship with someone.
your fanbase is butthurt, fromtranny
>doubles down on the schizo sperging despite the thread having nothing to do with Elden Ring
I accept your concession. Rent free btw.
You don't have a relationship with the streamer, user.
in game time is for faggots
real runners only do rta
guy looks like he eats shit.
If a streamer can't take a few jokes from the chat, they probably shouldn't be streaming.
You're a literal nobody to the streamer. What healthy relationship?
Maybe you should just stop shit talking someone who is more talented than you'll ever be? Huh? Ever think about that you little fucking bitch child? Grow the fuck up
Imagine doing something over and over, effortlessly improving by very tiny increments until you are a god on it after thousands of hours. Now imagine doing this with videogames instead of any meaningful artistic or technical subject because you don't have the drive to follow your dreams, and would rather be world recordist for playing a 90s game in a way dozens of people, total, care about.
Also imagine you're planning to ywnbaw and 41% concurrently.
>it's not a mental illness
When it comes to Twitch chat it isn't about individual users, it's about the general chat sentiment. If the streamer fucks up they should expect KEKWs in the chat. Getting assblasted over anything chat says is beyond stupid and honestly pretty immature.
Speed running is fun but this faggot relies on glitches/exploits way too much.
There's a difference between actual jokes and posting
>you're boring
apropos of nothing
If he got mad over spamming salt shaker i could get finding him too prissy
And the speedrunner tranny is a literal nobody in general, what's your point?
this guy tier 3 subs
You have to learn to mentally filter out the bulk of content since most negative comments are worthless anyway. Sorta like scrolling through Yea Forums, knowing that most threads aren't worth anyone's time.
after i finished talos principle i thought i'd look up the speed runs to see how fast people can solve the puzzles, first five seconds "so here's how we abuse an fps glitch to jump over every gate and wall so we won't actually be solving anything in this run...". these people are retarded.
I can't, just like I can't explain the appeal of your parents for not aborting such a useless waste of resources and failure to society.
To each their own I suppose
This. All the best streamers know how to grow thick skin.
Thanks for admitting you've literally never even watched his stream and you're just shitposting. Probably a butthurt Elden Tranny. Grow up retard.