Did they ever patch this game to fix Frank's infinite combos? I never got into Del Boca Vista

Did they ever patch this game to fix Frank's infinite combos? I never got into Del Boca Vista.

Attached: xETMiUZczkDcLmr8YzsoDH-1200-80.jpg (1200x675, 101.74K)

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These pretzel motions are making me thirsty.

Tip: If you play as Kramer, every time you reach into Jerry's cereal cabinet or fridge, you get an item. Infinitely until you max your inventory

seinfeld is unfunny
bland garbage with no gimmick, just a show about nothing with an unlikeable protagonist with 0 character development and most of the episodes just being random conversations about nothing
the most generic sitcom ever made

>Goretech coat armor STILL stupidly OP
Georgefags get all the best gear. Jerry bros are still stuck with the puffy shirt

I always thought that poster behind was Obama

Pro tip: don't anger the soup nazi or he won't sell you any more healing items

>not getting the same buffs but cheaper from Elaine

It’s Kenny Obanya

How do I get George to become leader of the Aryan Brotherhood?

Attached: 1620957863004.gif (780x612, 82.31K)

You wouldn't get it, zoomzoom

Does anyone have the nude mode for Elaine?

Elaine my waifu
>tfw you will never be sponge worthy

input O'Brien as your save file's name


>not abusing his luck stat with the skin colored suit
You're playing George wrong.

Don't forget Jerry's suede coat. Shame it disintegrates in the rain. The embarrassment debuff from wearing it inside out can end your run too though. It can be good but has a high risk

For me, it's Trailer Park Boys.


Did you accept the space pen? Del Boca Vista is undoable if you did.

Is the festivus event still going on? Also did the ever buff Newman’s mail truck?


How does Seinfeld filter so many mouthbreathers?

>I'm not playing against Kramer, Jerry, he's probably a masher!
>What? Kramer doesn't mash.
>I'm telling you he mashes! I got the whole game planned out and everything right? I know the hadokens, the tatsus, the whole shebang! And then he just comes in with his low tier and he just starts mashing! I know these kinds of people when I see them Jerr!
>You're crazy George, you just need to get your punishes in order and you'll be fine even if he was.
*Door flies open, Kramer slides in*
>So uhh, what are you guys talking about?
>We were discussing Street Fighter, but Georgie here thinks you can't play.
*George throws up his hands and goes to sit on the couch*
>Ya know Jerr, I used to place pretty high at most tournaments I went to. Got the top in Evo and everything back in the day.
>Did you now? Are your fundamentals that good?
>Oh no, I just mash.

What's the fastest way to get back to the car? My goldfish always dies and Jerry and Kramer max out their pee meter and get lost.

You have to clip into the security office first, that puts you closer to the car. Be sure to keep the TV with you as it’s hard to clip in with

Jerry has a parking guy.

>Getting the smelly car debuff willingly
Holy shit why

Any buffs to counteract shrinkage?

>in order to max George’s job level you need to do the opposite of what the quest prompt tells you
Cringe or Juno?

>likeable protagonist
>character development
Tell me this is bait without telling me this is bait

I'm waiting for fixing Festivus.
I'ts too long.

Remember to beat the Steinbrenner boss fight you have to main George and use his calzone item. It's a weak point for Steinbrenner

What the fuck is this chick’s name? I keep entering Mulva and get the bad ending. What the fuck am I supposed to do?

Parking guy you fag, not valet guy. Just pay the parking guy and he'll park your car real good.

Her buffs sucks though. Also I can't bring Kramer to trials with me anymore.

Fuck me, Kino

>Try to look up at Elaine's panties

theyre going to nerf this in the next update i heard, only gonna lets you take half a banana or a bite out of an apple

It works if you play Kramer and intentionally mess up your door slide move when Elaine is nearby. It’s really hard to setup though

Did you ever check her closet?

Extremely kino. Feels good to play Chaotic Evil and still have everyone like you.

I'm trying to do the quest where you must pursue George Steinbrenner and get a picture of his face but anytime I get close to him I'm hit with the calamity debuff.
I tried to go buy cures but now my favourite soup vendor became hostile and refuses to serve me. What do I do?

Attached: george.jpg (866x737, 103.18K)

If someone would hypothetically make a MUGEN game out of Seinfeld, what should the hypothetical roster and moveset be?

>Kramer player running the full Jimmy basketball set of armor completely stomps me
How the fuck. I thought George’s Ushanka gave + to evade

>tfw got memed into buying art because i thought it would be worth it
>it does nothing
larry you fucking jew

why do they insist on putting in these maze like parking levels every expansion, does anyone like them?

>get Elaine in your party
>take her to soup nazi store
>watch initial cutscene
Now here’s the trick:
>IMMEDIATELY after, go straight west from the store with her in your party
>select Kramer
>stand in place for 3 hours
>you should see an dresser spawn
>pay the $200
>wait 3 more hours
>Elaine will inspect the dresser and find the soup receipts
>she gives you them for free
Just watch out for the soup nazi boss fight, he’ll be spawned in the world and chase you.

Need boss battle advice:
How do you beat The Whiz?

>Newman equipped with the Son of Sam mail bag
Too OP, please nerf

Do I invest in the televised opera stock?

this is not bait

>playing as George
>see healing item that glitched into the trash
>pick it up
>NPCs all give me the “awkward” debuff

> special boss battle is against a group with all the abilities of your party

Very kino addition to main game.

>generic sitcom
Yeah, the Beatles are boring because I heard bands they influenced, no cap

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Maybe wishful thinking, might need to be a fan mod, but it would be sweet if there was a meta event where it featured the actors and not the characters. I need a Micheal Richards stand-up level

Attached: laugh_factory.jpg (1400x1050, 124.74K)

This video has the funniest comments section


I love this. More games need to do this.

Is that...BO?
