This game is top fucking tier lads, am about 20 hours in
The music, the æsthetics, the story and voice acting are seriously top notch
And the combat is actually quite fun as well, which i didnt really expect
Strong 8/10 at least for me
13 Sentinels: Aegis rim
Other urls found in this thread:
>13 Sentinels
Still waiting for someone to upload the iso.
But how? Ive had it since like the 6th of this month, is there no leak yet? I honestly have no idea how to do that kind of stuff
does the game have new costumes for the characters like i read?
Visual novels aren't videogames.
troon garbage will flop again lol
I think not my dude
Already outsold the PS4 version 2 to 1
I looked it up, it surpassed 500k in Sept 2021, thats not a flop at all specially for a game like this
This one is like really good, its not like persona 5 where shit is mundane a lot, theres always something going on, and the graphics and music are literally stunning
Visual novels aren't videogames.
>been saying this game is god tier for ages
>hurr tranny hurr hurr durr
>it's out on nintendo consoles
>suddenly whoa guys this game is god tier
Really dude? Really?
Not tranny but yeah... Atlus again fucked up a translation because it "needed" to make it sound more "inclusive". (Same as happened with P5R or Catherina)
Iori is the titty nurse and everything is a simulator
Didn't they fix the line in this version. I'm sure there were changes some one recheck.
NintendoGAF is at it again.
Tendies never cared about censorship
Who cares I can read JP and so can you.
looks generic, what's this about?
Nigga they are the first ones to call you coombrain the moment someone makes threads about a waifu that skipped Switch
theyre all sleeping in pods living in a simulation
What a waste of a Vanillaware game, good thing it bombed so hopefully they won't waste time on similar "games"
Oh wait it's actually out?
>top tier
Same character and everything is a simulation
I don't think a situation where a 2 years late, full-priced port with zero marketing outsold the original release ever happened.
Care to EOPs, of course.
troon game lol
that's too many sentinels, dropped
Ending summary: After finishing the last fight, each of the 13 pilots wake up in the real world as the true nature of their existence is revealed to them. As it turns out, neither the Sentinels nor the alien invasion was real. Or, rather, it never really happened to them in reality
>Say this game is god tier for ages
>Snoys only buy movies, so no one agrees with you because they haven't played it
>Game gets ported to Switch
>Someone else buys it and says it's great
Many such cases
Nice boogeyman but you never allowed Sentinels threads when people who actually bought it for ps4 wanted to talk about it
Also nice way of supporting a troon line and movie game
Nintendofags are not the only ones who are apes though. You see sony fags in this thread posting intentional spoilers just to fuck with other people.
End of the day there is not a single decent person who partakes in console war, regardless of the team they war for.
>>Snoys only buy movies
But I thought 13 Sentinels was a movie? And you always use this excuse
>a-actually snoys never appreciated this game
shitendo ruined another gem....
It's good, but I was a bit disappointed with the gameplay on the story sections. Seeing the flowchart at first I thought it would have more branching paths and shit, but the only interactivity you really have with that part of the game is choosing wha order you see the story in, which it still limits you on anyway, and occasionally having a minor choice that will amount to a short extra scene at most. It's still good, but that part of it let me down.
I don't give a fuck. I never ruin threads of games I can't play yet you faggots ruined every Sentinels thread. Same as when you doomposted SRW threads just because you were mad about people making threads about it
Hmm alright I’ll check it out Op, thanks for the recommendation
Everything was a simulation
What sort of reading comprehension would lead you to believe I'm in any team? I've played the game on ps4 in Japanese and I intend on replaying it on switch. I don't give a fuck about console wars.
I'm saying everyone who partakes in it fucking sucks. It doesn't matter if they wear a blue shirt or a red shirt when they partake. They are all fucking apes.
Bla bla bla spare me from muh neutrality shit. Truth is nobody was allowed to talk about the game so don't cry now for a little payback
I would love if they ported the Muramasa Rebirth from Vita to Switch. Playing from Vita TV was awfull witha ll the blurr (low res textures)
Assmad Snoys are spoiling
Tbf they spoiled the game constantly in the threads ages ago too. The actual culprits are the VNfags that got so mad the game was becoming the number 1 title on VNDB that they completely removed it. Probably the same ones doing the trannyposting that have been in every thread.
The games so good it makes the Muvluv Alternative lads seethe.
Post your ps4
>one fag shills shit port
>other fag pretends there is now mass grassroots consensus that his trannyshit matters
tale as old as time
Why would you want to play such a movie game with a tranny line? Are you saying you support trans rights now?
Don't worry anons I'm saving you from supporting a tranny game
>other peoples are apes so I'm going to be an ape
>gets mad when someone who never partook in any of this shit looks down on you as less than human as if it's not justified
Really do whatever the fuck you want. But know that you're walking garbage for it.
Get fucked, tendie
Based homos in their adult version
That's hilarious
The ones doing the tranny posting were he nintendofaggots until they realized a port was announced
>so assblasted about a port you spoil the game
man Snoys really are petty as shit. I remember similar stuff happened when Death Stranding got released on PC. fucking subhumans.
If a videogame can be ruined by reading a spoiler, it wasn't a videogame worth playing in the first place.
>DS and 13 sentinels released
>anons trying to talk about those games
>games get posted
>wtf censorship and movie games are okay now
It would be as easy as not contradicting yourselves and ruining the threads for people getting the games sooner. Either you hate movie games or not. Have some self criticism for once
>Or, rather, it never really happened to them in reality
Explain. As far as I understand it the alien invasion inside the simulation was the simulation malfunctioning and the real alien invasion happened centuries before.
So I guess snoys are so butthurt about losing yet another game they decided to leak plot points, oh no the horror, they are like a bunch of kids throwing a tantrum lol.
But I thought no one should support Movie games?
So you are admitting those games were good since the beginning and you were only mad when they were un your favorite plataform and thats why you spent years ruining those threads? Good
It's not just moviegames like Death Stranding or 13 Sentinels.
Yea Forums is very vocal about a single line of woke content being enough to condemn a game, only to buy Elden "Body Type A Body Type B" Ring
Nah I don't really buy it. The VNDB base was very butthurt and they don't classify the game as a visual novel at all ever since it started to dethrone all their favorite titles. They actively hate this game and don't want people playing it.
Other sites did a good job documenting the insanity of the situation, you can see the specifics easily with a quick google search.
leak it so i can play it on my Deck
And I will spoil BoTW2, Bayonetta 3 Xenoblade 3 endings when they get leaked too.
Payback for your Shazam spam in Elden Ring threads too
They claimed to have "fixed" some lines. Doesn't mean they removed the troon garbage.
>anyone who points out what a fucking ape I am must be a brainwashed fan of the opposition
You are an ape. Continue to seethe at this fact.
There was no alien invasion. Humanity was extinct because of nanomachine virus or something like that. The kaiju shit was because original Okino was lazy and used an old kaiju tower defense game as the template for the simulation and it bugged out.
>only for this all those tendies hate you
Don't worry user, those who ruined all those Sentinels threads got what they deserved ;)
there were some instances on the ps4 version that everything slowed to a crawl in battles because of all the enemies/projectiles in play, any switchers get to those points, how does it do?
can't wait to emulate it at 60fps
So what is the point of the game then?
So basically the aliens are just bugged simulation content? Why are they even running that simulation in the first place?
Love conquers all and we can restart on another planet
So like Nier?
You are just as low as they were.
the simulation was supposed to teach the clones how to live. They would be in there until they were 18 years old then it would open. because the simulation was glitchy, they had to fight kaiju. They would have been fighting those things forever if they didn't get lucky and have that one ai girl hack the simulation and force it to release them.
Glad you like it OP, I enjoyed it extremely towards the end. Just wish the combat segments were a bit meatier.
>if you kill your enemies they win