>Mastered gravity magic just so he could ride his tiny horse Leonardo who he loves very much, without hurting him
>Fights off Malenia, a hundred of her best knights and the scarlet rot, all while holding a meteor in the sky
>Malenia is forced to give an entire region cancer just to get close to beating him and his army
>Malenia still can't beat him
Safe to say Rahdan won.
Rahdan won
They're both cucks that get bodied by the tarnish.
Radahn died an honourable death, being fought by an entire army at a battle festival.
Malenia died a literal cuck with her shota boyfriend getting his bussy pounded day after day by Mohg the giga chad while you kill her
If the game says it was a draw, then it was a draw
I didn't summon for Rahdan, but I appreciate how the game still has NPCs on the battlefield after, as if you did summon them. Glad I didn't mess up their quests by not summoning.
Sorry, mr. reddit but no
general tranndahn summary:
>can't even do his only job properly and hold "stars", Fallingstar Beasts are still everywhere, fresh craters
>after death all the "stars" fall down, but don't even damage the country, 1 tiny hole that opens path to Nokron is laughable, holds bags of harmless debris in reality
>defeated like a bitch with 0 difficulty offscreen by Morgott, but didn't die and probably ran away like a coward or spared by Morgott
>failed to protect his soldiers, his lands
>failed to protect his wholesome horserino Leonard he cared about the most in his life
>can't defeat a triple amputee blind since birth female warrior x10 smaller than him who fights with only a single sword
>Cleanrot Knights >> tranndahn toy soldiers as we can see in War-Dead Catacombs
>Finlay >>>> entire tranndahn army, also not a single soldier will ever respect tranndahn the same way Finlay respected Malenia
>by far easier boss than Malenia, a baby in comparison, even random NPCs don't afraid to fight him when summoned, only Patches chickens out for comedic effect
>completely loses his mind, his legs and turns into a mumbling nigger after a few minutes of scarlet rot exposure, Malenia literally lives with it for centuries
>eaten and digested by a joke character Alexander after death
>dies like a clown to fall damage despite being le gravity magic master
>can suicide bomb like clown into water during his phase transition
>in boss vs boss NPC battle always jobs to Malenia's 1st phase despite having a free thousands of hp damage from meteor
>much less influential than Malenia, literal who in the lore
>universally liked by redditors, by far the worst fanbase of ER, filled with underages and powerlevel spics who can't stop thinking about Malenia for some reason
>is a warmonger nigger in reality, not a "hero" redditors try to picture him as
Eternal reminder
>joke character Alexander
You take that back. Alexander is a brave and noble warrior.
morgottcucks are pathetic
>wall of text
>dab image
Maleniasisters are getting desperate
>can't even do his only job properly and hold "stars", Fallingstar Beasts are still everywhere, fresh craters
Probably cos he is weak from scarlet hiv?
Lmao retard can't even spell right.
My horserino...Leonardo...I don't feel so good...
True he is based but still a comic relief character.
that was sick...
Ranni says it was a draw, not the game, and my eyes disagree with her.
He fucks his horse.
The game says it's a draw. Numerous times. One of the redmane knights item descriptions say they ripped their crest of their chest after they were defeated by Malenia. Gideon says Radahn fought Malenia to a standstill.
Try playing the game next time instead of watching some titty streamer play it.
I beat Rahdan much earlier in the game so he seems like the weaker of the two
>wojack meme
Upvoted. Should upload on reddit sir.
Radahn is a horsefucker and you know it. Not a single straight sane man would be obssessed with horses so much. So he deserved everything. I hate MLP cancer.
>One of the redmane knights item descriptions say they ripped their crest of their chest after they were defeated by Malenia.
Yes the war was a fought to a standstill but the battle between Malenia and Radahn was clearly his win.
>Gideon says Radahn fought Malenia to a standstill.
Ah yes Gideon the ALL KNOWING. He's never been wrong before right?
>in-game footage
This is Maleniasisters last stand?
Well he was rotted to a husk by the Scarlet rot and fought you while still holding up that meteor. So what you fought is less than a shadow of his former self, and minus three-quarters of that power spent on keeping the meteor up.
>Ah yes Gideon the ALL KNOWING. He's never been wrong before right?
What does that have to do with the draw being IN THE GAME you retard?
>hurr Ranni says it, not the game
>mention a line in the game
>durr gideon a dum
Fucking retard.
it could be any other animal like a dog, and your grim mind wouldn't jump to such conclusions
>No a Knight can't value an animal that has loyally followed him through countless battles. Everyone has to be a horny simp like me.
Ask me how I know you're brown.
Holding up the meteor wasn't an active feat, just a spell bound to his life. Jerren tells the tarnished that Radahn's wits were long gone, so it's not like he was fighting you and keeping the meteor up at the same time.
>What does that have to do with the draw being IN THE GAME you retard?
You said that the game stated it was a draw. Yet all "evidence" to support this fact comes from NPCs that weren't even there to see it occur.
Random NPCs that ARE IN THE GAME
Holy shit, Rahtards are a new level of Fromdrone stupidity.
radahnfags will never recover from this. it will torment them until the end of their days
Where else have we encountered spells bound to life? You're just making shit up now, every spell in-game requires active FP usage to uphold.
radahn won
I would. Anyways horsefuckers are sick. What a faggot.
His wits are gone, sure, but he's still got his core values with him. He still knows how to use his weapons and magic, and he still knows not to hurt Leonard by releasing his gravity magic. Safe to assume he knows to keep that meteor up which he had been holding up for so long.
>He's so weak because of what Malenia did to him
Sounds like she won then
>literally no argument
Jesus Chirst you tranny is hilarious with your coping replies
>i-is t-that all you g-g-got??
>every spell in-game requires active FP usage to uphold.
You have all sorts of incantations to buff your blade that don't require anything past the initial cast. They wear out over time, but also disappear when you die.
>thoughts of people fucking horses living in your head
strange brown boy
>Random NPCs that ARE IN THE GAME
Pease stop getting spoonfed by NPCs user. It wouldn't hurt you to try using your own brain for once. The NPCs in-game are not all-knowing and all of them have their own biases.
reeks of a stealth shazamtroid thread
>sage in the name field
enjoy the holiday
why does ER have a disproportionate amount of reddit characters relative to the other series entries?
Miquella, where is he now?
ez yous per usual
Doesn't fucking matter, they are in the game. The contention is
>Ranni says it was a draw, not the game
Ranni makes mention of the draw in the story trailer. Ofnir mentions it in the game.
>defeated by menstrual blood
Jej, Maleniasisters are even crying at this point.
>They wear out over time
Btfo by your own argument. Doesn't happen everyday.
today was good day for radahn chads
>Doesn't happen everyday.
No shit. Where's the sorcery you can learn to hold le stars in place fuckface?
Wow two NPCs that weren't there for the actual events called it a draw? You believe everything an NPC tells you over your own eyes? Boy do I have a frenzied flame to sell you.
>Where's the sorcery you can learn to hold le stars in place fuckface?
It's called gravity magic, user. You're just bitching because Radahn was better at it than you.
The game doesn't show the fight at all, just the game reveal trailer and the story trailer. By your logic Radahn never 'won' because the fight was never in the game. You read stories about Finlay carrying an unconscious Malenia to the Haligtree but that's all got a biased slant to it.
>It's called gravity magic, user
But which one? Which spell? We have all sorts of gravity magic spells like Rock Sling and Gravity Well, but where is the sorcery you can learn to hold stars in place?
>The game doesn't show the fight at all, just the game reveal trailer and the story trailer.
The trailer was cannon.
>By your logic Radahn never 'won' because the fight was never in the game.
Are you a fucking idiot? Do you seriously not get the difference between seeing somebody punch someone, and being told that somebody punched someone by a person that wasn't even there to witness it?
>Rock Sling and Gravity Well,
Btfo by your own argument again. Next you're going to tell me that Rennalas spells don't exist since the player doesn't have access to it.
>Are you a fucking idiot?
Are you? All we have to go on are stories by NPCs and items, which you claim to be biased and are therefore an unreliable source. If we're to "go with our eyes" to assume who the victor is then the game presents us with an absolutely rot nuked Caelid, a mindrotten Radahn, and a Malenia that's no worse than she was in the trailer. That would make one erroneously assume that Malenia won. But everything in the game outright says the fight was a draw.
>but where is the sorcery you can learn to hold stars in place?
Not him but there are countless spells which appear in all of the souls games, which are used by bosses and important characters and enemies, and are still unobtainable by the player.
At least I assume this is what you are getting at. I assume you are implying the existence of a "hold stars in place" spell is needed to be available to the player. If that is the case you are retarded and are carrying a non-argument.
Sorry MaleniAKS, it's over.
Well you see user, clearly user is implying Godrick doesn't exist because the player can't graft themselves with a hundred arms and cocks.
>Are you? All we have to go on are stories by NPCs and items,
Not in this specific case. We have a cut scenes showing the fight. In other words we know more about the events that occurred in that fight than any living, and sane, character in the game except Malenia.
Radahn literally lost.
No you retard. My point is that there are all sorts of spells the player character doesn't have access to, yet a spell that is tied to an NPC staying alive to function is suddenly
"You're just making shit up now, every spell in-game requires active FP usage to uphold"
You're literally a man.
>No you retard. My point is that there are all sorts of spells the player character doesn't have access to, yet a spell that is tied to an NPC staying alive to function is suddenly
There has been no indication that it's a self sustaining spell. Quit pulling shit out of your ass. Radahn even uses magic in your fight against him.