Game of the season

game of the season

how do you even get past minute 15

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Lean on garlic when you're new, build your skills to the point you realize that garlic is now holding you back.
That was my path anyway.

been playing for 3 hours so far, i think 15 on the spot is my record with the one shooting the diamonds, had just gotten some explosive upgrade then died by a swarm of werewolves, like always

garlic seems to work fairly well, but i don't really know what to do otherwise

Keep at it, don't forget to use your gold to upgrade your stats. Do you know about weapon synergies (picking a weapon and upgrade that match)? Maybe read a little guide on steam. The game is very simple, soon you'll be beating it with your eyes shut.

yeah i've spent some on a few upgrades, the hp regen is really nice
the diamond upgrade is the first i've gotten so not really, i heard in a stream about a whip upgrade too, so just spam one single upgrade?
i should probably read a guide, but i feel it does kill the exploration bit a little

Garlic early on, Runetracer is ridiculous, second map is way easier to 30m than the first
If you really don't want to find them through trial and error, look up item evolutions

alright, sounds good. i tried the second map but holy shit it became a clusterfuck really fast, everything felt twice as fast

garlic gives you early power
other than that, characters with scaling power or scaling projectiles are good

the latest run i did was with the one throwing water everywhere, sucked really bad at first but i also got to 15 minutes with water covering half the screen, but always get trampled at the end

Without the evolution and some upgrades, I don't think water's worth it. What worked for me was books and crosses. Crosses are particularly dirty because you can kind of aim where the return goes, and they just keep going.

the bible? yeah i've used that one a lot, very effective with 4 of them
i did crosses on the last run too, seemed pretty good too when leveled up
it's all so slow in the beginning, desperately trying to kill enemies with the random attacks

Santa Water is decidedly mediocre prior to its evolution. Great chip damage, but not concentrated enough for reliable kills.
Also, some basic tips:
>Leveling a weapon is usually better than getting a new one (not always true, but usually)
>Getting a new weapon is usually better than getting a new passive (except for stuff like Spinach and Duplicator or items you need for an item's evolution)
>Upgrading a weapon is almost always better than upgrading a passive unless it's the passive's final level, which gets it out of the spawn pool

Bible is really good, it makes for an excellent *MEATGRINDER BUILD* if you get the evolution with high projectile count and/or projectile speed.

Evolved Bible is the GOAT

yeah doesn't seem like i've really gotten any evolutions yet, shit's hard
i guess this is the only one

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>move around and pick upgrade while everything auto-attacks
a game for the mentally deficient

and sometimes that just works, games are supposed to be fun
are you not having fun in games?

i'm sorry you don't like fun things user

NO FUTURE is actually really fucking good, but due to the fact it flies out at weird angles and bounces around means it's not good at protecting you by popping enemies close to you.
Keep unlocking stuff and buying upgrades/characters. It'll get easier. Some notable combos:
>Book + Spellbinder (Book evolves and becomes permanent)
>Axe + Candlelabrador (Axe evolves and becomes a nova of scythes)
>Lightning Ring + Duplicator (Ring evolves and causes lightning to strike twice in a larger radius)
There are a bunch of other combos, but those are some of the strongest ones.
Also don't take Pentragram unless you are willing to sacrifice every level you can towards more Pentagram levels. It needs them ASAP after you get it.

I still loathe and adore that Death's health starts 600k and multiplies by your level.

Just play and experiment more. Vampire Survivors is at its most fun (imo) when you're still trying not to get ass raped before time's up. Once you figure out how to "win" you'll only ever not make it to 30 minutes if you royally, royally fuck up. I'm at the point where I can AFK and easily win, I have to intentionally gimp myself for more fun, which is fun, but not everyone wants to play that way. Trying to survive against the Grim Reapers is a neat end game, though it's a big time investment to get back there each time.

By the time the game releases, players will probably be able to kill him without cheese.

alright so combine upgrades, got it.. i think

yeah i don't see how i could ever get past 15 right now, need to change strategy if possible

Each of those combos is 1 weapon and 1 upgrade.

yeah i don't have spellbinder/duplicator i'm pretty sure, need to unlock first
candlelabrador is really cool though, makes the garlic fucking enormous

This evolution is pure bliss.

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I wish the werido starter weapons like Bone, Cherry Bomb and Cart weren't so damn rare.

Best build to survive is :

La Borra + Attractorb
Unholy Vesper + Spellbinder
Holy Wand + Empty Tome
Soul Eater + Pummirola
Death Scythes + Candelabra
Laurel or Vandalier

Last passive can be either Spinach for Damage or Bracer for more stacking on La Borra. Both if you are on a map that has one of the other passive as a pickup (like library).

It's NOT the best DPS at all but it has an extremely concentrated kill zone around you. Laurel ensures that anything getting through won't survive long enough to hurt you. Vandalier is if you feel confident nothing will touch you.

Definitely focus on unlocks then. They make the game overall.
And if you can manage, try to reach level 40 in the Library. It gives you access to a new zone which has a very powerful reward.

All attacking items, no defense items like armor, laurel or speed
I stopped playing after 12 hours, its just the same thing once you get all the upgrades. Play the first 5 minutes, get all the items you need, and now wait for 25 minutes

>try to reach level 40 in the Library
yeah that's gonna take a while, i think i reach level 20 right now by 15 minutes
i'll try to focus on unlocking

you can cheese Library by resetting and grabbing the xp gem on the table over and over until you get garlic and from there you can facefuck enemies for quick xp

but first garlic takes like 3 seconds of sneaking next to an enemy to kill?

i will hit level 200 one of these days

Garlic turns the second stage into a joke and there's literally no reason not to use it there.
personally though I think garlic is pretty weak everywhere else

It instantly kills everything until mummies so you should have something decent by then. It also increases knockback and freeze so it's not totally useless later on
With evolved magic wand and Bible practically nothing will be able to touch you until the end

unironically the hardest part of this game is starting out and guess what - Garlic completely shits on everything until the mid to end game. Get garlic and get Poe then unlock stage 2 and farm stage 2 for upgrades. Garlic is still useful end-game for its increase knockback effect so it's not completely wasted

Some people don't actually know that Garlic got nerfed and has heavy damage variance, capable of doing literally 0 even.

>quirky SNES graphics indie game

Never lost interest faster in a game.

>graphics make a game

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There's 2 combos that actually required 2 weapons - BIRD UP and the guns

>Each of THOSE combos

Pro-tip for the min-maxers: You can get 6 of the support items and pick up another support item to have 7 so on stage 2 you can your full build and pick up the cool down reduction tome and then pick up the gold increase helmet for 8 support items

I don't know how anyone can play something like this.
Any game where progress to victory is gated entirely by the game's own clock feels like a total waste of time

It's an easy flashy game where numbers go up brrr - what are you missing? The game is only hard starting out - after that it's about seeing how ridiculous your build can get. I'm at the point where the only thing that are even threats to me is myself because I afk and a boss swings his dick on me. It's not a game you play all day every day but it's fun to pick back up every now and then when new content drops

What do you mean?
It's more like the game just ends after 30 minutes. It's impossible to win at the moment since the last enemy has 600,000 × your level hp and can kill you in less than a second

Do I need the map for these?
The Coffin wasn't there because I didn't have the map

Evolved pentagram is the strongest weapon and the highest dps. Prove me wrong. It also gets you easy level +100s

Getting 100+ is simple if you're a HYPER+CURSE gamer

I hate that deletes my exp tho

The guns also require tiragisú to evolve because the damage scales with your amount of revives for some reason.

well, yes, it does have the highest dps. but it comes with several drawbacks...

If only it could affect Death itself.

yeah this map is hard

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It's got the best utility in a free attract orb but doing nothing for most of the time makes it pretty useless for killing shit

I found myself having an easier time on Library if I got evolved Knife. Add on some enemy repeller like Garlic/Bible/guns and that may ease some of the pain.

well i got unlucky too, only one bible and nothing that i wanted
didn't get anything from those spellbinders though, guess i gotta get even more? needs an insane amount of luck for this

Does it even damage him? Each tick before it deletes the screen is also a 1hit ko to whatever it hits.

Alright what's the strat on level 4. The rest of the game is piss easy for me but level 4 is kicking my ass.

If you don't have something evolved by 15, the run is almost certainly fucked unless you got crown early and got a LOT of levels and have a bunch of levels in many things with good synergy

what a coincidence, mr cow is now playing it

He isn't affected by the crucifix pickup, nor does he take any noticeable damage from Milk Factory mine carts. Further I recall putting a wall between Death and myself as evolved Pentagram was going off to no effect.

This is the easiest map in the entire game though? I play this on hyper and hurry for fun - it even gives you a free cooldown reduction tome if you go left for maximum meme. The problem is your build - you got lancelet and got 2 support items that don't increase your damage while your fireball/book/runetracer aren't up to snuff in a map that has high mob density.

>something evolved by 15
i guess i gotta get more unlocks for that or just be extremely lucky with upgrade choices? seems insanely difficult

so it's mostly about luck then? it's such a clusterfuck avoiding enemies and collecting the xp, kiting them around constantly just about evading them

Stop using Antonio. He sucks ass.

it depends. for me, phieraggi tends to do more overall damage and DPS than gorgeous moon

which one then? i have no idea, got like 2 others unlocked

I got to 30 minutes on the first level and lasted another like 3-5 after that. Just evolve your shit and learn any specialties of each level, the rest is up to luck and slow accumulation of skill. Also always break out of the second flower circle if you're on the first stage

The tower? Some of Mana is really good, even of not evolved, Phieraggi will probably be the best pick but you will have to evolve something else first or you won't meet the dps requirement, probably Bible.

Just unlock characters as you get them and try them out. Pasqualina is really good in library since Runetracer has more stuff to bounce off of


Bible is a must to knock stuff away
Go down to fight a boss for a secret character

Ultimately SOME luck plays a part since your can get complete bullshit but the thing on that map is that the monsters are weak until midish late game where you'll need some fusions at that point - I'm currently shitting all over it with 0 upgrades with just the whip. I'll post my build in 5 more minutes and show you the difference

don't worry about completing a run right away, focus on unlocking stuff. the unlocks screen tells you what need to do to unlock characters and upgrades

Not if it's evolved. Evolving it is a pain in the ass though, because of that xp destruction.

I thought the dev's crazy ideas piqued at the skeleton tossing bones and the panda lobbing cherry bombs. Then they added a ghost launching mine carts. What's next?

yeah i don't understand how that's possible at all, like just with those main menu upgrades?

that one is easy to miss if you are not careful

You can kill death

The skeleton sucks dick

i love it when i max out luck and don't get a good chest until after i have everything upgraded in a run

my friend got like 5 extra luck upgrades, nothing happened at all, is it just garbage?

it's random

the game is easy af, wtf are you guys talking about survival builds and shit
just try to get as many transformation items as you can before 30 min mark, thats what you are supposed to do

This is with 0 main menu upgrades. I got a bit lucky with the whip upgrades but it was complete overkill at that point and so was the duplicator - I was already oneshotting everything by then besides the purple guys.

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got a couple speed upgrades for the first time, does feel a bit easier

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It's good but you always max out your build so unless you're building crosses or want more gold it's kinda pointless