What went wrong?
What went wrong?
What went wrong?
>Dante being a recycled, heavily nerfed version of his DMC3 self with a smaller, terribly balanced moveset littered with overly situational, redundant or useless attacks. This resulted in the meta being spamming DRI over and over
>Nero being a shallow waste of resources with one weapon, a terrible grab mechanic, and one of the most dogshit gimmicks in the genre (Exceed).
>Removal or nerfing of cancels from DMC3 while adding more clunky uncancellable shit (see: Gilgamesh).
>Styles getting nerfed. RG and GS are trash, DS is half trash, SM being head over heels the best in most situations (while still being worse than DMC3's). No QS or DG. TS was the only one that survived relatively unscathed and still lost crap.
>Lucifer being overly situational garbage with the worst SM moveset in the series, bar none.
>Exceed lacking any real resource restrictions and every variant is pretty well a straight upgrade (so most variants are worthless). There's an input for one bar and max, but not two, so there's 25% of the variants down the drain. Optimally, you'll never see 75% of it, because you'll only be getting max.
>No CCs.
>Removal of all but one of Dante's high DPS JCable attack (which got nerfed).
>Bosses being huge, JCable, constantly open large hurtboxes who have 'lay down and pound on me' states
>Despite fewer enemy types and bosses, filled with shit cases like basilisks, faults and Angus Wall.
>Fewer enemies per encounter outside LDK mode (which is a joke).
>Shitty ranking system.
>Shitty puzzles (in a fucking Action game).
>SE fixed nothing and just bloated the game further with more shallow characters including a fucking Musou asset flip.
ninja gaiden 2 absolutely shit on it
Why did they make 5 so dull to look at? It would be the perfect DMC game, if it weren't for that. Look how colourful and exciting 4 looks, and then look at 5.
I don't like how DMC4 looks, it looks closer to a final fantasy title than DMC.
What went?
NG2 itself was shit though
Rushed, but still has far more engaging gameplay compared to the majority of other games. Also 5 playable characters, which is the most this series has ever had and probably will have.
lol no
nope. NG2 just shits all over DMC1-4. DMC4 would've been good if Dante had cool weapons.DMC3 dante had nunchucks, electric guitar and duel welding elemental swords to shitty half baked shit like Lucifer. NG2 gave Ryu cool shit like tonfas, duel swords, falcon's claws, kusari-gama and the Synche.
>engaging gameplay
juggling punching bags isn't engaging
t. played the snoystation port
t. Dante fag
>juggling punching bags isn't engaging
Making cinematic kills isn't either. NG2 also had some of the worst bosses put out in an action game.
The 2nd half. But it's still a better game than DMC5.
yet that webm still looks cooler than anything in DMC. the shitbosses do bog it down, however, i'll give you that one.
Decent flick even if Keanu can't act for shit but Pacino makes up for it.
bullshit of the highest caliber
wasnt finished
>yet that webm still looks cooler than anything in DMC.
It absolutely doesn't. The same gay jumping around bullshit that's infested every other Nigger Gaiden game will never look good you stupid faggot.
It looks amazing, you just have extremely bad taste. DMC4 is also a 1/2 of an amazing game. Pure fun.
>Inb4 dice game.
Those who hate dice game dont know how to play dice game.
>yet that webm still looks cooler than anything in DMC
I don't agree
rushed development. blame the higher ups at capcom.
>Lol, my dead franchise shits all over your prospering, more popular franchise.
>Punching bag enemies despite me never having S-ranked anything.
>one of the purple rooms you get to look at after, you walk through grey concrete for four hours
Yeah but its FUN
Do you know what FUN is?
You should try FUN sometime.
Post, then, something in dmc that is not an enemy being juggled
Behold! The greatest action game ever made! Not to mention the shitty ranking system breaks on mission 8 and 10 where you have to avoid optional fights to not hurt your average style score
They should've listened to Bingo Mirahashi and make Nero an intelligent "Sherlock Holmes" detective-like character that was a lot more devoted to the order. It would've not only made him his own character completely different from Dante but it also would've made him a million times more interesting than being a punkish manchild caveman.
Insufficient budget, still the best of Itsuno's games though.
No! but my cool hat, and the enemies that just let themselves get hit! Also the popularity yes, that makes it better!
i still cant believe how good this was,enemies actually want to kill you and it becomes a way more intense battle
Haven't played the game, even the city streets are bursting with color. Stop being disingenuous.
Ninja Gaiden fanboy is mad that his franchise is in the wastebin of history. Everyone point and laugh! God of War is a daddy simulator now!
What are you going to do!?
This, the entire game is either gray fucking sprawl or fleshy corridors.
The only remotely okay location was m17 (or was it 18?) house but it was only for a fucking cutscene and then you fight Urizen for the 3rd time outside, which at the very least has a little blue and green color from the tree and sky (same for final vergil fight).
>Nope, just you. Also, yeah, that's the point of OPTIONAL fights, you can skip them.
what action game punishes your score for doing optional fights? shouldn't it add on? Doesn't matter if you get sss rank on those two optional enemies, it'll still HURT your average since it's judging you based on a mandatory fight with a spongy enemy from the last room. Sounds like a broken ranking system to me.
Ninja gaiden one looks cooler.
t. don't give a fuck about either series
It doesn't punish your score, unless you do badly. You'll learn about averages in mathematics when you get to middle school, but until then there's no point in refuting you because you simply don't know.
Also, no matter what, DMC5 is the best action game ever, God of War is a daddy movie simulator, Bayonetta is a Nintendo property, and Ninja Gaiden is a dead franchise.
That's literally not what the game looks like. I don't know what that screenshot even is.
I'm pretty sure it's from one of the early levels
lmao. Go do all the optional fights in mission 8 and 10 on DMD and see you if you can get the S rank. (you can't since the ranking system is shit)
They don't look like that. Someone cranked the contrast way up.
>Bayonetta is a Nintendo property, and Ninja Gaiden is a dead franchise.
how are those points relevant to the quality of the existing games? dmc isnt better simply because it had the most recent release
They kinda do. Not sure how you remember the game.
I played it today.
Because it's from photo mode with contrast cranked up to max. This early level can kind of look like that if you use reshade while playing in HDR mode.
Mission 3. It's literally what the game looks like. Here's Mission 2. I can post an image from every single mission and not one of them will be a "gray street." You're being disingenuous. Ninja Gaiden is and has been over.
It tried to be something different from the previous titles and ride the coattails of popular franchises in the mid 00s. The artstyle is closer to anime or Final Fantasy , the gameplay badly imitates God of War. On top of being unfinished, it doesn't even feel or look like a DMC game. It has to be intentional, even being unfinished excuses how utterly incompetent most of the game feels.
Okay, so it's grey with a red light.
>it's not a gray street
>Posts a screen of literary a gray street
What did he mean by this?
Nope, unmodded, base settings in 4k. Mental gymnastics. Ninja Gaiden is a dead franchise. Here's one of Dante's giant dick which pounds Ryu's dead franchise in the ass.
>The entire game is gray streets!
>Post one picture that's entirely blue.
>Post another that's red.
>Post another that's a giant dick in black pants!
also forgot to mention that those missions were the biggest complaints about scoring when the game was new. Even great players were having trouble with it until they figured out that the optional fights were what was hurting their score.
No damage gives you a 2x multiplier to score. Anyone who's not S-ranking those missions is playing badly, not "being punished by the mean ole game." Again, it's based on averages. I know it's math and it's difficult, though, so I'm trying to let you have this one.
It's grey streets, and then it's bone corridors with coloured lighting, and admittedly the bone corridors look kind of cool, but I would have rather they weren't half of the game.
Still pretty bad, even DMC2 had more varied in colors environments.
Also not sure why you're getting so defensive while still posting modified photo mode pictures and not actual raw gameplay screens.
>11 years
>11 years later we got the perfect sequel
I pity the franchises who never experienced such blessing
Oh well then you'll be happy to know they aren't half the game, so when you actually play it, you'll be delightfully surprised. =)
>bone arena
Can't tell if you're trollin or not with this pic. Just post 3rd Urizen fight from photo mode since it's the most varied scene color palette wise.
>Everything is gray!
Post only 3 screenshots bursting with color.
>It's modded, clearly this is modded!
>It's a modified screenshot, it has to be!
Directly from gameplay in the middle of gameplay.
You're just pathetic, bro. Even the promotional screenshots are bursting with color and light which Ninja Gaiden could only dream of if were still alive.
From picture mode.
and yet you can play just as good on any other mission and get the s rank easily, except for those two missions, makes you think if they even tested it. Your style goes down after every single mandatory fight on mission 10, no matter how good you do since the enemies aren't as spongy as the first fight with the queen empusa.
It's such a weird hill to die on - that DMC 5 ISN'T a dull looking game.
It looks absolutely awful. You can like the game, sure, but the aesthetic is terrible.
Disagree. I actually think Bloody Palace has some of the weirdest, worst, and sometimes best lighting in the game. The subway station and opera house level is also amazingly lit for some reason, but I don't have any screenshots from it.
Are you ok? Calm down.
Never said any of that and you're now contradicting yourself with saying that it's from gameplay while later admitting it's from photo mode...
Hey, I do have one!
Git gud and you won't have to worry about how "unfair" the style rankings are because you'll have a 2.2x multiplier on everything.
Its sequel destroyed the franchise
>Its sequel destroyed the franchise
Textbook example of mental illness, everyone.