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It's over
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It dipped to 900 players in the morning Hahahhahaha
>being a disingenuous fromfaggot
they're not comparable
but what's really sad is that MW2, a game from 2009 has almost half the current players of trannyfield
and that's with servers not even working
does that count players on iw4x?
i think it does. maybe, idk.
i do get in those iw4x dedicated lobbies every now and then when i boot it up
Pretty sure most are playing through Origen.
objectively one of the worst releases of the past 5 years, barring Cybertranny™.
this is the future of games created under "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion"
Diversity ended today my friend
even if, its hard for me to find good BFV and i'm in west NA. BF1 still has a ton of active servers
I don't have MW2 on steam and play on IW4x
>muh origin cope
Battlefield stopped being a Origin exclusive, nobody bought 2042 through Origin.
the game is actually good, but redditors seethed because the game there isn't an assault class.
Having negros in the German army in BF One was the worst imo. Libs coped by bringing up le colonial troops even though the battles that were portrayed were mostly in the European theatre and Africa was completely irrelevant compared to the Eastern or Western Fronts.
Rather, most of them return it through origin
There was one (1) ONE black soldier in main German Army and that’s good enough to have 2 classes be black including most popular one so their entire army is just black soldiers running around.
user, the game was born broken, it's not just the classes
every battlefield is broken on release. most of the bugs have been ironed out at this point. at least the game doesn't have a massive hacker problem.
>butthurt snoy bring up a souls because horizon zero new ideas got BTFO by elden ring
the hackers went back to BFV
even the broken battlefields were battlefield games at their core
it was actually fucking hilarious when all of the hacked client developers basically said "we're not developing for this dead ass hot turd of a game anymore"
good. bf5 can keep them.
what makes 2042 not a bf game though?
Battlefield sisters….
the fuck are you babbling about schizo?
>every battlefield is broken on release
And if that is the case, why did you buy it?
And better yet, why not wait longer to play it?
I think that in 2023 it will be better to play it, I mean, they haven't even started their first season
at this rate i doubt they'll even develop any DLC for it that hasn't already been made
the best part is DICE is just going to push out another half-finished turd completely lacking in features and built entirely off of scaffolding and bullshots, then put a silencing embargo on all the review outlets that dont sign a 500 page long legal paper saying "give us good press or else" and then go and say "ya we'll fix it maybe, anyways we're working on the next title" after it releases
>still caring about this game 5 months later
You don't need to tell me what I already knew when the game launched.
>Second biggest AAA FPS IP has less players/peak than some anime fighters and decade old games
fucking lmao.
because i had a lot fun with the beta and i knew the bugs would be ironed out like they always do.
and besides, the whole vote with your wallet thing doesn't actually work on an individual level. otherwise, all the anons seething about black people in games would've made a difference by this point.
You're right, they're not. One is a much older largely singleplayer game, the other is an entirely multiplayer based shooter released last year. They're not incomparable in any sense that's in Battlefield's favor.
mfw there are people out there who actually defended this game that arent paid shills
>muh steam
the game is alive and well at every non cucked platform
Anyway they already removed the DLC content since BF1, only the cosmetic stuff, like skins, or lootboxes was what cost money now
I get it, you with others will always be part of the problem, but the bad thing about all this is that in the end you are playing with a large majority of bots because of the large loss of players, and those bots are really bad
Such as?
>he thinks pc cucks would buy the game on origin only when it was on steam day1
I personally dont understand steam drones but 95% of people playing on PC are ones user this is a pure fact. I would bet my balls that 90% of copies sold are through steam because pc players are retarded about having shit on their profiles and stuff to a point where they will go through 5 different launchers just to have game on Steam lmao.
i couldn't get over the bots in the beta, but i guess there were some issues with the connection because i'd only be in lobbies with
>literally everyone, including the developers and publisher, admit it's a flop of unbelievable proportions
>"it's just the steam numbers"
Sure it is, shill nigger
This but unironically
>butthurt snoy cant read
It is not even in the list of most played games on Xbox now
Now you're going to tell me that doesn't count either, since it means that many players have already abandoned the game
On Steam it had over 100k players while on Xbox it was something like the 5th most played game when it was released
>you didn't bring up HZD in comparison to Battlefield because it lost to ER(ER being somehow relevant)
>also you're a snoy for some reason
This is either incomprehensible bait or you are actually seriously mentally ill
>elden ring niggers spewing their console war bullshit in a completely unrelated thread
fucking christ i wish you people would make generals, or something. fuck off and let us discuss other games
these faggots all use cheese strategies too and completely suck at online video games but want to feel superior to everyone
>but the bad thing about all this is that in the end you are playing with a large majority of bots
you have no clue what you're talking about. i almost never get bots in my games, and when I do, they all get replaced by people in like 5 minutes.
2042 has actual problems. why make up lies?
wouldn't most of the players be on console?
true, I could say the same thing for /hlg/
too bad it no longer exists
Why would they be?
they are, but it usually ends up being a good mix between all platforms.
it has less players than BF4, it's abysmal numbers for a 2021 game.
QRD on the reasons? I thought the marketing was trying to exemplify the fun retarded shit of old BF. What did they fuck up?
I know why that is the reason, and it is something theoretical but I understand it, I live in Latam and when I played I had a ping
Plain and Simple, Its a turd game. Not even Yea Forums contrarian, its shit. The game has no redeeming qualities.
didn't they basically admit they fucked up with the game and are starting development on new-and-improved bf2042?
Vince Zampalla, the guy who helped make Titanfall and CoD4 is the main director behind the new Battefield game.
Hope they try to mog MW2019 and actually make a fun game alongside pretty graphics/animations
i think DICE said something along those lines.
realistically they could just ditch the faggot ass operators, restore classes, add some guns, and re-release it.
the beta was pretty fun at times, fucking around with grappling hooks and hovercraft, but there are too many issues i can't get around
MW2019 was the perfect nu-cod for me, but it wouldn't be hard to mog because ground war is kind of ass.
Damn bro, why so salty?
>What did they fuck up?