Get in here, you fucking losers.
Gundam Evolution
Teach me how to make every gm sniper uninstall the game.
Oh shit, is this the Dom thread?
Pick Zaku II
I cant run this game very well.
Play Zaku and mag dump into their assholes
I'm too much of a loser to get in
There should be aimpunch against Sniper and no other character, he's honestly broken
I'm going to have to write an essay on the post-NT survey about the atrocious imbalances and questionable utility of half the ults in this. What the fuck were the devs thinking?
I'm retarded, I only just realized NT meant network test and not newtype
oh that would make sense
Why the FUCK does the sea serpent not at least shield break the fucking sazabi
They were making a skill-based hitscan e-sport
you know what, you should be able to steal shields with it
I'll take anything over it just doing fucking nothing if they right click, shields do not fucking block heat rods or sea serpents very well at all so its total bullshit
>stays far enough that you can;t hip fire
>close enough that ads is too painful
>holds down m2 with a 1k+ hp shield
enjoy taking free headshot damage you weenie
submit feedback in the survey
Nice. I wonder when retards are gonna get the message that jumping is pretty much the worst thing you can do when you are under attack. Can't dash and aim spread goes to shit, and yet I see so many panic jumpers.
my only complaint is that other short ranged suits seem to kinda shit on GM, they all have stuns. But GM isn't really supposed to 1v1.
Is the network test survey already up or is it going to be sent after it closes?
Ah so thats what they meant by the entirety of Dissidia NT
I don't have the link on hand but it's on the store page, one of the recent news items should have the link in it.
I'm and even tho I don't think the GM should 1v1, any time some retard finds me in a back alley alone and starts jumping and doesnt have a stun it's just a laugh. Like what are the odds you're gonna do 2k+ damage before I do 1k when you can't even hit me.
when I first saw this I thought for sure it was some weird exploit but the game actually tells you to do this lol
Game isnt even out yet
>GM Snipers on my team who never press their fucking RANGED REVIVE once the entire match
I fucking hate sniper players in every single game ever but holy shit the ones I've seen so far in this one are possibly the biggest retards yet
yawn, i'm not interested in gundam until they actually throw in some effort and make something that actually looks good
Well good news, because this is the best multiplayer game they've made yet.
I just made it in today and I wanna use a silly name.
So far I'm debating between Kamilletism and PaptimusSmearocco but I wanna know if you guys have any good ones.
that means absolutely nothing to me because all the other games have been either boring or mediocre at best; when they decide to actually put in some effort and make a good game that also looks good and isn't just a FOTM multiplayer game, i'll be interested
Name limit is 16 characters bro
>Also looks good
So this game? Don't tell me you're some fucking GRAFIX nigger who wants every game to look like TLOU2.
This blows
>tfw picked a stupid name
everything is getting reset when the game actually launches so i can pick a new name right?
I donno if this will make you more or less likely to try it out but it's overwatch if overwatch was actually good
I like these a lot, I'll be sure to credit you anons
meh i just think they put zero effort into visuals or sound design, purely just because the cartoon style is both cheap and resembles the simplicity of gunpla
i always feel they waste potential by being too safe/childish with their designs
i did really enjoy overwatch in the first few weeks of its release, before they added more maps and characters and muh balance shit
I heard of people getting banned for the length of the entire test but my computer BSOD'd right as soon as a match ended and I only got a 3 minute matchmaking ban.
How do I not get one shot by barbatos?
>i always feel they waste potential by being too safe/childish with their designs
So you don't like Gundam then. Or did you miss the consistent red, white, blue and yellow color schemes?
Press the S key and don't be retarded about him flanking you
But seriously the while Asshimar is my favorite mobile suit, its gameplay isn't for me here. Marasai surprised me though, very cool.
it has grown more and more shit in recent years, that's for sure, Build Divers was just generic weebshit with furryshit splashed in
God I hope so, I have 42069 at the end of my name.
he has a distinctive sound when he's holding his downward smash so it's hard for him to sneak up on you if you're listening out for it
don't be below him if he's in the air
if you don't get stunned you win
DOM and zaku shit on him
>back dash
>he still catches me and I die
A nonshit Barb will catch you if he wants you, making him burn those extra dashes to do so usually means he'll just trade for you but much of the time your team is too busy playing poke with the Gundam and Pale Rider to bother looking back.
Anyone else not feel anything while playing this game? I'm not having fun, but I'm not outright bored.
Re:Rise is better than more than half of existing Gundam series. Do I need to remind you how bad Victory was, or Wing, or SEED,
Don't use such a faggy word, you gay faggot
It's called F L I N C H. We've had the word for forever.
Uhhh it's called bloom
It’s called anal
The mechs do not at all look mech sized on those literal arena shooter maps, looks like a bunch of human sized robots running around a space station.
i just can't stand generic weebshit/furrshit and lazy animation
>And lazy animation
Bro you really don't need to keep emphasizing how much you hate Gundam.
bloom is just from regular firing, not being hit
>i just can't stand generic weebshit
He said, on Yea Forums, in a Gundam thread.
You newfags are something else.
>they thought 11th was the last day to get the skin
>beta is still on
>register is closed
>Live in the EU
some of the older stuff had some soul to it in the animation and designs
the ults seem more fair than in overwatch
my team switched to shields/heals at the last round and we won the game in a 6man deathball as all solo queue easily
Imagine getting filtered by V
Wonder how things will change by release. It's not bad but certainly feels lacking. Not like there's an FPS to compete with.
Thought it closes on 12th.
Victory is a fucking abomination and even the creators said to avoid it like the plague.
They definitely need to include the Zeta colours as a skin
I'm having fun, but the game has some serious balance issues that will put off anybody not already attracted to the gundam niche.
check the announcement on their steam page
overwatch is unironically 500x better than this game and overwatch is garbage
>shoot at barriers for 20 minutes
Overwatch is pozzed dogshit it will never be better than a gundam game, even the shittiest gundam game.