How bad is the asset reuse in Elden Ring compared to other open world games?

How bad is the asset reuse in Elden Ring compared to other open world games?

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"Re-using legendary story boss in a random dungeon" tier

>take common enemy
>put health bar on it
I don't know why you guys are complaining. This is just like Bloodborne!

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Remember Bloodborne did not reuse Cleric Beast once, even though he is a generic, non-story related being? Remember how the patients in the Astral Clocktower were for a large part unique due to slight variations, crawling in different ways, missing different bodyparts, or wielding various instruments? This is why you would forget you were playing a game made by people.
Elden Ring feels like traversing through obstacles arbitrarily set up by the devs, with giant trampoline tornadoes dotting the landscape to signal where you can make a Mario superjump.

Significantly better than any other open world game

Imagine how disappointed I was when I found out you can fight Astel again in this one random ice cave in the snow area of the game, like why the fuck did they do that, he was cool being an unique boss from Ranni's quest, the copy paste aspect of the game is embarrassingly bad and people that don't point it out are literally delusional idiots believing this game is some masterpiece or something

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>Remember Bloodborne did not reuse Cleric Beast once

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Trannies hate Elden Ring for existing, making it the greatest open world game of all time.
Trannies and sperga also hate that it's open world, making it the greatest From game of all tine

Oh so Bloodborne tier

pretty fucking bad. they make you fight asylum demon over 10 times. they reuse unique bosses like godrick and astel which is just baffling.

True, but doesn't he appear as a random piece of scenery shooting meteors at you? This is *on the way* to the boss fight by the way.
I agree that reusing Astel is pretty egregious, and the game is padded for what it is. I would argue that it didn't need to be as big as it ended up being, the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really tarnish my opinion of the game that much. It's kind of like a passing "that was weird, oh well."
Like I watched le youtube autism guy, and one of his main complaints was, "They reuse the night's cavalry so it's not special anymore. they should not reuse bosses." But in my opinion, it can just be a group of K/Nights that roam the world trying to catch lowly Tarnished or whatever lore reason there is.
I wonder if he'd be as bothered by it if a boss health bar didn't appear on screen when you fought him.
Anyway, those are just my thoughts. Reusing assets is a necessary evil. The game is clearly too ambitious (see: post-Leyndell), but they did, in my opinion, a fantastic job for what it is.

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You literally fight two baby Astels on the way to the first fight.

why say Cleric Beast specifically? is it because you couldn't say Rom, Amygdala, Paarl...

I honestly think that Astel was put there for a reason, like showing you that what you fought the first time wasn't his real body or similar. There are a dozen other bosses already recycled that you could have put there if you just wanted a cheap boss.

It's more like Sekiro, main bosses can have different upgraded versions and midbosses all show up a bunch of times throughout the game including as regular enemies (usually also having alternate and powered up versions). But the game world is also 10 times bigger than Sekiro so rematches are more spread out and less required

lol. this is one of those absurd "problems" that you only see discussed on Yea Forums. but to answer the question, hardly any open-world game in recent years has such a variety of enemies.

If you'd have actually played the game, you'd know these are totally different boss fights... Additional moves, added a second phase where he fucking breaks in half (not to mention it having perhaps the best boss music of the decade). Using the same base model is very different from reusing a boss imo

This is your punishment for dickriding Bloodborne so hard. Maybe if you stopped looking at the pretty skybox and pay attention to what was on the ground you would have noticed the shit level design, reused enemies but with bigger numbers everywhere, absolutely horrible dungeon design, literal mooks with healthbars on them treated as "bosses", every level having the same scenario design of "throw in a lazy horde and have 2 or more dogs in the group", and the absolutely fucking garbage online system. We wouldn't have gotten Elden Ring. You got what you fucking deserved, subpar 6/10 action game just like vanilla BB is

Remember how Bloodborne was 3-4 times shorter than Elden ring and not an open world game?

Elden Ring kinda does that too.The fallingstar beast near the capital city is not just weaker, it has poorer moveset than the one you can find at the Mt. Gelmir.

I mean there is a reason. Malformed Stars are an entire race, you encounter several smaller Astel throughout the game. You fight the second one in a mine built to mine the asteroid, it's crawling with Alabastor/Onyx lords who also came from the asteroid

This is an important point whiners ignore. Elden ring still had enormous enemy variety, despite aaset reuse

Not just kinda, it has entire boss fights with entirely new phases added and different movesets and new properties.

It's shorter because you don't have to ride a goat for hours to find new areas, and don't have to battle identical Asylum demons every time you pass by a golden tree. Open world just means: they multiplied all length scales by 5, and smeared out the same amount of content over this inflated map.

I'm sure if you would actually measure content in some logical way (unique designs, unique animations etc.) Elden Ring has less than DS3.

>op image
you answered your own question

Remember all the Rainbow Smelter jokes? People complained for 8 years straight about DS2's reuse of bosses, so ER discussion will be rotten for the next devade at least.

There's a good bit of asset reuse. Your pic being one of the most egregious.
Compared to other open world games' horrific levels though? It's immaculate.

I never play other open worlds, what did you use as point of comparison?

>first 2 hours of the game
>killing stone imps in 2-3 hits, they hurt a third of my health per hit.
>get mediocre reward at the end

>90 hours in
>killing exact same imp in 2-3 hits, they hurt a third of my health on hit
>mediocre reward at the end

Ive killed the same fucking rotten dragon for like the eight time. The dungeons all share the same pool of room presets, and most dungeons you find won't have anything special about them.
Still a good game tho.

It was measured and it has the most unique content of any Souls game.

Much better than Skyrim
>Red Eagle, a breton, is a draugr
>Yngol is a draugr
>Bosses in general are usually just dragur
>If they aren't humans, Dwemer Centurions, or Hagravens, that is
>All varieties of dragons, trolls, wildlife, etc. share the same movesets
>All human enemies have the same movesets across all weapons of 1h/2h class, which is the same as yours
people forgot what open world games are like when they complain about ER

Elden Ring has more unique creatures and enemies than The Witcher 3 with two expansions.

Where was it measured? I’m pretty sure you’re right, but that would be hard to prove and require autistic effort

its funny because the stone imps themselves are reskinned from DaS3

Modern Assassin's Creed

Thinking of it, Skyrim was absolutely horrible in that regard. But no one ever pointed it out.

Perhaps “asset reuse” is something only Yea Forumsirgins whine about

It better be after a decade of advancements.

Minor dungeons* i.e. caves, mines, catacombs, forts and heroes tombs and even then each one has unique layouts, gimmicks and some alternate tiles for the more extreme environment.

There are also 12 or so mid dungeons/levels and 9 major dungeons/levels that are totally unique

People wouldn't complain about reuse of they just didn't give them a boss health bar on the UI. It's a psychological thing.

>Remember Bloodborne did not reuse Cleric Beast once

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>all enemies in RDR2 are man with gun
People are forgetting that games are usually not as combat focused, that is, they imbue the player with the feeling of traversing a living, breathing world filled with random and procedural encounters, actual npcs and quests, etc. Let's not forget ER is the only open world game where every asset and enemy down to the last mushroom respawns immediately upon resting in the exact same location and state. The day/night cycle was a nice touch but extremely barebones compared to anything Bethesda or Rockstar has done.

Really, really fucking bad. Never seen a game with so egregiously bad reuse.

I don't doubt for a minute if the new Elder Scrolls came out tomorrow it would have less unique enemies than Skyrim

Play more games, retard

Played for 200 hours and there wasnt that many. I only enountered each miniboss like 3/4 times max, and they were often a variation with new movesets.

Play western games

I would have said the same but I'm optimistic now that Microsoft bought them out

Such as?

Its better then other open world games but that's not saying much since its a stupid term to excuse lazy copy pasting of assets

>Margit gets used 2 times
>mohg gets used twice
>astel twice
>godfrey twice
>ancestral spirit twice
>loretta twice
>dragons resued numerous times including Lannisex and Fortisax is just a reskin with different moveset
that's not to mention all the normal enemies they stick boss bars on or the 50 tree spirits/avatars you have to fight

by the time you hit Mountaintop of giants every enemy will be a reused or reskinned asset but with massive hp and dmg bloat and even dungeons themselves will have their gimmicks reused but with corridors full of minibosses

It's pretty clear they bit off way more than they could chew and the game should have been roughly 40% smaller in scope. I don't see what all the padded out extra content adds to the game beyond being tedious.

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The reused enemies/bosses are spread out far enough that I really don't care. I play action games where they make you fight the same guys multiple times. I don't see the big issue.

The only saving grace of the overall lackluster open world is that you can completely and utterly ignore and run past the open world and still get a fine, full experience. The open world is like many open worlds, it gets more and more of a drag as you get deeper and deeper. BOTW, Witcher 3, Skyrim, etc, it all looks so large and bustling with shit to do, but once you get into the nitty gritty of it and really start to bang shit out in the open world you see how repetitive, uninspired, and boring it is. Nothing is really added or enhanced by open world. It just becomes 'something to do' in between major parts of the plot. Stormveil, the Capitol, the Academy, Volcano Manor, and most of the actual dungeons are pretty good, but the open world doesn't add too much and the wow factor of the scale of the game fades pretty quickly.

All the major boss refights you listed get a major power boost and moveset on their rematch Sekiro style. The Dragons all also have their own unique moves on top of using the basic dragon moveset like Azula actually using the moonblade or Smarg casting Comet

Thats not the same. You could play all of Bloodborne and not touch a chalice dungeon. Its hard to avoid every repeated boss in ER dungeons because of needing upgrade material

The big bosses like Margit or Loretta or others being "reused" serve a purpose, it's not just recycling. The first version has a simpler move set and that allows them to make the later, real version harder than they otherwise would deem fair.
The only reuse that actually feels lazy is Godefroy. There is lore to justify it and it does make sense but it still doesn't feel right that he looks EXACTLY like Godrick.

Any open world game, for starters. Compare the enemy and boss variety in ER to just about any other open world RPG and they won't even be in the same league.

>Reusing assets is a necessary evil.
Not really. Just make a smaller game instead of a bigger, padded one.

>It's more like Sekiro
Yeah but in sekiro the placement made sense, you had you centipede giraffe, your generals and your ashina spears same with your sneak eyes and lone shadows.

I agree with this. I should have said "...necessary evil if you want your game to be as physically large as Elden Ring is"

Honestly, it all depends on how the game presents the content. If the game had a location that was only evergaols of bosses you have beaten before and you could fight them over and over I think people would love it.

It has the single highest quantity of game-unique bosses and enemies of any souls game, so by default that makes it better than the vast majority of open world RPG's.
Astel being in a frozen cave did diminish from the moonlit altar encounter, yes, but it's also a member of a species which show up in various other places, being fallen star beasts/malformed stars. So entire mystique around him sort of dissolved by then anyway.
The six main legacy dungeons are all vast and intricately designed, and the other smaller world-dungeons like Caria Manor, Redmane Castle, Castle Morne etc. fill the space smaller areas like Upper Cathedral Ward and the Profane Capital took in former games.

The biggest problem with the minor dungeons sprinkled around the map here and there, but especially in Limgrave, is the common environmental assets and textures you'll see, especially in the catacombs, which heavily resemble the Carthus ones in 3. Otherwise, each one of them usually provides a significant enough difference in terms of level design to justify their existence, and I never found anything as egregious as Bloodborne's common rooms like the enormous square one with multiple tiers that rapidly wore out their welcome.

ER's biggest sin is the fact that is uses a select few certain bosses far too often in the overworld/minor dungeons. Your Erdtree Burial Watchdogs, Magma Wyrms, Generic overworld dragons, Ulcerated Tree Spirits etc.
Most of these have some degree of context for being there, but if they had say, 5-6 more of these filler bosses to spice up the mix, it would be a lot more forgivable. I'd love to see From remedy this somehow in the future. Like a minor-boss pack replacing some dungeon encounters and placed across the world.
Unlikely, I know, given how game development priorities work, but it'd still be cool.

no worse than breath of the wild

>You could play all of Bloodborne and not touch a chalice dungeon
Chalice dungeons are an intrinsic part of BB. You need to progress through them to get the platinum, and fight several secret bosses with important context to the setting, like Yharnam.

So in that respect, dungeon repeats like Bloodstarved Beast, Ebrietas, Rom, celestial emissary, and whatever else I'm missing should be held to the exact same standard.

no its because people are used to souls levels generally having a unique theme and enemies
also while skyrim does have much less total enemy types they all fit in seamlessly into the world. Elden ring just sprinkles shit around to cover empty spaces without much though just like Ds2. Must be courtesy of Tanimura. Haligtree is the worst example

i don't mind reused assets at all, in fact sometimes i wish devs had done it more instead of trying and failing to reinvent the wheel, but i don't understand the point of making a giant map just to fill it with millions of repeat boss fights with no interesting rewards

Fair enough

>The six main legacy dungeons
Stormveil, Raya Lucaria, Leyndell, Haligtree. What are the other two?

I'm still hoping they'll release something like that in a patch or DLC, all bosses balanced for RL120-150.

Farum Azula and Volcano Manor

>Enter catacomb
>It's some gimmick again
>Enter fog
>2x boss from last zone
>Ash of War: Zanzibart's Mymidon

Bravo Kojima

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