Jermabros, they won

Jermabros, they won.

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dont care still watching jerma

>he proceeds to kill trans rights
based jerma

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it's not unexpected, people pander to their audience.

it was meant to happen.

Jerma is the most PC streamer, what were you expecting?

I don't get the massive following Jerma has, I find him really boring to watch. Vinny plays interesting stuff most of the time and Joel, despite being challenged, is a natural-born entertainer. What does Jerma bring to the table?

>Fromdrones are trannies

I'm only watching Vinny, Jerma seems like the mongoloid version and I guess I was right of banking on Vinny seing how he ignores transfreaks.

he's just vinny without the good parts

He was only funny with Star.

why did vinny freak out when we found out he slept with fangirls and gave them stds before dumping them? i dont get why it was such a big deal that we found out. he said he would never stream ever again just because we now know he fucks autistic fangirls.

Jerma is the only naturally funny guy on twitch. Didn't see it until I saw his elden ring streams

Dunno why people bring up Vinny but all that guy does is whine and his chat is entirely trans flags. Jerma may have 1 faggot try and spam per stream is all

be more vague

>why didn't he say fuck Jews and faggots on his stream?

Theres something really unhinged with trannies and their phrase "trans rights" its meaning has become absracted in a strange way I cant fully articulate on.

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yes, anti tranny fags are so obnoxious they make you want to support trans rights just so scare them away
it's a shame trannies can be just as obnoxious though

That didnt happen

99% of his mods are flurries and trannies of course he's going to defend them. The "tran phobia" in chat is people getting pissy over spam. See they go around spamming chats to try and get people to react so they can "cancel" them for being so bigoted for not wanting their chat flooded with flags instead of on topic conversation about the stream

Vinny freaked out because it was personal information.
Does vinny have STDs? Yes he does.
Was it consensual sex? Yes it was.
Apparently it was Geepm blowing it all out, that being said, viinny is still a dude who fucks groupies from conventions which is hilarious to think about.

It's essentially them bullying you into taking a stance. If you do say trans rights, that invites more and more mentally ill 35 year old men into your chat that will simply demand more and more verbal concessions 'for the cause' until they can cancel you for clout. Don't say trans rights and they can just start by trying to cancel you for clout. It's basically mafia tactics but for faggots.

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This. Which is ironic because they're both unfunny on their own

They are commissars basically. They want to make sure you obey the current social order else they will punish you. In their minds though they are scrappy underdogs fighting back for all the times they and people like them were wronged in their life.

>Theres something really unhinged with trannies
Yeah, everything.

Tranners are mentally ill, they wanted everything to be about them, now they’ve got it. Every time I see a dirty trannie irl I tell them to their face that they should fucking die. Watxh their faces drop as real life hits them, there’s not janny between my 198 cm frame and the little dirty Jewish golem trannie.

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It is virtually in the contract of working with twitch to be supportive of whatever flavor of the decade groomer horse shit the mods are squealing and spewing all over their child audiences or you'll go to fucking streamer jail and never see another dollar. Jerma's a moron, a funny moron but a moron nonetheless and probably can't put two and two together to realize what a dramatic and dangerous addition trannies make the modern civilization.

In my heart I believe that Jerma doesn't give a fuck about the LGBTQwhatever in his chat and just rolls with it because of the consequences of doing otherwise

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>jerma sees an elden ring message, repeats it, and then says "lets go for it"
>DEXTERO article from last year
outrage bait thread

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>Mafia tactics but for faggots
And to think that tranny on the steam forums laughed at me and pretended it wasn't absolutely the case when I called their brigading for testament to be recognized as a trans icon actions of "the alphabet mafia"

Jerma literally cracked a trannies skull on stream

I hate trannies but it was kindof fucked up

Because they strongarm people into saying it, what with the whole "silence is violence" mentality. If you're not constantly reaffirming their beliefs on command you might as well be shouting "KILL ALL TRANNIES" as far as they're concerned.

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>Jerma doesn't give a fuck about the LGBTQwhatever
>Gives the thumbs up when "trans rights" is on stream
You're kidding yourself.

I can articulate it. You hate trans people. That's why you feel this way.

He sounds nervous when he said it, he knows subconsciously that its a political purity test.

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Its what we all would do. No way around it, you'd get cancelled in an instanr if you would spew anti-tranny hate shit. Free speech doesnt exist anymore and people are forced to wear masks. Sites such as this are the only places where this is not the case due to anonymity.

They should try to stop being loathsome, then.

I pity them

>gives the thumbs up after reading

He's funny , unfortunately he's also very, very impressionable and twitch is a huge echo chamber almost on par with /pol/. This was only a matter of time

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unhinged streamer fights against trans rights live on stream

>missing the part where jerma proceeds to kill trans rights on stream
>and intentionally avoids further discussion of the subject by focusing on the game
you may have fooled the people in this thread, but not me
for shame

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constant way to reaffirm themselves alongside with what is essentially a way to bully people into submission
the best course of action would be to ignore them entirely, jerma caved in and look what happened

So why did he thumbs up it, all he had to do was read it?

who is this stupid faggot and why does his shit CONTINUE to pop in my youtube recommends after ive filtered every single video that comes my way? is he blowing someone at youtube why is he always in my fucking recommendations AAAAAAAAAA

I wonder what it's like to always be on the wrong side of history like Yea Forumsirgins are.

To keep his tranny commissars happy, gotta seem enthusiastic

>He killed the PVP player after giving the thumbs up to trans rights

he's just vinny without some parts

I mean if we are being serious here, that answer wasn't the most enthuanistic.

shit that happened over a year ago and all he said was don't bring up shit in his chat

imagine throwing a shitfit over someone giving a thumbs-up
and i thought the libs were the snowflakes...

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All he had to do was read it, or just not read it and say "next guy".
He gave the thumbs up, while reading it.
That's Jerma.

People are gonna look at the transexual thing in 50 years like how we look at using shock therapy to cure homosexuality today. Screenshot this post

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That's also a tactic. Look at how hard it is to get them to admit anything:
>Antifa doesn't exist conservatard
>That's just a video of some people in black committing terrorist acts, you don't know their political affiliation
>OK they have anarcho-communist flags but that doesn't mean their supported by us leftists
>Well yes, they are getting bailed out by leftist politicians and BLM, but those are liberals not leftists!
>I concede that they exist and are supported by leftists in power but it's ok because they only attack nazis
>Uh, yes, I do think conservatives and fencesitters are nazis, what's that got to do with anything?
Never argue with leftists online. Simply post the proof, explain the fallacies they're engaging in and move on. No matter what they'll just argue the tiniest bullshit points forever because conceding to you means letting fascists win.

oh no! not the hecking thumbs up! how could this happen Yea Forumsros!?!
grow thicker skin you pansy ass faggot

See this is what i mean. It's got this weird authoritative vibe and has become less of movement for rights and more of a command or morality check. It's really weird and creepy.

>People are gonna look at the transexual thing in 50 years like how we look at ... homosexuality today.
The truth was in your post somewhere, I just had to remove some words.

true feelings were clear

All twitch streamers are hostages to the silence is violence alphabet mafia. If you don't toe the line you don't get money for your time and energy spent entertaining those degenerate slimeball goblin shits.

>screenshot this post
>save it for 50 years

>Didn't even watch the video
How about you gain better eyes your blind bat

>don't use my stream to argue with troons please so I can continue to make money off twitch

who cares

>Muh right side of history
First of all, you retards are so cartoonishly evil that it's actually disgusting that you view yourself as the heroes.

Second, how can we be on the wrong side of history if we're approaching the end of it?

Because they're mentally unwell and they want people to validate their instability. Most troons suffer from severe depression.

>Remember me in 50 years
Dumber than the trannies.

If you feel like you're being bullied or pushed around by a marginalized group asking if you align with their fight for civil rights, you hate that group of people. If you feel personally attacked by being called transphobic, you're overly sensitive.

>Never argue with leftists online.
Better yet just don't argue with anyone on the political (autism) spectrum because it's a waste of time that'll only make you wish you could reach through your screen and strangle them.

I still have Yea Forums screenshots I took in the 80's.

Jerma can literally sit in front of a camera and talk for 6 hours and still be entertaining without resorting to whacky youtube videos or fart sounds like Joel (he's funny too tho don't get me wrong) hell he did several Labo streams where all he did was build children's cardboard toys and rant about nothing and it was great

And? Hate against perverts and evil forces is a positive good.


It's a joke, lad

Sure that's on Jerma but if he was some hardcore SJW he would have gone on rant about the message and not just continued the game.

Absolutely true. You're not actually contributing politically unless you're voting or participating in person. No one's going to change sides online because you articulated your points better than the other person, you're just masturbating to your politics publically.

>anglo globohomo will still be around in 50 years
lol, lmao even

Still fuming over your smear campaign crashing?

you're fooling no one tranny,
the media, institutions, public, hollywood, corporations, they all kneel to you
but somehow you're oppressed

>jerma outwardly supportive of trans rights
>talks about browsing reddit all the time
>met hasan piker, prolific leftist political pundit irl
>tons of trans people on his mod team
>4channel STILL coping like he's secretly a transphobe
You guys are pathetic

last thanksgiving my grandma brought me into the attic and said she wanted to show me something
she opened an old chest with a big metal key and pulled out a big scrapbook and blew the dust off of it
it was a scrapbook full of my great grandpas old Yea Forums screenshots he took in the old country
I will always treasure that memory

>but if he was some hardcore SJW
You're right, he's not a hardcore SJW all he said trans rights and gave the thumbs up.
He's the normal.

Most of those marginalized groups just proved they were marginalized for good reasons, really.

Star's a faggot

I can't believe Jerma is a groomer who is gonna an hero in 5 years or less...

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It's because they try to force onto everything and everyone, and if you don't say it then you're a bigot who deserves death.

imagine giving a fuck about some normalfag tranny enabler, zoomers deserve death.

my oldest is 1998

>if you don't say it then you're a bigot who deserves death.
>links a person who didn't say it, and nobody gave her shit for it
Makes you think

I watched the video you gorilla nigger I just wasn't sent into a seething rage by a hand gesture.

That about sums it up