Is lego games cringe or based?

is lego games cringe or based?

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Unbelievably based.
Kurt Busiek wrote the story for Lego Marvel Superheroes 2. That is fucking amazing.

Based, but the constant wanking of Lego Star Wars comes across a bit cringe to me.

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>4 Batman/DC games
>3 Marvel games with a fourth on the way
>4/5 Lego Star Wars games if you count TCS as a separate game for some reason
seems fine to me

No-no, I don't mind the quantity or quality of the Lego Star Wars games. I love 'em all. The ones I don't have on Steam, I play on console, or I've pirated 'em. It's the nostalgia wanking of the SW games which is kinda cringe.

well they were the first, it stands to reason they'd get the most nostalgia

Lego LOTR and Hobbit are the best ones

They were neither the first lego games, or first lego games utilizing other IP.

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I can't be the only one which loves this game.

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They are based. some of them are not that good tho
Lego ninja was trash, maybe because i don't know shit about it
Lego undercover is a masterpiece
i wish they would extend to others kind of franchise, lego dbz would be better than kakarot

I wish you could skip the cutscenes.

Lego sucks. I hate Lego. It's not fun at all. Growing up I never had any lego shit. And yet I really like the lego games. I think they're just slightly better games than people think they are.

they were the first of the Tt games, which you can't deny have overshadowed previous Lego games by a large margin

Were based but have become cringe. The open world nonsense has completely ruined them.

they would be cool if they were lego originals and not shitty licensed IPs

As someone who has never played them, they are definitely cringe.

that's what Lego Movie, Lego City Undercover, and Ninjago were

First TT lego game you dangus

What new IP could work well with Lego, and eventually a TT style Lego game?
Basically, it has to be an IP that is family friendly.

>Lord of the Rings
>family friendly

Lego Movie is technically a license, too, given that it's co-owned by WB and Universal.

Which Legos are worth playing?

something with a lot of characters. maybe something like ninja turtles
you can't read

That's what I loved about the Lego Universe game or whatever. It was cool seeing smaller franchises that couldn't hold up a Lego game actually get Lego content.

Probably Shonen Jump for an IP though. Just throw in DBZ, One Piece, Naruto & Bleach.

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Lego Dimensions, the closest we'll ever get to Portal 3.

By "family-friendly" they basically mean "not R-rated." PG-13 shit can be toned down.

I only played one, Lego Indiana Jones on Xbox 360. I liked it.

If I decide to play another one I dont even know where to begin, I dont give a shit about Soi Wars but it looks like the new one really improved the gameplay.

Lord of the Rings, Marvel Super Heroes, and DC Villains are all pretty fun

The simple answer is whichever IP you care about the most.

If you want specific recommendations, Lego Lord of the Rings and the first Lego Marvel are my personal favorites. The Lego Batman/DC games let you see the devs with the most creativity since they're not based on movies and not tied to the same corporate politics as the Marvel games. And Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga is basically where the formula started.

Skywalker Saga is good, but you need to be aware in advance that all the work went into the open-world segments. The story levels are shit. Not a dealbreaker, you can argue it's worth the trade-off, but if you want a soulful story mode it's not the one for you.

If you just want a good game then yeah play the newest star wars one. Otherwise play the Batman ones or whatever you're into

the story levels improve once you're out of the PT, fortunately
Lego games decided to find the neither cringe nor based spot. They neither make practical innovations anymore with their physical toy lineups, nor do they make bad video games. This kind of formula, you have to ask yourself, is it moving as a glacier into the real world with something amazing? Or is it sliding into virtual reality to never return for the likes of more retarded anime toy lineups like Minecraft marketing and bionicals?

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the only true outstanding lego game

They're pretty based if you can look past the childish nature of them. I didn't really like the new one, and there's a couple of bad eggs in there like the ones based on the Lego movies, but generally they're pretty laid back and fun games
That one was pretty lame compared to the first one

I like the lego movie ones. What's so bad about em?

They're for 10 year olds, I do not believe like I'd be the best judge of these games.

The OT/sequel levels are better, yes, but they're still pretty short and not up to the same standards as past Lego games. The fact that each level has only five minikits instead of ten says it all.

I also don't think it's a coincidence that the trilogy with the worst levels is also the one Disney doesn't want you to think about.

They were rushed to release alongside the movie, and covering just one movie leads to lots of padding. They're not bad, but they're noticeably weaker than the others.

i loved it as a kid on the wiiu

The city police lego sets aren’t bad bro, but resorting to police and firemen is what the Jews want you to do. It’s supposed to be a last resort if they can’t make something new and interesting.
Their tree house stuff is pretty good, I’ve seen a very good one in the books stores, very large set. But nothing on the scale of like a moon base monorail or the pirate ship. They don’t want people to think they are smart enough to have built something actually good. They want people dumb.

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what the hell are you talking about

I find it ironic how Lego, a company who claims to be about creativity and play, has an audience that purchases sets only to build them exactly as the instruction booklet tells them, and then just displays them on shelves.

that's better than the people who purchase sets only to leave them in the box to resell in a few years when they've sextupled in price.

I can agree with that.

Proselytizers are afraid of anything new. They would rather just focus on Amish and Muslims. They are scared of sin.

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So guys, what is this going to be?
Some kind of new MMO game based around Lego?

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>But nothing on the scale of like a moon base monorail or the pirate ship
have you fucking seen some of the giant-ass Star Wars sets they've put out? To say nothing of UCS sets.

this "audience" is just a minority of grown ups that have no creativty or time to play with the sets. Most of the audience are actually kids that will dismantle the original build in no time to build something else over and over again.

what was your favorite lego set growing up? mine was pic related

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I suppose. From my perspective, anytime I read or see anything about Lego fans, it comes from that man-child crowd who just collects and displays them.

well yeah, because you don't interact with children on a regular basis, and most of your socialization is with manchildren who still play video games in their 30s

Ice Planet 2002 sets, especially the ship

Can you fuck off you mentally ill streamer nigger

The old ones were good, they switched to cringe when they started using actual dialogue instead of pantomiming.

Good game

Guess ill take this oppurtunity to ask, because I got a LEGO marvel game on steam but keyboard controls suck. Any recommendations for controllers?

not that lego games are anything fancy I assume, I just never used a controller for playing on a computer so I'm a newfriend :)

Your picture doesn’t make any sense.
Asmongold is one of the dumb mmo people they have that just eats only mmos like Tera, ragnarok online, lost ark, whatever else comes. Even after elden ring, he just goes back to wow and final fantasy 14.
Yes I have, and again that’s more marketing.
Marketing is when they just take a brand and copy things from it. Like My Little Pony, when there actually exists some pretty amazing non-star wars themed legos before there was Star Wars.

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Xbox controllers work good, you can probably find a 360 or xbone controller for cheap

Xbone is pretty good

He played elden ring, he deserves one image. I still used him as an example of a stooge. Now you know why there isn’t just a “us versus them” strategy. God bless.

what the hell does he have to do with Legos

Lego LOTR is one of the best Lego games. Huge overworld, and Coop you can go on the other side of the map alone to solve puzzles.
Hobbit is pretty okay too.

Great games, i still need to play Lego LOTR

WEW doggie, that is a great way to kill the metaverse or get it regulated in to hell.
>lets try to get literal little children in to NFTs,

I had this, pure SOVL


>He played elden ring, he deserves one image
What the fuck does this even mean? Kill yourself


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Wow, you just described the plot of the Lego movie! Ironic that you didn't create your own plot!

Romans 1:28
“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;”
He went back to God, he didn’t stay with God and went back to his dirty mmo sins. But he still did it. It sounds like you don’t know what the Law is. Maybe you should watch your mouth, faggots.

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you know this is a thread about Legos, right?

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Being afraid of police is a crime. And crime is for niggers.