Who is your favorite video game streamer?

Who is your favorite video game streamer?

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unironic tranny


This dude should really try sounding like a woman, it’s hilarious to see him talk.

His voice

would fill his boipussy with my big white cock

would throat fuck violently

Man voice or not I still would.


disgusting faggot tranny

He should try looking like one too but I guess that's the best a transvestite can do.


ummmmm she's a hetero transwoman

I don't mind the voice, it's the accent I find hideous.

Boys make better girls than femoids. Cope.


>sexy tomgirl in the OP image
i'd like to do a whole sex on him
jeremy is my favourite on Yea Forumsceleb

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You will never be with a woman.
You will never be a man.

lmfao imagine the reactions he gets when he talking to people for the first time

Shame she's a lesbian (or shame he's still straight)

God I want to suck her cock

>You will never be a man.
Too bad I can't say the same about you lmao


She's live!

Is that a wig he uses or it is his own hair? I see some male pattern baldness doing its thing already

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Nasty trannie.

Here comes the local not-woman tranny screaming about how other anons are obsessed about trannies while this kind of shit gets posted on the regular.

This picture really gives you a clear idea of what the guy is under the wig and makeup lmao.

i know thats why he is going to get his bussy stuffed with my big white cock

Thanks, I know. Good luck with your transition, sis!

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Jerma bros

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Sasha Grey's cooking streams are unironically relaxing as fuck

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This is a 5/10 goofy looking dude with 3 tonnes of makeup, wig, fake lashes, and insta filters. Remove all that and you'll get chud wojak

We used to have tranny threads all the time and no one cared until you screaching autists got obsessed over trannies.

she doesnt sound that different than other british women

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Benedict Cumberbatch?

Why is Yea Forums gay all of a sudden?

I’m obsessed with exterminating all trannies.


Show bulge please

>all of a sudden?

Oh my dear sweet summer child

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Imagine how exhausting it must be to have to wake up every single day and and do a long and complicated ritual of applying 3 million different kinds of cosmetics onto your face to try to keep the illusion up. Imagine not being able to just wake up in your pajamas with an unwashed face and just be who you wanted to be. It must be so tiresome.

At least she is playing video games.

Are (you) playing video games?

>tranny threads all the time
>all the time
>no one cared
Something doesn't compute, tranny.

>You will never be with a woman
But I will. There's no correlation between hating trannies and not having a girlfriend. In fact women prefer strong man that would fight against the mentally ill, physically disfigured monsters that invade their personal space and ruin their sports.
>You will never be a man
I already am.

If me, a troon and a girl were in the same room, the girl would look to me for protection. She would be my Princess and I her Knight in Shining Armor. The troon would be the ogre I have to fight to save her. After slaying the monster and moving far from his grotesque and dead body, we would have lots of sex.

Man don't have vaginas.

Sounds like something women do

That's no different from your regular (and biological) e-thot.

I downloaded super auto pets last night and I've got 7 hours in it already.

>a tranny has a deeper more gravelly voice than i do

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Kill all trannies because they want to fuck children.

You wouldn't know, newfag election tourist.

undoubtedly, seeing how about half of troons attempt suicide
totally not a mental illness btw

The e-thot is still a woman and wouldn't be mistaken for a man. That's the difference.

No, playing videogames evidently turns you into a tranny

>Imagine how exhausting it must be to have to wake up every single day and and do a long and complicated ritual of applying 3 million different kinds of cosmetics onto your face to try to keep the illusion up. Imagine not being able to just wake up in your pajamas with an unwashed face and just be who you wanted to be. It must be so tiresome.

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Troons are monsters that are obsessed with attention.

Please I want to see it so ba-

You will always have XY chromosomes.


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Is that the antiwork tranny that went on tv?

your attempts at subversion are fooling no one mutt, fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of and stay here

>le jewish registered democrat face

Look, you trannies wanted to be hypervisible and have all the attention on you and your cause. This is what it looks like.

And nether of them would get attention unless they do that. So what's even your point? That trannies and women are the same? Fucking tranny apologists m8


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Nigga at least wash your face.

That's a registered Democrat right?

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A woman who rolls out of bed and goes out will look like an unwashed woman. A tranny who rolls out of bed and goes out will look like an unwashed man.

Kaho Shibuya because fat tits

for me, it's trappy chan

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>the replies

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This beautiful ginger bastard
>Speaks his mind, isn't afraid of cancel-culture bullshit
>Doesn't take any sides, criticizes all involved
>Entertaining, pushes boundaries of prude Twitter moderators
>Manages to find some amazingly weird shit on the internet, even this far into its existence
>Knows he's a neckbeard and doesn't cry like a manchild when called out on it

Dude is the most based streamer to exist so far

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Trying too hard my tranny friend. No, you are not the same as a woman. You'll never be. A girl can look attractive and womanly in her pajamas while you'll always be just a faggot.

I've been here since 2006. No one gave a shit about trannies, ad yes we did used to have tranny threads all the time.

No one cared until you autists came a long and started obsessing over them.

kek not even trying

And yet both do the same thing. Why are you guys so adamant of proving yourselves clueless about women?

My male roommate does that with face moisturizer, sun-cream, etc. and also shower + washing head so he can do his hair. Overall his morning routine takes 50 minutes but he fucks on the regular while I'm just a basement troll who's never talked with a woman he plays D&D with.
I think they consider it worth it so it's not that tiresome, like how brushing the teeth is for us, you just get used to it.


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>no u
Epic argument if I saw one.

lol sure you did faggot, dilate

Very soon....

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>all the seething chuds itt

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No fuck this faggot he made fun of everyone questioning coronavirus(China virus) lockdowns

Jesus Christ moderators

Wojakniggers deserve death

step aside boy

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>"I actually know my shit about women"
>see: I actually have, and like to have, sex with women
>hurr durr ywnbaw
Are you legally retarded?

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>lol sure you did faggot, dilate
You wouldn't know, newfag.


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everytime a woman has this kind of body she has a coal burner kid or two :(

The difference being that your friend doesn't need to do all that just to look like a normal human male. Meanwhile the tranny will spend hours of their every day putting the illusion up, covering their entire room on pink things to further strengthen the trick and only show their faces upon carefully controlled lighting, angles and filters. And even the simple act of speaking will be exhausting since they can't do it willingly out of the blue, they have to consciously put in an effort to modulate their voice while all they achieve is for it to still sound male but faggier. Their every movement is a massive struggle.

Thanks but I'll take the moisturizer.

t. jamal ginsberg

You will never be a woman and when they find you hanging in the bathroom then you’ll be buried with your deadname. Best get it over with already trannie.

Just cook for yourself you fucking loser

/qa/ lost
Trannies won
Jannies BTFO of all you chuds
Trump lost
Gamergate lost
Black lives matter won
Hitler lost
The Jews won

That's literally what leftists do. Every troon that posts that to portray transphobes is lying just like they're lying about their genders.

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this thread is getting deleted anyways

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Is this the Brazil troon?


>muh left
>muh right
Go back

fucking your discord boytoys in their gaping holes do not count as having sex, and no you faggots are the farthest away from getting it with women given that theyd bolt the second they see your hulking frame, much less catch a whiff of your rotting axe wound

Your bloodline will end with you.

I'm not the one equating trannies with women, my mentally ill friend.

but bri'ish accent is hot, if the girl has a cute voice though

As if you needed more proof /v is a troon board this thread comes up


>be bi master race
>meet cute girl: would
>find our she has a penis: still would
>girl reveals she is actually a guy: no problem
>transguy: ok
>straight transguy: heart broken
Lesbian girls and straight guys are the only people that make my peepee sad.

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Brazilians look like THAT?

>politics don't exist
>troons don't exist
>problems don't exist
>jews don't exist
>only vidya and my ignorance exist



Is that projection? Are you one of these self-hatting gays?

>10 people watching
Hands up and up against the wall, who of that is you?

>mutts wake up
>suddenly tranny threads pop up in the dozens like mushrooms after rain

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This thread is new levels of real low IQ.


>Words words words

You are a broken individual. Your parents fucked up bigtime.

ur mom

do you guys think she'll like to meet and fuck?
has anyone asked already?

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