Any games besides New Vegas that give female characters alternate routes/dialogue options?
Any games besides New Vegas that give female characters alternate routes/dialogue options?
He needs a semi of viagra to get hard, and those girls he pays off.
Holy cope
Luckiest man alive even if it's all crumbling down
>and those girls he pays off.
99.9% of women in modern countries would not enter into a relationship with a broke NEET or homeless man.
All heterosexual relationships start as prostitution and even if the man loses his job they may stay together a while but the countdown has started
I can not imagine being horny enough to need five women. My girlfriend is enough for me by a wide margin.
Low t.
She cheats on you though
So you would date a homeless woman, a stinky she-hobo, wouldn't you?
happens when you have lot's of sex or are exposed to a lot of sexual stuff.
Why do you think everyone on hollywood is a degenerate?
>and those girls he pays off.
everybody pays for sex in one way or another
Yeah, no shit
I wanna make a joke but this is just too depressing. Get well soon.
Just give that bitch a razor and tell her to take a shower and shave. She’d require you to make 6 figures and have a 6 pack though.
Isn’t this the guy who made a whole persona of acting macho and gun-toting with how he’d take no shit from anyone and would blow them away and then when faced with a shooter he ran like a pussy only to have his fanboys turn around and try and say he was “running for his guns” kek
I would definitely cum before insertion if I was surrounded by five naked women, without question
the amount of virgin stink itt is mindnumbing
>"h-he needs viagra to get hard"
>"h-his girls are all paid off"
>"y-you cant have so much sex"
shut the fuck up you virgin faggots
unlike you, normal people dont value "muh benis in bagina" as much as you do
for them it is a casual thing
for you it is the epitome of life
the pics only have one purpose: show off
know those niggers posting pics of stacks of money? you know they are piss poor and are touching money for the first time because actual rich people dont do that
same thing here
it wouldnt surprise me if Dan posts pics surrounding himself with whores because he used to be a virgin neet and now screaming "look at all the w*men i bang!!"
he might have done that the first couple times ofcourse, why wouldnt he
but the novelty wears off fast and in the end he is more busy setting up photoshoots and kicking those cunts out the second he is happy with the pics posting them on insta or whatever making virgins like you seethe
>He needs a semi of viagra to get hard
are you his doctor
>those girls he pays off.
all women are prostitutes
especially your mom
I hate phoneposters so much it's unreal..
This is an actual cope. Women are horny and want sex like everyone else on the planet. They’ll fuck you completely free of charge.
What are you people defending?
Leave your cuck fantasies off of Yea Forums.
I was that horny when I was a college student and acted as such. Doesn't have nearly the drive when I passed 30.
I had a lot of sex in college and immediately after, lost the urge in my late 20s to fuck everything that moved.
>daddy's money
Bilzerian is a larping faggot.
He said relationships, not hookup culture. Also, one of the most normie songs on the planet in the moment has the lyrics "broke boys don't get no kitty". With call back from the audience being "you know that's right!"
5 women aren't a problem, but I probably couldn't deal with the bitches shown in that picture. You need variety, not 5 interchangeable insta thots.
We gigachads need to stick together.
>listening to nograp
Sensible reply that will make all the incels seethe.
Isn't he 5'7"?
Lol getting laid is priority number one for normalfags. You guys just act like you’re above it but of course you aren’t. People scope out sex partners at work, school, the gym, the fucking library. People go out drinking on weekends. Sometimes with a couple friends, sometimes at a party or club/bar. Sex rules all. Uppity normalfags who are already in relationships act like they’re king shit but once it breaks off? They lose it. I actually have friends so I’ve seen this countless times.
he looks so buff and big
Who is Bilzerian? When I look him up he's from a rich family and played poker like a decade ago. Is there anything else to him?
you fags need help
I'm neet and I have a gf of 4 years. I'm 26 and she's older than me
5'5 actually
Same goes for relationships frankly. I don’t get how you guys explain broke teens/early 20 year olds. That’s not yo say women aren’t shallow of course.
im not one of those fags but i could use a little bit of help
i would love help in the form of
money, preferably a few hundred thousands
just kill me
How did you meet?
Were you employed or in school at the time?
and yet you are to inbred to figure out who is phoneposting
School, she's also neet
I lost my virginity at 22 with her
why do trannies and femholes seethe over Dan?
>He needs a semi of viagra to get hard, and those girls he pays off.
Isn't he like in his 40s and constantly surrounded by hot chicks? No wonder he needs viagra desu.
I was in a relationship with a sex addict for a year and now I hardly ever get hard like I used to, desensitizing is a thing :(
>Uppity normalfags who are already in relationships act like they’re king shit but once it breaks off? They lose it.
This. I had a friend said "sex isn't that big of a thing, I could live without it." While his GF sucked his dick every morning, but once they broke up he was on social media "does anyone want a fuck? I'm so horny" not even a week later.
Normalfags act like sex doesn't matter, but that's just because they are getting it. Take it away from them and they'd be worse than even us since they can't live without it.
Don’t forget the beard. Makeup for men.
lmao he's been exposed as a total fraud like a year ago.
Then you weren't NEET
NEET= Not in Employment Education or Training
School = implied future promise of wealth
Money is the most important character trait in the US.
ever since finding someone i genuinely love i have 0 interest in sex with random women. a supermodel 10/10 could start grinding up on me and i wouldnt feel a thing
Lmao at the seethe, I'm literally telling the truth.
He is based and make the internet seethe with jealousy.
So are we acting shocked a rich guy can attract women? Money gets you sluts, everyone knows that.
did every1 forget how much this guy is a fraud on almost all accounts? i get you dislike women but holy shit grow a fucking neuron or two please, otherwise we'll all regard you as the thing you hate most.
None of that shit matters, he's worth ridiculing for the sculpted beard alone. He's a jawlet with a recessed chin.
don't forget he roids and sculpts his beard to make it look like he has a chad jawline when he's just some dude
He had a rich dad who committed wire fraud, hid the money and then inherited some to this faggot, who promptly wasted it all away by making up a fake internet life to appeal to 12 year olds in order to sell them merch.
i didnt notice this and it never bothered me before but what the fuck is wrong with his nose? specifically his nostril size.
can he even breathe through that?
it looks like even a small amount of nose dirt is enough to clog his nasal airways
hes so smol and cute :3
the dude you're defending is a fucking manlet. i'm thinking you are too. pathetic.
literal smoothbrain
guess the virgin """insult""" hit you a little too close
Hey man nothing wrong with looking like David Byrne.
So is it literally just 'he has money and uses it to fuck whores'?
and this is how the cope starts
No it's
'He HAD money and wasted all of it on whores'
I wasn't seething I was telling.
Just ask any male porn actor.
The real cope is calling someone below 6'0 a chad for paying woman to have sex with him lmao. It's like me going on Twitter and calling paypigs Chad's for paying for womans dirty socks and bf fucking videos.
Yeah lol, when it was safe he kept harassing police officers "offering his help". They thought he was retarded and told him to fuck off.
You’re talking to incels, they aren’t going to be receptive to the hard truth, no matter how you post it user. It’s a wasted effort to save them.