Its hard not to find some fagot who will drop in the buzzword game loop. only here is the thing.
Game loop theory is bullshit !
However first things first, every game needs to run in a loop because programing
You want to know what the loop is ?
>Calculate projectile collisions >Calculate damage if collision >If HP = 0 mark creature as dead >Do death creature removal >Go to start
And this is terribly low level and uninteresting and trivial even for programmers. So what are the BS loops that game loop theory talks about ?
Actually it means nothing there are 100s of different interpretations in the same game what a game loop is and most of them are forced as fuck. Using game loop theory brings nothing and only wastes time for everyone involved.
You can equally make up a button press theory where a game id a series of button presses and players pressing the buttons or not pressing the buttons. I mean you can describe games in this way practically all games only what is the point ?
Most games, good games do not fit into the game loop theory or aspects of a game are ignored by the postmodern hipster speaks the buzzwords of the game loop theory like they are the words of god himself.
I will not say that here are no games who will fit into game loop theory only the games that fit are 9/10 exploitative phone trash that is not fun to play.
Pretending like this game loop theory is some grant unifying way to describe every game is silly at best and resulting in game devs making shit games at worse.
any game with crafting has a blatantly obvious gameplay loop. collect resources to craft stronger items to collect more resources.
Hunter Morris
I'm not going to read all that shit you just posted, but game loops are definitely 100% a thing. Make a tl;Dr
Jaxson Jones
>any game with crafting has a blatantly obvious gameplay loop. Yes now try to force Doom II into your loop theory. See the problem ?
>collect resources to craft The question is ... are these games this way because it is the only way to make these games ? Or are they this way because brain dead executives and devs try to force their game into the game loop theory model.
Can these games be made in a different way ? What would that look like ?
Jackson Jones
Why the fuck did you just word vomit an entire essay?
Camden Lopez
So you can learn to read more text.
Christopher Gutierrez
>Doom II Find key to open doors so you can can find keys to open doors. Kill demons with the super shotgun so you find more shotgun ammo to kill demons with.
Jonathan Cook
not every game has a loop this is used to describe games where you do more than one thing, but if you really wanted to extrapolate you could say that dooms gameplay loop is kill enemies > search for secrets > get key > open door > kill enemies there's no need to think about it because doom it so direct and simple, but for games where you have towns/dungeons/crafting or resource management it's a thing to think about and see if what you're doing really has a purpose and if the mechanics fit together now you're gonna give me a 2000 words reply telling me how retarded i am because you're irrationally angry at a term game devs use despite not being a game dev yourself
>Kill demons with the super shotgun so you find more shotgun ammo to kill demons with. See you are trying to force it. You can equally explain doom as pressing buttons and not pressing buttons.
See the difference to something like borderlands 2 ?
>Kill demons with the super shotgun so you find more shotgun ammo to kill demons with. What about getting more weapons ? Did this evaporate in you forcing it into the loop theory ?
James Allen
>but for games where you have towns/dungeons/crafting or resource management it's a thing to think about and see if what you're doing really has a purpose and if the mechanics fit together Give an example of that
>there's no need to think about it because doom it so direct and simple, but for games where you have towns/dungeons/crafting or resource management it's a thing to think about and see if what you're doing really has a purpose and if the mechanics fit together
This breaks down even more if we are talking Atari style games.
>angry at a term game devs use despite not being a game dev yourself Do they ? I find that it is only jurno fagots who spam this word and theory all day every day.
Jacob Morgan
ITT: Retarded underageb&s realize what Finite State Machines are
Lucas Lee
every game has a gameplay loop you retarded autist
Brandon Cruz
>Give an example of that Not him however I think borderlands 2 is the perfect example.
It is 1) Go to new area 2) kill alla enemies 3) open crates and take loot 3 B ) sell / throw way bad guns and use new guns 3 C ) Buy bew gun from store.
It is so formulaic it hurts, when I returned to the game it was so monotonous.
Chase Hernandez
But gameplay loops are why video games are so addicting
Jaxson Robinson
zelda go to a town, talk to npcs, have some story exposition, go to a dungeon, learn the basic layout of the dungeon, get an item, solve the puzzles of the dungeon with the item, kill the boss, go to next town this happens 10 times in oot, so it's definitely a thing they thought about
Gabriel Barnes
>every game has a gameplay loop you retarded autist Prove that.
See what insane fagots these game loop theory fags are ?
Zachary Parker
>But gameplay loops are why video games are so addicting Nope see Games who have loops in them are tiring and boring, repetitive and hold no value.
Brody Richardson
>but for games where you have towns/dungeons/crafting or resource management it's a thing to think about and see if what you're doing really has a purpose and if the mechanics fit together even those games have a loop faggot post a game you think doesn't have a loop then faggot >Games who have loops in them are tiring and boring, repetitive and hold no value. you are just a retarded autist
Aaron Morgan
What would you say the loops are in strategy games?
Jayden Carter
>post a game you think doesn't have a loop then faggot Dinosaur game in google chrome. Tell me what the loop there is.
And you will force it so hard.
How about tetris ? And you will force it so hard.
Grayson White
yes, there is no reason to think about the gameplay loop of an atari, the same way there's no reason to understand the aerodynamics of a tree other devs probably didn't call it the same, maybe didn't even had a name for it. it's a thing to think about when you're making a game with many parts, giving a name to it makes it easier to explain, but it's not a golden rule that should be applied to every single videogame and every dev should know about.
Brayden Fisher
>even those games have a loop faggot you're not even reading the posts anymore, just looking at keywords and responding
Hudson Jenkins
>tetris line up blocks to break rows so you can line up more blocks to break rows >Dinosaur game jump over obstacles, get better score so you can jump over more obstacles and get better score these game are literally on a loop you fucking autist
Isaac Miller
gather resources and conquer> build up your base/town/units> so you can gather more resources and conquer. up until you reach your desired ending.
simple as that.
John Rogers
>Hur dur they did not name it More like the game loop theory is something that showed up in ~2020 and retarded jurnos started talking about it.
A retarded theory made by retards who never did think about it or made games and pretend like they are so intelligent by talking what loops a game has.
And you realize fast the games that stick to this formula are deeply flawed. Example skyrim the game basically gives you dungeons to finish and you finish dungeons and all of them feel the same.
Now contrast this with mario party. Notice that every mini game is different. What if instead of clone dungeon #45 skyrimg did change things a lot ? What would that even look like ?
You notice the more you break up the formula the more interesting it gets.
Virtually every game has a series of systems that becomes increasingly more stringent as the game progresses. There are good ways to do this, like Mario Bros. which introduces more challenging enemies and geography, and then there are shitty ways to do it like Borderlands where you're still doing the same fundamental thing, just with bigger numbers against differently colored enemies. If a game doesn't have a loop, then that means every iteration of gameplay is unique and each challenge requires a different skillset.
Jaxon Murphy
Holy shit how hard you need to force them into a loop now you literally approached button press theory.
Joshua Williams
build units to collect resources and kill enemy units (that want prevent you from making more units and collect more resources) - to build more units and collect more resources then explain it faggot, rpgs have a loop
Ayden Phillips
WOW epic levels of forcing.
Jose Parker
you are a retarded autist
Nathaniel Martinez
What about games with no resource collection or troop production? Games like multiplayer battles in total war games or Field of Glory 2
Ethan Lee
user I think you're just picking and choosing what fits your narrow definition of what a gameplay loop is.
Mario party is literally >roll dice >land on spot > minigame > roll dice up until you get a star and the game is over. Literally any game can be dumbed down into a simple gameplay loop and you can also over explain something til the point it sounds far more complicated than it actually is.
DO you actually believe this or are you just shitposting today.
Aiden Martinez
>dude can't even spell faggot but wants to call me one lmfao based ESL schitzo autist
Owen Johnson
then explain why zelda has a loop, i explained here yes retard that is literally what i said
Jack Campbell
>It's another "Retard doesn't understand how the sausage is made" thread
Thomas Taylor
I'm too lazy to read what you're arguing about but I just want you to know that "games without resource collection or troop production" are an entire genre called real-time tactics
Wyatt Richardson
>Yes now try to force Doom II into your loop theory. Kill demons to find keys/weapons to kill demons more/faster
Isaiah Rodriguez
Field of Glory 2 is turn based, but thanks.
Christian Jenkins
Is it good? Have had that in my library for ages but never got around to playing it Does it have actual tactical depth? Those grid-based games always look like chess to me
Cooper Turner
I would think that games that don't have loops either have a single narrow activity or don't have gameplay that repeats at all.
For example an older arcade game might not have a loop. Centepede or Frogger would work as examples. Some mobile games also follow the formula. Such as a runner with no upgrades or puzzle games.
Games that don't repeat their gameplay are more rare. Its obviously work intensive to create a series of radically different gameplay and use it only once. Frog Fractions and Incredible Crisis are the only ones that come to mind but you could also argue that Mario Party minigame rush modes would count as well.
Caleb Nguyen
>Mario Bros. >Borderlands
i like to mention one thing and this is especially visible in Dungeon Keeper 2 or other strategy games.
You notice that the single player of that game is basically a tutorial or introduction of new units (+1 new unity on every next map) it is formulaic however games like Doom 2 do the same thing, you basically get more weapons and different enemies as the game moves one its more like a graph where you get more new stuff that often feeds or changes previously introduced rules.
And the more subtle you make this, the more indistinguishable from natural like in mario you notice that the game becomes more fun. The goal here should be that you do not notice the formulas that make up the game.
You notice this is one game design idea not some grant theory that I need to force every game into.
Parody: introducing graph theory, while the game progresses things change and you get more things.
Everything that has a level system ? Your level increases THEORY PROVEN !
Do you get more weapons ? THEORY PROVEN !
Do you get different weapons ? THEORY PROVEN !
Do your new weapons have bigger numbers on them ? THEORY PROVEN !
PS: And this graph theory makes infinetly more sense then thinking of games as loops.
You realize the fagots who worship the game loop theory will rage or try to force every game into their retarded game loop theory.
Dylan Turner
>Mario party is literally See OP.
The point is not that you can force or describe a game this way, the point is is it useful to talk about a game this way ?
Contrast this with graph theory
Jacob Bailey
>For example an older arcade game might not have a loop. Centepede or Frogger would work as examples. Some mobile games also follow the formula. Such as a runner with no upgrades or puzzle games. I would say they have a basic loop of avoid thing to not die so you can avoid more things and get better score, basically a simplistic Mario game but a multiplayer game where you just throw your army at the opponent and don't collect resources might not have a loop
Colton Hill
It's just a way of explaining how a game is played or designed by abstraction. It's not meant to be used to explain the intricacies of a game.
Sebastian Reyes
you are a brain damaged retard
Adam Hall
The point you did not get is that mario party starts quests/mini games that are not the same every time and this is a good thing, you going to smash dungeon #45 who is identical to dungeon #44 is bad.
Basically what I'm saying is that mario part has verity (even if they repeat) and this is good while doing a retarded formulaic game like above is not.
Dominic Wilson
Well then OP should better form his point because its flat out atrocious. If OP just wanted to propose a new theory of gameplay, he shouldve just started with that. This is why you hire people who can actually know how to discuss things for you.
Dylan Wood
Get even more angry you fagot ! I hope you get a stroke fro mall the rage !
Easton Ward
It is literally written in the OP ! I wrote all objection and responded to them in the OP ! READ THE OP !
Adam Harris
shut the fuck up you french faggot
Jeremiah Collins
Alright OP, I'm gonna educate you.
Every game ever made. Yes, even that one. Is a loop or collection of loops.
Every game has three things: >Goal/reward >Obstacle >Player choice.
And in every game, you use >Player choices to overcome >Obstacles to get to the >goal/reward
That's the big, over-arching loop, but there are also smaller loops within those loops to keep the game fun and engaging. For example:
In Mario Bros: >Object: To get to the end of the game >Obstacle: Jumping puzzles and enemies >Player choices: Moving, running, jumping, hitting blocks, etc
BUT, if you zoom in: >Object: To get to the end of each stage individually >Obstacle: Enemies and jump puzzles >Player choices: See above
BUT ALSO: You can zoom in further >Object: To overcome a specific monster >Obstacle: The monster itself >Choices: Jumping ON the monster, jumping OVER the monster, hitting the monster with a fireball, etc
And on and on and down and down until you can see literally every single second of player engagement as a reaction to stimuli as a reaction to player input as a reaction to stimuli, on an instant-by-instant basis. That's a gameplay loop.
Landon Jones
you are a retarded autist you can't comprehend simple things
Benjamin Clark
>It's just a way of explaining how a game is played or designed by abstraction This translates into making the game loop theory useless and a thing to be abandoned.
I know exactly the fagots who get their dicks hard over trash like game loop theory and its the same retards who get erections from UML.
Another shit idea that makes useless corporate drones feel superior.
Hunter Jenkins
Cool thanks friend
Jason Davis
It's bready good. It takes a while to get a feel for how much all the modifiers affect yours and the enemy's units because there's a lot of them so early on you might end up sending your units into an unfavorable position because you thought all the bonus/penalties would have a greater/lesser impact. At least the flanking and rear attacks always do something and since it takes units an entire turn to rotate the game does require you to think several turns ahead if you want to pull it off.
Nathan Perry
op is too retarded to understand any of it you are a brain damaged retard
Colton Ward
Sounded more like you were just trying to act like there was no such thing as a gameplay loop. I read that shit multiple times and the thread and I couldn't figure out what the hell you were trying to argue.
Could put something more like," The gameplay loop theory is bullshit because X, I propose that every good game follows the graph theory instead, where things get harder or change ever so slightly as the game goes on." I think this falls on you not being able to communicate properly
Colton Nguyen
They actually seem to be mostly ignoring it.
Alexander Nguyen
>I have never designed a video game in my entire life
Nolan Sullivan
Sounds good, I suppose it was a stupid question whether a Slitherine game has tactical depth lel Is the manual necessary? I'm never quite sure with these games, sometimes you really need to read it, sometimes the game has a great tutorial and you just need the manual to reference specific modifiers and rules
John Long
op is an autist he is too retarded to realize tetris has a loop, a game where you do the same thing over and over
Jackson Rivera
>Every game has three things: >>Goal/reward >>Obstacle >>Player choice. Congratulations on making game loop theory useless in describing anything of value.
Your post is not different from >Every game has you pressing buttons >You press a button >Then there is time when you do not press a button
What value does this bring to the conversation ? Any conversation ?
>Obstacle: Jumping puzzles and enemies Yes practically all games have challenges and win/lose conditions. Why the fuck do you feel the need to force this sane description into the abortion that is game loop theory ?
>>Choices: Jumping ON the monster, jumping OVER the monster, hitting the monster with a fireball, etc This is simply pathetic. This does not even look like a loop.
>And on and on and down and down until you can see literally every single second of player engagement as a reaction to stimuli as a reaction to player input as a reaction to stimuli, on an instant-by-instant basis. That's a gameplay loop. And this fagot behavior is why I bash game loop theory and the fagots pushing it. These are these people everyone !
PS BONUS : >>Every game has three things: Except walking simulators ... if you consider them games at all ... I bet you find a way to force them also into your game loop theory.
Isaac Thompson
This guy gets it. This thread is blatantly disingenuous, but loops are essentially just what the gameplay looks like at the 'macro' level, which can be analyzed and critiqued independently of the 'micro' level mechanics. I've been playing through Mega Man ZX lately, and as much as I've been enjoying the minute to minute mechanics of the game, the overall structure of the game felt unwieldy, disjointed and unfulfilling; in other words, the loop didn't work. La-Mulana, on the other hand, handles it loops fantastically—despite the blatantly repetitive nature of its areas (enter area->get life crystal->get ankh jewel->kill boss->enter backside of area), each area approaches this formula in entirely different (and increasingly intricate) ways, making a strong experience out of what easily could've been a exercise in rote repetition.
Notice how both of my examples made no reference to player physics, enemy placement, weapon design, or anything else that makes up the core mechanics of the game. Although game mechanics give rise to loops, loops allow us to intuitively explain the larger 'skeleton' of a game, and I fail to see why that can't be a useful framework for discussion.
Xavier Lopez
you are a brain damaged retard told you op is a retard
Landon Baker
>And this fagot behavior is why I bash game loop theory and the fagots pushing it. Why? What's wrong with it? Are you trying to argue AGAINST that? Are you trying to argue AGAINST the idea that video games respond to player input while the player responds to video game output? Like a loop?
It's pretty easy learn just from playing it, I don't think the manual is necessary to play. >Slitherine Bunch of lazy niggers, I wonder how many years they've been reusing the same animations.
Nolan Long
>propose that every good game follows the graph theory instead, And here is the thing, I DO NOT PROPOSE THE GRAPH THEORY !
Because it would be to restrictive and I see some games that do not fit the theory.
Making up one observation that is conducive to some games while pretending its the great explanation OF ALL GAMES FUTURE AND PRESENT is simply stupid and can blind us.
And the graph model collapses in some games especially Atari unless you want to force it and insist that any numbers increasing means that the game fits graph theory.
This is my point, and objection to loop theory it forces itself and insists that it can explain all games if a game does not fit another thing is found that can be forced into the loop theory and the worshipers of this theory stay smug.
I think it is named an unfalsifiable theory and this is a bad thing.
Colton Wright
Literally every single game can be broken down into a loop, or constituent loop components.
Every Single One.
Try me. Name a game. If I've played it or know enough about it, I'll point out the gameplay loops.
Daniel Rodriguez
Your interpretation of "game loop" is as literal as it gets. What people are talking about is a meta analysis of games by creating a flowchart of meaningful interactions in the game. Your buttons analogy falls apart because it implies it's all arbitrary, but it's not. In terms of design, there is nothing to gather from a heatmap or chart of button presses.
>Most games, good games do not fit into the game loop What games? I don't even know what games you consider good.
>I will not say that here are no games who will fit into game loop theory only the games that fit are 9/10 exploitative phone trash that is not fun to play. This does not make sense. So are you saying that all games fit into game loop theory or not? That's pretty important for the second part of your statement.
Your post reeks of misunderstanding. Everything is subject to reductive analysis. Obviously if video games were as deep as these "game loop" charts, it would be just as stimulating to read the chart. But it's not, and nobody is trying to pretend that it is. It's a way of charting out what you do in the games, which can be useful in identifying design principles.
>be mostly ignoring it. Or they find a way to force it insisting that you pressing a button and not pressing a button is a loop.
The reason I have this level of disdain for loop theory is that these people are insufferable and because how they behave.
Seen it in UML, little fagots need to feel like super smart dudes and will say buzzwords and when you point out that this does not make sense they simply say that you do not know how it works.
Adam Taylor
They'll stop at the same time when they stop overcharging for their games because they're niche lel
Leo Brooks
>it forces itself and insists that it can explain all Pictures if a Picture does not fit another thing is found that can be forced into the Color Theory and the worshipers of this theory stay smug.
>it forces itself and insists that it can explain all games if a Song does not fit another thing is found that can be forced into the Music Theory and the worshipers of this theory stay smug.