whoa...... it's shit
Whoa...... it's shit
Please put Elden Ring on your thread so I can filter it, so far I'm on 16 threads hidden.
You're free to not like it, but I like it.
hmm..just like every single souls game
You can safely delete the game past the capitol. It fucking sucks from then on.
Those are much better. If you have nothing to offer but combat, just focus on that. Wasted open world, what’s the point?
I'm enjoying it.
Weird, I just beat it and kept waiting for this drop in quality I keep hearing about, but it never happened. Snowfield could have used more points of interest with how big it was maybe, but other than that I found all post leyndell areas good to great.
That place was amazing. Walking up on Ordina at night was really something else.
Good. If you weren't filtered out by the Snowfields then it means you have shit taste.
This, everyone kept saying the mountain sucks but the game is essentially over by that point. I'm fine with the mountain and farm being relatively small compared to the other areas.
its decent until you try to pvp, the pvp is not thought out. But I haven't spent much time thinking about pvp in older FROM titles I'm sure its par for the course.
>allowed to double jump into places with torrent then use taunters tongue and afk
people on Yea Forums don't really care about pvp in these games. You'll get more takers somewhere else.
Like prior games, I treat pvp as a fun little side thing. I don't expect any real balance.
Blatant fangirl replies. The bosses that are sized too big like the fire faggot giant are a battle between you and the camera. Then retarded damage numbers, haligtree enemy placement is purely tiresome, graphical glitches everywhere, you can fall through the ground, anime battles that obliterate you and so on. This game implodea in quality with the snowy area.
But it's obvious, your personality depends on the game's reception. And criticising the game, is criticising you.
PVP in souls games is like plot in Doom. Its expected to be there but no one really cares.
dont care about the balance just if someone is afk in unreachable spot, and you keep invading in the same area it seems to ONLY connect to them every time
I cared about doom plot in doom 3 and 2016, but they shat on 2016 with eternal
You control the camera. Its a (you) problem if you are having problems with a camera you control.
>and you keep invading in the same area
why would you do that after seeing someone idling out of your reach? pvp clowns always reveal their brains don't work quite right.
Thats why you shouldn't have cared. The moment I saw the neon on eternal I already knew what to expect.
I'm not a pvper though so take my post with a grain of salt.
there are people idling in literally every single area in the game right now ,its out of hand lol
I love the game and that's all that matters
cope, projecting tastelet
>why would you do that after seeing someone idling out of your reach?
As opposed to what, just pack it up and stop invading?
So why are you trying to pvp with that knowledge? This is like the THINK meme playing out in real time.
Ah, the classic shazam gaslight
Yes. They are putting themselves out of your reach intentionally. Why would you continue wasting time invading when thats what people are doing to you?
Deciding to stop invading isn't them "winning" or anything user, its you saving yourself the time and hassle and potential gripes on Yea Forums later.
Overall you aren't going to be getting sympathy for your woes on Yea Forums. You will be told how to eliminate your problem, but people aren't going to really care about you.
This game permanently burnt me out on souls games. It wasn't nearly as good as it should have been.
>I used the latest trendy smart word so I am right
>Why would you continue wasting time invading when thats what people are doing to you?
Because I'm just trying to play the damn video game lmao
You are playing the game. So are the people idling out of your reach. Both parties are playing the game. 1 is suffering while the other is laughing.
You can change this arrangement any time you see fit.
is Malenia a Nausicaa reference?
The game ends at Fire Giant, quite literally. After that it's just an on-rails boss rush.
"Elden ring lategame is bad" was a forced opinion like "radahn is a bad boss fight"
Most early Souls game opinions are reactionary and not based in reality. I made a new save and Haligtree is still my favorite dungeon. My only gripe with the end game was having TWO snowfields. One should've been more a desert or something.
Yes, he is right. You fags have a limited rotation of things you keep making up and you keep going back to that well like your dying of thirst.
Don't act like a shazamtroon if you don't want to be labeled the selfsame.
You mean Maliketh, retard. Farum Azula is a dungeon. The boss rush is Maliketh>Gideon>WARRIOR>Radagon>Elden Sneed
Farum Azula is pretty much a straight (or rather a spiral) line. It is not an area with dedicated side content like Mountaintops.
Take your meds trans nigger. I'm almost finished with the game to see what all the fuss is, and it's shite halfway through. There wasn't one boss fight I'd consider fun in this game. As a souls game, it failed completely.
You'll play the next and you'll like it too
I can only agree. The hype wasn't justified.
>the entire game is a boss rush because you can run in a straight line to whichever bosses you want
>if you disagree with me, you are a tranny
Yawn, get new material already
It has an optional superboss that is side content. I didn't do him the first time I went there.
Mountaintops is a region.
Azula is a dungeon.
>the hype wasn't justified because a handful of faggots on Yea Forums didn't like the game
Why do Yea Forumsirgins think they're so important?
I had to kill Malenia and a big dragon to cure my fire AIDS, it was really really hard.
>as a souls game, it failed completely
It isn't a souls game sister.
They know their opinion isn't widely held so they push authoritative language trying to consensus crack. It will never work because they don't fit in.
The rest of the game has stuff to find like catacombs, minor erdtrees, caves etc.
The so called "legacy dungeons" are indeed straight lines to their bosses.
All souls dungeons are straight lines if you're being an obtuse faggot
Which is exactly why I said that the game proper ends at Fire Giant.
>sing our song or else!!
What, are you going to downvote me?
Bros why is this game so boring? There’s nothing to do at all compared to previous games. Bloodborne and Sekiro have a fun combat system, Dark Souls 2 had great level design full of interesting shit on top of miles of content and builds, Dark Souls has an amazing tight world that’s fun to explore, DeS is a great dungeon crawler. Elden Ring has NOTHING. All you do is travel empty open spaces on your horse and maybe do a chalice dungeon here and there
Is that like punching down? I'm not hip with the new liberal lingos sorry.
No I will not be punching down at you, its a cruel concept. You will be told to quit your shit when you are peddling a narrative from outside Yea Forums though, every time.
Everyone but Yea Forums contrarians sucked DS2's dick when it came out and look where we are today
The honeymoon phase will end eventually, some popular youtuber will call the game out and all the npcs will follow, screencap this
The only fun i get from pvp is using exploits to one shot losers who take it seriously.
No one liked DS2 lol. Not on release and not now.
user pointing out how much DS2 is brought up in Elden Ring threads really opened my eyes up to whatever the fucks going on. You lot are pushing some insane narratives that all link back to DS2 for some reason.
Everyone hates that game.
Holy mother of schizo ramble, you are mad. I bet you are raging.
Raging at what? Me not wanting to bully someone is just me not wanting to bully them. I'm not going to punch down at her or make her persona non grata for having a different view than I do. Like I said, I don't know the lingos.
PvP is shit in any other Souls games for multiple reasons.
>p2p connection makes the whole experience shit and you can't really use spacing effectively
>it's unbalanced as fuck because the games are fundamentally aren't built to be deep enough for pvp encounters but more like side content to fuck around with others
>gameplay is basically just too boring for pvp because there is not enough dynamics to make it interesting
>parries, blocks and other evasion tactics are usually not as prefered as just rolling through attacks because you get shit load of i-frames and distance to counter attack
These just make the pvp in Souls game garbage.
im not
Facebook boomer reply
stupid phoneposter
i dont really like the pvp that much, but the pve is pretty fun. i dont care much for the open world meme. i just think it's a pain in the ass having to ride my horse everywhere to get places sometimes
i liked a lot of the bosses and enemies. 10/10 on lore and story.
all in all im pretty happy with it. i just want them to port Bloodborne to PC, that shit would be so fucking dope. last i played was maybe a year or 2 ago but the community was still active, so idk why From doesn't just see that and realize they could make a lot of money.
I'm only 19 I just don't follow all that liberal lingos calm down.
Yeah no one liked that game, not a single person, my bad.
Whats the userscore say?
A 7.2 you say? Ahhhhhh looks like average people didn't like it as much as you're trying to pass it off as.
>91 with 36 reviews
>7.2 with 2928 reviews
I'll trust the one that has way more volume and isn't financially beholden to the industry.
Very nice appeal to authority though.
Metacritic is the least trustworthy metric you could have used, and even then you manipulated your data lol.
>goalpost moving
See you in a year when everyone shits on the game, you included