

Attached: future_gamer.jpg (818x478, 43.97K)

based internet explorer user

just hit the gym 3 times a week for about 1h, your life and your posture will improve drastically.

literally me

Future? I already look like this.


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Literally me after 16 hours in front of the skit machines at at any Canadian casino

He's just like me, frfr

I go to the gym regularly, but I don't have any idea how to use anything, I'm fat, and I have anxiety, so I just end up walking awkwardly on a treadmill

If there are any trainers or teachers around, ask them. That's what they're there for.
Or read up on exercises online

Where did you find this photo of darksydephil?

>but I don't have any idea how to use anything
You live in the age of unlimited access to information...just use youtube.

I was the same but I would run on the treadmill for like 30 min, then use the bike for 20and then use the rowing machine. Though be warned do not go crazy on the treadmill, you'll hurt your legs real quick.

The truth will always reveal itself

Can troons be charged with something for doing this? Other than the usual child molestation charges?

>aged 32 years
holy kek

imagine having the very cult responsible for the death of your son go and desecrate his tomb that way,

Me minus the head indentation.

>so I just end up walking awkwardly on a treadmill
That is more than most, well done. Keep it up

I don't know, he has some big traps

just hit 100kg bench lads, remember to keep a healthy lifestyle, fat people are disgusting

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Train 3 part of your body, arm ,torso and leg and you are good or you could just follow one man punch routine that work well too.

i would assume the parents burned that flag

>trick some sad dude into thinking dicks in his ass fix everything
>kills himself since it changes nothing
>find his tomb and put a giant sock over it
sad what were doing to people nowadays

Just start squatting

>just hit the gym

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I just had lunch after working out. lost 25kg(55 american measures). 10 more to go. from 127 to 102kg. now thinking about starting playing mana series. never played them

Is that Patrick Crusius?

So that's why it's called deadnaming

Youtube videos

If you're not meming. Hit them compound movements buddeh. with 1-2 rest per week.


now we're going to get uncle-posting on Yea Forums
and anons wondering if coffee is indeed good for you

It's desecration of a grave

this is my problem with exercise, people treat getting into it like its easy but then they give you a 10 page writeup on shit you've never heard of so I stick to cardio and basic shit like pull ups and push ups. I don't want to get a trainer and then people get all nitpicky about form and oh you can hurt your knees doing this one do this one and holy shit I just want to exercise without using my brain

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I can promise you 99.9% of people at the gym don't give a fuck what you do or how you look doing it, unless you are blatantly in their way or being an annoying cunt. If you ask most gymbros for help, they're happy to offer it. If you're too much of a 4chins spergs, watch some youtube videos about basic lifts or stick to machines if need be. Either way congrats, just getting to the gym on the treadmill is more than most do.

>I just want to hobble myself so I spiral further and further into being a fat faggot
Be thankful people are looking out for you if you don't know what you're doing.

proper form is important user.not it is more efficient it will not cause you to go the doctor or even end your exercise life like it happens to crossfit fags

I'd kms too if i was j*wish desu

you need to think of it like, a rep done with poor form is no rep at all
so if you're doing something correctly, but can't do as many of them, that's totally normal
it's easier to do exercises wrong than right, because you are compensating with unrelated movements

>they give you a 10 page writeup on shit you've never heard of
It doesn't take ten pages to say shit like keep your back straight or bend your knees 90 degrees lmao. God this place is so full of fat unathletic fucks, honestly just continue bricking yourself by sitting in your DXracer all day.

Same energy

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Based treadmiller

oh fug

My hair unironically looks like this now. Its thinned all around the sides and back as well as the top

me on the right

>just hit the gym bro

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ew, just shave it off bro

If I try to ask my dad or people around me for recommendations they say what not to do but then dont give me an alternative despite having exercised and used weights all their life. They just say uhh dont squat its bad how about you get a trainer
That's not what I'm talking about, I'm saying if you try to research on your own online you run into a blogpost about hammer arm corkscrew dicksucks that says its for beginners that doesn't help because I'm a dumb retard that's only done the bare basics.

Why has it thinned in such a weird way? I thought sides and back are supposed to be immune to balding?

thats a woman

what mode is this?

maybe lack of vitamins of something

the fuck does rest in power mean

>That's not what I'm talking about, I'm saying if you try to research on your own online you run into a blogpost about hammer arm corkscrew dicksucks that says its for beginners that doesn't help because I'm a dumb retard that's only done the bare basics.
You can always just look up on youtube a video on how to do them. The names might sound nonsensical if you're not familiar with them, but it's easy to understand once you see it in action.

redditors think it sounds cool

You're overthinking it. Not every resource online is a nineteen page manifesto about dumbbell curls. Here, I just found this in two seconds of googling and it is more than enough for a beginner. Also, many gyms have diagrams and things literally right on the machines, newbies can always start there and move to freeweights when they have their form and some basic strength built up.

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I don't see the point in wanting to be a woman, what's the fucking appeal? I can understand furfags being deviant maniacs but why on earth would you want to emulate the vile creature that is the human female


ugly fat bastard mode

the /fit/ sticky is a complete guide to getting into fitness, you have no excuse

If you're too autistic to ask a PT for advice, just use machines then. They are literally impossible to fuck up unless you are genuinely mentally handiccaped.

Also, don't worry too much. Nonoby in the gym cares about what others are doing. Those who do are insecure cunts and their opinions don't matter at all in the first place

>incel retard believes no one can improve themselves
Just end yourself and be done with it already, fag

Went to the gym and made a plan, noted the increase in weight for every exercise and so on. Did that for 2-3 months.
Then I got out of that routine because of a 4 week internship and haven't been able to get back in.

It's called a mental ILLNESS for a reason.

>hardest exercise for a beginner
>move on to the triceps dips right away

Obsession with pussy. Imagine being able to just reach down and sniff pussy, any time you wanted. Or girl butt.

You'd be surprisde at the sheer amount of DYELs that can't pull their own weight


That was just an example of a quick guide one could find on google that isn't "ten pages long" per lift like user claimed.

I used to be in pretty decent shape but fell out of it due to a back injury that left me bedridden for 6 months. Spent 2k on home gym equipment and have been using it for a month now. I can't go back to the regular gym after this.

Wait until you learn what those surgically created gashes smell like, user...

>adored by all


>Imagine being able to just reach down and sniff pussy
XY will not be able to do this until cyberpunk tier prosthetic attachments exist. Even then, they'd probably smell like roses as a standard.

>fat men
>fat women (at certain limit)

Oh I know a troon can never be a woman. I'm just saying that's where the thought process starts. Self inserting in porn, but then watching lesbian porn, playing Skyrim sex mods as a girl, etc.

>He doesn't have the dent yet
fake gamer


literally me

>be woman
>literally all you have to do to be hot is not eat like shit and don't even need to exercise
>be man
>have to actively work out several times a week and eat well

no, you'll just have to put up with me. don't open your mouth again unless it's to suck my dick

>and don't even need to exercise

why post a pic of that guy? Fuck you

You're never going to learn how to use anything unless you try it. Fat retard.

Look user, I'm sorry no woman ever has or will ever touch your dick, but begging on an anonymous imageboard is how you get STDs

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there's no peace in hell

Wrong. They just have to not eat like shit. Skinnyfat is attractive on women. They don't need to actually exercise and workout. Skinnyfat on man is unattractive. So all woman has to do is just eat healthy food and never exercise