Here are the completion stats for digimon cyber sleuth on
They literally only use their shitboxes to watch streamers and to soi out over the newest souls rehash. What causes this behavior?
Here are the completion stats for digimon cyber sleuth on
They literally only use their shitboxes to watch streamers and to soi out over the newest souls rehash. What causes this behavior?
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I don't play Digimon because it's not the year 2000 and I'm no longer a child.
Dragon Quest 11 pic related. PC sois only play souls shit it's time to admit it
>niche JPRG game came to PC years later
>people who wanted to play it played it on the variety of consoles already
If it had come out PC day one, then it would have more players on that platform.
As well, being your metric for measuring sales is fucking stupid, I really doubt more people played this on Vita than the Switch.
maybe he doesn't play dragon quest either because it's not the year 2000 and he's not a japanese child.
imagine having console wars in current year
I'm convinced it's just ESL poorfags that still do this. It's always hispanics or black people on twitter doing this.
How can you not be an idort at this point and just buy all the games / consoles that you want to play? I just don't understand.
PC niggers don't play games if they're not made by from software that's a fucking fact. The proof is right in front of you
Based retard
lmao do PCücks really?
maybe he doesn't play final faggotry either because it's not 1982 and he's not a child
holy copium
Different genres and franchises being favored by different platforms is nothing new nor a surprise to anyone.
Why aren't you freaking out over PS being the lowest there and not saying they don't play games?
Yeah because he's too busy sucking Miyazaki's chode more like it
Sonybros have nothing to play other than fucking digimon
turn based games are trash and not played by PCbros outside of shit like civ and couple of other GSG
Snoyggers don't play games that aren't made by From Software
PC is and will always be western game territory, Souls tricked a generation of players into thinking they were played a "westernized" RPG thanks to the graphics and the fact that it isn't a turn based game so the games sell more than the competition, it really is that easy.
lmao snoycucks
I'm still baffled that more people are playing it on PS5 than 4.
You still can't even get a PS5 in many places
I am told the PS4 version of Elder Ring runs better on PS5. No shuttering. Avoid PS5 version of Elder Ring like a plague
Nips ate notorious for not having gaming PCs and most households here use pocket wifis with maybe 20-40gb of bandwidth before it slows down to a snails pace.
PC gaming was never alive here in glorious Nippon.
Really snoyggers?
why would I play a shitty jrpg? not everyone has shit taste like you
>PC gaming was never alive here in glorious Nippon.
lmao delusional snoygger
Yep, the PS4 version played on PS5 looks like shit but runs at locked 60 FPS. The actual PS5 version has frequent drops to 40-50 FPS.
>retarded nigger brings up predominantly japanese oriented franchises like DQ and fucking Digimon as examples, which had 0 (zero) PC presence until like 2018
>also brings up FF7R which was ported two years after and also was predominately console oriented franchise until very recently
Why are you retarded, user? Were you dropped as a child?
How do I delete a thread?
>game has been out for a lot longer on ps4
>game is borderline unplayable on last gen, current gen has a relatively small userbase
Absolutely fascinating statistics anons
PCfags dont play games
We already knew this
>OP makes thread
>OP gets btfo'd
many such cases, OP is always gay after all.
peak copium
Stop replying to yourself
>76 people polled on Google Stadia
>86 right below
>3k on PC
>3.9k right below
>335 Playstation 4
>462 right below
The fuck am I even looking at? Why are the column labels not included for all the data?
Is this a troll thread? Your frame of reference is fucking cyber sleuth? This is a new level of bait user, I’d be impressed if I weren’t so second hand embarrassed
Honestly I have the PS4 version and it looks fine enough but fuck me those load times
Do you realize this thread is stupid cuz OP is fully retarded?
PC users basically don't play games. They sit hunched infront of a small screen and look at people playing games. Console users are still playing old games while pc users basically just jerk off to whatever twitch retard faggot is playing. Then they sit in some fucking stupid discord shit hole and complain or post useless shit. Basically playing LoL or Dota over and over and over.
keep talking, retard
I finished it on my vita and didn't buy it on pc, if I bought it on a discount I don't know if I'd play through it again, replayability on that is fucking ass.
>not a new ip
I'm playing a game right now btw on my coomputer.
Do you have games that actually matters?
Snoyggers are afraid of playing the horror games cuz they would piss themselves easily?? ehhh...
Are you retarded? Those are stats of self polled people who made a report on their completion time, not global completion rates. Youll notice your gay ass website constantly has a pathetically small sample size every time.
I do work on my laptop, I simply come on this board to laugh at all the brown incels that are still stuck at being 12 years old.
So PC players are based and console players are trannies and faggots? Ok I can’t argue with with that. Jump in a ravine faggot.
>People don't play this franchise that **I** hold near and dear to my heart, therefore they only play X
I curse the fact you're allowed to make these garbage threads and query as to what kind of fucking autism compels you to make these garbage threads.
Interesting result. This explains why MS wants to get into PC.
It's not about playing games, it's about posting on r/pcmasterrace and discord, that's what video games are all about consolepoor.
Games made for consoles are inherently trash. Playing it on pc makes it an even worse experience.
Also consoles are for children.
Sonyfags are getting asshurt again I see.
Check servers on older games. Pc = dead. You have to join some fucking discord infested tranny lefty shit to play games. Otherwise its dead. Boot up like Battlefield on console and there are still users playing. Like, you can just jump in and go.
Oh wow, do you have an epic gamer setup with a lit mechanical keyboard, streaming setup and totally cool discord friends??? Wow yeah pc masterrace am i riggt guizee.?? Haha, I am totally not unioronically super depressed and lonely. Forever alone am i right guys???
>PC niggers don't play muh pokemon gaems
>PC niggers don't liek muh superior JRPG™ gaems
>Why new metroid gaem sells poor
Hahaha gimme dat Bloodborn and get the fuck out, fucking peasant
mate resetera literally worships elden flop
Resetera also worships Sony.
Far more than they worship anything else.
I wish we would get a new Digimon CS game, I played both on PS4, sold it sadly. I hope the next one is on PC from the start.
Game gets less than 1000 players on console: devs shut down server, game is never playable ever again. There are less than a dozen decade old online multiplayer console games
Game gets less than 20 players on PC: they get together and start up their own server.
Pathetic.... Anyway Let me find the stats. It took few seconds for me to find the result.
It appears that PC version has more active players than the console. PS4-PS5: 12,216 and Xbox (One, One X, S, & SeX): 12,130
So, the console = dead ehhh
..Who the fuck is playing Digimon games aside from autists?
>you don't play or pay for trash so that means you don't like videogames
just make good videogame lol
It doesn't count the numbers from the Origin client, so that figure could be much bigger.
Good point. Thanks. Anyway, PC has more players than the console.
i dont even know what resetera is
jump off a bridge
Fuck off you disingenuous nigger. Those are stats for FF7R. No one with a functioning brain wants to play that trash. Most PC users either emulate ff7 or play non-steam ff7. Shit that could only be tracked through user input on this trash site you are getting your info on