You didn't beat the game but unironically

You didn't beat the game but unironically.

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Yeah cause I've never played it

why not

not him but I tried the Metroid Planets romhack which is basically Metroid but better, and even then it still sucked

I don't like metroidvanias

never played that trash.


I didn't beat the game because it's shit.

I had to look up a map to find energy tanks in super Metroid because I couldn’t beat Ridley with 5 tanks

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metroid 1 is unironically a bad game. which is crazy because zero mission is the peak of the series.

Original Metroid was a pretty bad game. The series didn't get good until Super.

2 is kino though

Absolutely filtered. The zoomer fears formulating their own opinion instead of regurgitating e-celeb opinions.

Filter this, b*tch! *kicks you in the balls*

Super is a baby game you can beat in a day.
At least NES Metroid offers actual exploration.

actually did, it was just okay
best part is the sick soundtrack, especially the staff roll

I remember stumbling upon it in a 99999 in 1 cassette and even as a 10 year old kid I couldn't bear a 5 minute gameplay.

it was utter shit. Period.

Remeber playing Alien III for days instead.


There's no need to play Metroid. The level design is copied and pasted over and over again, you need a guide to complete it because of all the random bomb blocks that are not telegraphed at all, you have to spend 30+ minutes farming health and missiles if you die, and there are rooms where you literally get hit the moment you enter the door with no way to avoid it.
Play Zero Mission instead.

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you are a brain damaged retard

The cherry on the top of that picture is that the area is completely pointless. There's no item to discover and it's a complete dead end.

They put this section in the game for no reason other than to waste your time.

>go to tourian with the wave beam
>game is now unbeatable

Picrel is Kraid's Lair which intentionally copypastes rooms to make the level confusing as fuck to navigate. Can't remember if other areas copypaste rooms to any significant degree.

zero mission was really good though

Metroid NES in general is just really repetitive. The central part in Brinstar is a particularly bad offender.

Played it for the first time a couple years ago. Was fun, has the best non-linear progression in the series. You just need to invest the time into mentally learning the map, which isn't hard when you explore enough.

>The level design is copied and pasted over and over again
A handful of tunnels. It's not close to being the majority of the game.

>you need a guide to complete it because of all the random bomb blocks that are not telegraphed at all
Retard. Bomb passageways only appear at dead-ends or in narrow tunnels. You'll start to notice that pattern after playing for a modicum of time.

>you have to spend 30+ minutes farming health and missiles if you die,
Agreed, this is the game's worse element.

>and there are rooms where you literally get hit the moment you enter the door with no way to avoid it.
Admittedly this is pretty jank. You can morph ball underneath them at least.

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It's noticeable how much copypasting takes place when the game is already very small. The vertical rooms in Brinstar are like 10 screens tall and only have 1 screen worth of unique platforms. Norfair also copypastes several rooms even though they're adjacent.

>you have to spend 30+ minutes farming health and missiles if you die
you really dont have to do this. any competent player will just kill enemies and collect health on the way. besides collecting a health power up totally restores your health.

It offers also bombing every identical looking block for an absolutely mandatory item while also having identical rooms aplenty. Add in no real way to regenerate health except mindlessly grinding it and you have a rather poor experience. When the game isn’t throwing these at you it’s a fun game and I’ve beat it 3 times.

Metroid NES is butchered, FDS is better

Fair enough. I just don't think it's a massive detriment, especially for a game from 1986 on early Famicom hardware.

I understand they did the best they could with the technical limitations, but it still sadly adds up to a pretty poor game IMO. Metroid II's ROM is double the size and it's striking how much more variety they were able to add using the extra capacity.

>Playing the original when Zero Mission exists

what's hard to get about Metroid 1? It was a good game for it's time and a necessary release to popularize a future genre.

>that fucking missile in a random part of the wall by the turtles

Honestly zero mission is all the proof you need for how bad Metroid 1 is since ZM is just Metroid with all the padding gutted AND a ton of new content added and it's still shorter than Metroid. If you took all the lazy rehashing and tedious health grinding out then Metroid would be 30 minutes long.

I played Metroid Planets unironically after playing the original for 10 minutes. Couldn't stand the slowdowns.

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what e-celeb? Nearly every Nintendo game that was on the NES that wasn't Mario or Kirby aged like fuckin dogshit under the sun in August

For me its collecting hp for what feels like hours if you decide to turn the game off and use a password as was intended.

>do a fancy flip
>forgot missiles for red door

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>I understand they did the best they could with the technical limitations, but it still sadly adds up to a pretty poor game IMO.
The spirit of the game is in its non-linear exploration/progression and the atmosphere, both of which it mostly gets right. Some repeated rooms don't detract much from that exploration element when they're just sections of a sprawling map; going through the overall maze is the most important part of the exploration, repeated rooms just make the moment-to-moment gameplay a bit repetitive and the the map slightly more confusing to learn.

Ideally all the rooms would be distinct yeah, but considering the technical limitations and the factthe game was a pioneer it's understandable. Respawning with only 30 health is the game's bigger issue that could've been more easily solved.

I found the progression in Metroid really weak. Since the game is so open, any powerups you obtain don't matter much.
When I play Metroid, I make a beeline for bombs and then the bosses and then Tourian. There's not much reason to do it any other way.
The game is only interesting when you don't know where anything is yet, which ends in one sitting. Later Metroids are much more enjoyable to replay even after you know the map.

It's hilarious what a zoomer repellent the original Metroid is, even more than NES LoZ.
>J-just play Zero Mission!
It's an entirely different game, you fucking idiot. One devoid of challenge, full of handholding and where you don't need any brainpower to recognize patterns and clues to progress, among other things.

There's no brainpower involved in playing Metroid, it's just a dull slog.

Kid Icarus NES kind of mogs this game

No reason to play it when Zero Mission exists

KI is still kind of a mess. Weird difficulty curve that starts really fucking steep. Weird items that are kind of difficult to understand. But the permanent upgrades you eventually get are sick.

>Seething boomer defending dated game design

Ok big boy. Go play your baby game that tells you where to go.

>he actually used the noobie crutch
lmaoing @ u


>I found the progression in Metroid really weak. Since the game is so open, any powerups you obtain don't matter much.
Powerups mainly serve to make combat easier. Past the basic upgrades (Longbeam, Bombs, Missles) only Ice Beam and HiJump gatekeep any progression (HiJump might even be optional, can't remember). I like this style of progression in general since it's open-ended; once you get those basic upgrades you're free to explore and tackle the rest of the game in almost any order.

Granted the scope of the game is smaller with only 2 bosses and less major areas, but progression is still commendable. That open-endedness is something that got as the games became more linear. Breaking the intended progression became reliant on the degree of sequence breaks (often glitched) instead of being baked-in. SM and ZM are the only others games which have intended sequence breaks that open the game up.

>When I play Metroid, I make a beeline for bombs and then the bosses and then Tourian. There's not much reason to do it any other way. The game is only interesting when you don't know where anything is yet, which ends in one sitting. Later Metroids are much more enjoyable to replay even after you know the map.
It's still replayable due to the non-linearity allowing for different routes each playthrough. In theory that's more replayable the rest of the series, Nestroid is just held back by the limited scope. The exploration elements are strongest on a first playthrough, but that goes for any Metroidvania. The problem Metroid 1 has is it just doesn't have the variety to carry replays like the later games do.

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Seething tendies fear all criticism lmao.

*That open-endedness is something that got lost


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I played every metroid games and finished them all. Metroid 1 combat is bad, the exploration is okay at best but thats it. It has no replay value imo.
4.dread 2
7.return 3

Can we get back to OP’s post?
What the fuck is he talking about? This doesn’t trivialize the game or anything

Move aside pleb

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When it comes to powerups, I'm more interested in how they help you navigate the enviroment than the combat. Metroid combat was never particularly interesting - platforming and exploration matters more, and the approach of letting you go anywhere minimises the importance of powerups there. Metroid also has the most primitive roster of powerups. Metroid II and Super introduced many iconic items, especially outside of combat.

Its basicly my list except prime 1 and 2 are reversed. Prime 1 is better than 2