Missing The Point Edition
Previous Thread: It's gone, folks.
To get the discussion started, has anyone discovered a link between Melina/Malenia/Melania/Miyahack yet?
Missing The Point Edition
Previous Thread: It's gone, folks.
To get the discussion started, has anyone discovered a link between Melina/Malenia/Melania/Miyahack yet?
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I love my wife Ranni!
Hourly reminder Ranni is a nasty cunt who intentionally has no vagina on her puppets. Furthermore she Fucking hates your character. Look how she reacts when you pick up her doll. You guys are pathetic. If i could kill that stupid cunt i would do it every play through
Pretty sure there's been more than two threads
the game is completely unpolitical, everyone trying to describe it with /pol/ lingo is a braindead chud
>inane schizo babble
Having no ugly troons in it is a political statement nowadays, so not really.
marika/radagon is a beautiful troon so there's that
>Godess is trans
Yeah, not political at all.
I'm just so fucking tired of having globohomo propaganda shoved down my throat wherever I go. I can't even play vidya without having ugly negresses screaming in my face and kicking white men in the balls.
I fucking hate women.
Try saying nigger next time. Anyone trying to apply any kind of politics to elden ring is a nigger.
/pol/ faggotry aside, I don't think there's actually a connection between the two characters between the lazy naming.
Childhood is siding with Ranni. Adulthood is realizing Dung Eater makes more sense
Anyone have the Black Dynamite webm?
>braindead chud
Speaking of which ...
Everything is political.
The german flag instantly tips me off that this is satire
You all fell to ez bait
>I was only-
Everything is still political.
Possibly schizo, but I've been thinking what if the Miquella in Mohg's temple is a fake and the real Miquella is out doing other stuff disguised as St Trina?
Being a DECENT FUCKING HUMAN BEING means siding with fia.
Marika is a tranny who wants you to kill herself.
So the real Miquella basically got a Mimic Tear of himself, left it in his spot in the tree and is busy LARPing out there as a woman?
i agree, niggers, trannies fags and women in video games are a result of liberal push for diversity
DLC will solve the miquella riddle
Why is ER lore so bad compared to Bloodborne?
Care to explain?
I'm happy enough just cumming on her porcelain face :)
Rennala is not destroying anything, she was converted to retarded because the radahon marika thing
dunno just feels like ER lore has so many loose ending while BB feels like it make sense without any dlc stuff added.
Nobody gives a shit about that retarded faggot Miquella
>m-m-muh sister!
Why didn't Marika send her freak children Miquella and melania to the shunning grounds?
Yet, her going retarded made a literal civil that ruined Raya Lucaria. A civil war because Radagon decided to cuck her with himself.
>A hammer once wielded by a labourer who became a champion that requires the strength of giants to wield.
So this was Radagon's hammer at one point right.
Because the GIant's Red Braid might be suggesting that Radagon is a descendant of or at least has a connection to giants.
Radagon became a Champion of the Golden Order.
And when we fight Radagon he uses a Hammer.
Her whole academy fell to shit and rebelled against her because she couldn’t just get over it
Because bloodborne is based on oh no niggerman and elden ring in george "weenee" martin that is fart that write slow.
Forgeting that, elden ring has the best story as far except for sekiro because it leave some holes but those holes can be counted with one hand and the other from games are supreme retarded in that part
*Civil war
Still better than omens (to her)
But that doesnt mean she is destroying anything more like mages are niggers with 0iq
Redpill me on claymen
Bloodborne lore is kino docs.google.com
ER will never ever come close to this even with DLC pandering.
I see you’ve misspelled DS2
The confusing part here is that it doesn't really explain why Marika decided to "split" herself into Ragadon to begin with. Also, if that's really Ragadon's hammer, how the hell did he become a slave to begin with?
You’re right she should just stay in her feefees for thousands more years how dare those mean mages expect her to run the academy she founded
That because you are the kind of faggot that likes shit like " oh no the unknow message i cant understand i am going crazzyyyyyy, aaaah save me nigger man"
>it doesn't really explain why Marika decided to "split" herself into Ragadon to begin with
Because she didn’t. Radagon was his own person.
Neither marika nor rennala are strong women
Rennala got mindbroken by her husband leaving and spends her time obsessing over childbirth
Marika is a literal damsel in distress. She used to be strong and influential, but not anymore
>said the faggot who thinks tranny shemale character is good because OMG SHE/HE IS BOTH FEMALE AND MALE I LOVE YOU GEORGE SO DEEP
Who mentioned politics trannie?
They both built their own nations from scratch thi
>Marika and Rennala aren't strong wahmen
So Marika was chosen by the GW for the lelz? How about Rennala's past self then?
>make a lot of the important characters female
>thirsty simps invade the fanbase
every single time, honestly video games and stories in general have no use for women
>ER will never have its own Paleblood huny
You just wait and see.
Cool theory. Have any further evidence to bolster it? Also why did Marika have to combine herself with him?
DaS3 didn't have it ER won't have it the story is bad in both games compared to BB.
One viable explanation is
>Radagon at first was a individual, possibly the "God" of the giants, and now his red braids remind him of his defeat
>This would explain why Radahn became huge like that, because he is half-giant
>But Radagon is also a die-hard Golden Order loyalist, as you can see from the description of his sword
>Then under orders from the GW, he merges with Marika
Theories of Radagon being related to giants have some credit, for example:
>His being a master craftsman and smith
>His hair
>Him being called and outsider when we first hear about him
Well somebody has to organize ER's shit up into a single doc. We can't let Vaatividya get all the damn credit.
The real femboy is the body in the Haligtree roots, Mohg took the lifeless shell.
Radagon always had his own will and motivations, he believes much more in their religion than Marika did, so the GW/Elden Beast fused them to control her
>Red braids remind him of his defeat
But wasn't cursed with red hair after he fought against the Giants? It used to be blond if I recall unless he used to be part of their gang before switching sides and betraying them.
vaati will be the lore voice.
The fell god of the giants is in the fire giant’s chest user
no radagon is just marika
Rennala didn't do anything
>Well somebody has to organize ER's shit up into a single doc.
I see you’ve volunteered
Marika and Rennala did nothing wrong.
In fact Rennala did almost nothing at all.
Dude, Radagon literally uses the only weapon in the arena in his fight, he was never depicted anywhere else in the game as a hammer user, linking this thing to him is a ginormous stretch
These threads have really gone down the drain if we're opening with wojaks
Radagon is and always has been Marika. There is nothing in the game that implies otherwise. He hated his red hair because it is similar to fire giants, there is nothing else said about this and you are just reading into it too much when every other piece of evidence contradicts that he could be a fire giant.
daily reminder ranni's ending is THE certified jap-approved gnostic ending where humanity casts off its servitude to alien gods and forges its own destiny among the (metaphysical) stars
burn the erdtree, shattering now
>Destroys ER because Godwyn died. Also made Ragadon leave.
>Rennala goes full retard becoz Ragadon left. Civil war shits on her entire magic school kingdom.
Cool theory. Evidence?
I too, enjoy the funny golden T posing meme man, but Goldmask is actually a bit of a faggot. He's the Elden Ring equivalent of the guy who makes the "but it's not real communism" argument. Goldmask understands that people fucking with the Golden Order is a big problem, but being the hubris-filled asshole he is, he concludes that if he fucks with it that'll fix everything.
Ranni makes Goldmaskfag seeth because she makes a similar assessment about the Golden Order, but unlike Goldmask, she correctly asserts that she doesn't really know how to fix it so the best alternative is to remove it from people's reach. The fucking highborn princess is filled with more humility than the fucking half-naked ascetic rasin.
Him used that broken hammer as a weapon because it was the only thing he could use around is true, but that leap where he infuses his hammer with light is known as his signature move.
But he is also shown to have owned a sword as well, and because of how well made that sword is, it was probably his main weapon back in the day.
>he was never depicted anywhere else in the game as a hammer use
The Golden Order Greatsword is a reforged Dark Moon Greatsword that Radagon made, someone who works with weapons like that is going to use a Hammer.
Yes. I won't be sending it anytime soon though.
There is no direct evidence for either side of this debate user
>he concludes that if he fucks with it that'll fix everything.
He's literally right though. His solution is the perfect autistically calculated version of the golden order. Everything everybody wanted the world to be like before the ring got smashed and without the fuckery.
>Caused by Ranni being a selfish cunt, done in desperation because the GW was absolutely going to start enforcing more shit which is the opposite of what she wanted
>Gigachad supreme left her heartbroken, but the 'Civil War' was the Cuck Knights locking her in the Library then getting their shit pushed in when they tried attacking the Manor.
Radagon couldn't be just a random dude, because Rennala herself is just a normal girl and yet all of their children became demi-gods.
And Radagon gave her an egg that is actually a great rune as a parting gift when he went to the capital in order to "marry" Marika.
>all of their children became demi-gods
they were granted demigod status when Radagon became Elden Lord
>giant gangly limbed abomination
>just a normal girl
Marika is a manipulative whore that cast out Godfrey, (You) and every Tarnished you meet and you guys actually believe her when she says Radagon is literally her other half.
Goldmask fixes the entire order by removing gods from the equation however. The spillover and downpouring of their corruption standards and deceit has always been the one way street of why every went wrong in Elden Ring to begin with. It all came from the same source, the Greater Will.
Your entire canonical journey almost gets gimped completely because the Two Fingers don't know what the fuck to do when the Erdtree itself blocks your entrance despite having what the Fingers claimed was the correct prerequisites AND having eliminated the fucking Omen monarch rampant in it's terrain.
Not really. She just wants to fulfill the Nox prophesy and comes of as a brat running from responsability like all the empyreans. Also the BK were scions of the eternal city. Goldmask is more like a philosopher hermit trying to find first causes behind the order and he makes the point that the gods, despite being powerful, are really no better than men. It's like the problem of piety, whether something is pious/good because the gods like it or the gods like it because it is good.
There is no story in this game, its just the same lore rehashed.. 4-5 times already? and you cucks eat it up all the same. No wonder they keep making the same low effort games because you guys keep buying them
He just pissed on it before he threw it away
We do have the whole Radagon is Marika, so that's something
>you cucks eat it up all the same
oh no another man is fucking my video game!
>wojak nigger is retarded
What a shock.
She doesn't say it. You can figure it out through corrhyn questline when you make the radagon statue regress into a Marika one
Doesn’t speak to their origins
Goldmask works because it's just recreating what already existed and worked but without the GW being there to fuck things up.
Marika was a Numen.
>let us be shattered, mine other half
In contect of the spell of regression used it kinda implies it
>No story in the game
>same lore rehashed
Thoroughly refuted by Zanzibart.
>without the GW being there to fuck things up
no, that’s Ranni’s ending. Goldmask removes “Marika’s” influence from the equation. Gods, not outer gods.
She doesn't outright say it is what I meant. Greeks used to think couples were just halves of a whole...
Implication isn’t direct evidence
>no, that’s Ranni’s ending
Ranni's ending is replacing one Outer God with another Outer God.