So they actually have different bodies, I thought they were identical other than the face

so they actually have different bodies, I thought they were identical other than the face

Attached: Assassin's Creed Odyssey - All Armor Sets and Outfits Showcase - (All DLC) - YouTube - 4 39.jpg (1280x720, 286.62K)

Yea Forums is transphobic, we already know this.

i listened to Yea Forums and picked alexios
swapped after not even 2 hours of gameplay
there are actual fucking niggers on this board that played as alexios instead of cute waifu
absolutely disgusting

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Yes, a shame the character models are so shitty looking in general

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Atleast her face ingame looks good.

yeah agreed

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Funny how the amazon armor is the only armor for women but Alexios can wear it.

Attached: alexios.png (1906x1082, 2.89M)

Kassandra is such a qt

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I’m not scared of trannies I just hate them

it justs makes him look chubby lmao

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I want to have sex with her!


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I'm glad this game has transmog because you can use the oiled body armor for the rest of the game.

Attached: kassiVTYAUv.jpg (2560x1440, 283.07K)

>female mecenary in ancient greece
still can't believe they did this lmao, what a shit studio

this is drawing is false because you would be able see kassandras massive untamed bush peeking over the cloth

>every female npc you interact with as part of a mission is a tough as nails, foul mouthed who made it on her own and is sick of being put down by men

Is this the famous american education in action? Cas is inspired by artemisia of caria. Read a book you dog.

That's not even true dumb /pol/ poster

You got gaslighted by virgins on the internet, congratulations.

Yes it is.

Kassandra has a cute face. Its just a pity about the man body

theres a version of that pic with bush

>yes this female mercenary thug was based on a queen-regent
mutt education everyone

Will Kassandra be making cameos in every Assassins Creed from now on? It was kinda cool how they updated Odyssey this year with a new epilogue for Kassandra and then had her show up in the Viking games dlc

How come they were willing to give her a cute face but not a cute body? Do you think it was a compromise between the devs and the executives?

she's a big girl

Attached: side.png (667x667, 558.5K)

If Kassandra is a deity does that mean the godawful achaeologist lady from her bloodline also is?

I wouldn't say her face is cute, she's good looking but the face matches the body. It's a similar case to Gal Gadot

you mean the archeologist that got Desmond'd in Valhalla?

I didn't play that but probably, the modern day tie in that's been in the last 3 games i guess

so Layla
yeah she gets Desmond'd by Loki in Valhalla

It looks like the same body just shrunken down tho

>I thought they were identical

it doesn't feel like she earned meeting the pre-cursor races like desmondo did

guy on the right is just standing at a slightly narrower angle to the camera

Attached: ez65gjamnvf31.gif (600x338, 1.9M)

You have to be mentally ill to saved these shit looping gifs

Post the gif where the eagle comically lands on her after she says "what eagle?"

I literally just got it from google when I posted it by searching for Kassandra gifs

they have the same height and proportions, so they can share animations without it looking weird.

Finding shitty gifs to bump your threads with is a touch more mentally ill

user i...

Its not my thread. Although I used to post lots of Kassandra threads a few years ago

I suspected an OBSESSION

Women participated in battle during the Trojan War but let's ignore that.

sounds astonishingly based to me, enjoy being mad about it on an anime site

she didn't
in fact the only true Isus she met were the ones who used her to get reunited and hooked her to the Isu Internet without a way to return to her body
Aletheia and Loki are ruthless


Attached: kass eyeroll.webm (690x720, 221.03K)

I want to fuck Greek women not be one.

Just pirated this game. Stuck on the male or female choice.

Tips? Pros & cons?

>3AC Rome threads
>at the same time


makes no difference, really
do you prefer a male or female antagonist?

pick female if you like based med qts
pick male if you're so mindbroken by /pol/ that you think picking the med qt makes you a tranny

the goddesses?

>the character models are so shitty looking
Can't mods fix it? Be honest.

only correct take on the "male or female character" debate

I picked male to get more involved with the setting. Either way your sibling becomes a character in the game

not him and i think the models look completely fine but no, mods cannot change them in any meaningful way

not sure i haven't played it in a while and never really did alot of modding. maybe i should browse nexus

Alexios' VA does a fun hammy performance. Kassandra's performance is forgettable. Plus take a look at the thread to see what her fans are like.

i pick male because i hate woman
pretty simple
i only play games that let me kill woman

You play as a man either way.


How is Ubisoft managed to make female a female while Elden Ring's female look like tranny ? Is FromSoft actually going woke ? Are we fucking lose to globohomo ?

I enjoyed both.

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