Its still happening...right?

its still happening...right?

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whoa is that another earthbound inspired rpg with quirky zoomer le randumb humor and a ambient yet spoinky soundtrack that will lead to critical acclaim by the lgbtquierkdashia+ community???

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lol who hurt you?

Unironic brain rot

lmao yeah

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never EVER EVER going to happen.

Cam we draw porn of the girl now?

zomg can't wait for the game theory video then so I can better explore my bisexuality relating to a character who may or may not be ness despite the story not having anything to do with queerness.

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Someone posted a bunch of dirt on the dev on here about how incompetent the guy in charge is despite having no art or coding skills. I really am baffled why people with actual skills let people like that run projects like this, they clearly do not have any of the skills necessary to make judgements about things.

yandere dev turned out fine despite Yea Forums contrarians hating him.

I do believe it is another earthbound inspired rpg with quirky zoomer le randumb humor and a ambient yet spoinky soundtrack that will lead to critical acclaim by the lgbtquierkdashia+ community, yes.

Though I don't know much about the project yet. In all honestly, we really should stop and listen to user when he tries to present his another earthbound inspired rpg with quirky zoomer le randumb humor and a ambient yet spoinky soundtrack that will lead to critical acclaim by the lgbtquierkdashia+ community.

Maybe it's a good another earthbound inspired rpg with quirky zoomer le randumb humor and a ambient yet spoinky soundtrack that will lead to critical acclaim by the lgbtquierkdashia+ community.

What do I know. I'm open.

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lol same

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What does that have to do with literally anything I said?

More like Adios

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the world needs idea guys

I wonder if they'll use the music from when it was a Mother 4 game. Shane sounded like the worst and most autistic person to work with, but there are some good songs there

You faggots today don't know how to gigachad

Retard faggot

You are incredibly, incredibly stupid. It's hard for me to even respond to you because of how many stupid things you managed to say in two small posts. First of all Yandere knows how to code, he might be shit at it but he knows how to code. I literally said, "despite having no art or coding skills. I really am baffled why people with actual skills let people like that run projects like this" so Yandere dev doesn't apply there at all.

Second, he is not leading an unpaid project being done out of passion. It's his game that he does most of the work for or he contracts it out and pays the person, like buying models.

Third, even all that aside. Putting asside how utterly stupid it was to bring up this guy when he didn't fit what I was talking about at all your point is still dumb. "The world needs idea guys" huh? No, it actually doesn't. Why do you think people who can actually code and produce art don't have ideas? No one needs "idea guys" that can't contribute to a project in a meaningful way.

Fourth, you clearly don't understand the point I was making. It doesn't matter if an "idea guy" with no coding skill is the best idea guy in the world, he still shouldn't be making calls like "Hey programmers I know I don't know anything about coding but I decided we are switching engines," which this guy supposedly did. It's not a matter of having good ideas or bad ideas, it's a matter of needing certain expertise to make what calls are the best. Now, someone who doesn't code could still be in charge in a way, but they would need someone who is their lead software engineer that they can trust to make those calls for them and be humble enough to defer to them which again, this guy supposedly was not. I assume you either are baiting me, have brain damage or are actually the Oddity project head sad that insulted you.

didnt read lol

You're going to have to let go. It's not happening, and even if it does, itll be shit. Just make mother 4 yourself if you want it so bad, but you'll realise youd rather just make your own fucking rpg.

>I assume you either are baiting me, have brain damage or are actually the Oddity project head sad that insulted you.
Yeah user I already assumed you weren't being genuine. Congrats though, you sure got one over on me by pretending to be retarded.

archive link? would make sense. mother fans are retards

the trailer of this game helped me to discover my sexuality

Is that fan-made Mother 3 but renamed for the fifth time? Like how hard is it to:
Have protags fix everything by like 5% in the zones
Kill evil revived poop who hates everything because it's poop
Protags use PSI to attack because the authors are creatively bankrupt and can't make their own game
Ninten and Ness are mentioned and every NPC has vague family relations to each zone because throwback (I miss my niece PAULA what a nice girl!)
And also, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, UNinspired by real-life movies, music, and shows and only focused on the Earthbound EXCEPT when shitting on Nintendo being evil and copywriting their copywrite-infringing work; just because Earthbound was inspired by a wide variety of media doesn't mean fan works should be, UNLESS it's a self-insert OC.

schizo post

Attack helicopter?

Correct schizo. These people dont understand that their fan games of Earthbound will be derivative of it instead of capturing its spirit.

True, but the fact that giga chad is still going after all these years is fucking sad.

He's another dev that falls into the same descriptors and won.

only because being a lolcow kept him relevant

that dude on the right looks like he's traced from a fucking lisa sprite kek

If they're smart, then they purged everything he's ever contributed from the game. Because you don't want to deal with psychopathic artists, and their tendency to sue over the smallest things. They'll say they're protecting their art, but they're really just power hungry whack jobs. Best to scrub everything he's done away.

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would why you need a trailer to tell you're a faggot when you could just post here?

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Who knows desu. At this point they should just have an open source team work on it or something if they want to keep it free to play.

Or just release it as an actual game now that they removed the Mother name from it. Might as well make some money.

Except he doesn't because he can code and no one works for him for free which is the situation I was describing. How fucking slow are you? Again user, he is not running a team that is doing all the work for him, he buys other people's work. There is a huge difference between those two things.

No there isn't.

entire project died when they changed the name

>Working for money is the same as working for free
Ok quit your job then and start "working" for someone who tells you what to do but doesn't give you any form of compensation. After all according to you it's the same thing.

Mother fangames never get finished. They're always run by micromanaging "idea guys" or they have way too massive of a scope to be handled by a single dev, who gets burned out and abandons the project.

It also doesn't help that all of these fangames get announced when they've barely started development. If a fangame is announced with anything other than a download link to play the finished game, it's not coming out.

lisa was finished

What the fuck does spoinky mean

dont bother trying to understand ranting schizo posts

>all the people falling for this bait

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cute mikoo

There's nothing bait about it. He just described exactly what the genre of games is. The description forced fans to actually reflect on what they're playing, and it made them feel uncomfortable. Like a tranny looking in the mirror and realizing they don't pass.

>gets blown the fuck out
>i-it was bait!!!

Heroic post

lisa is a mother fangame? I know nothing about it other than it looks like shit. I'm mostly thinking of all the Mother 1 remakes that have been attempted and never go anywhere. And Mother 4/Oddity isn't the only time somebody has tried to make a fourth Mother game that's gone nowhere.

my uncle works at pretendo and he said its coming out soon

sure, any day now

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>how can i make this post about trannies?


can't fucking wait for winter 2014

It was just an analogy. Everyone knows trannies, so it makes conveying the idea easy.

just admit youre obsessed already.

miku wtf...


Just 3 days ago, I got into an argument with an actual tranny on tiktok, because I said that disbelieving the claim that they're the opposite sex isn't inherently transphobia. And that we should actually protect trans people from harm, even if we don't believe them. The tranny kept insisting I was a transphobe because I wouldn't believe him. That's where we are now.

So yeah, I got trannies on the mind.

>on tiktok
stopped reading there


whats a ranny?

Where the fuck do I fund this game?

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oh yeah, I forgot. I also got into an argument with a tranny just yesterday, because they said that futanari was a form of trans hate. And that when you sexualize trans people through futanari, you're objectifying them. Or something like that.

So yeah, I got trannies on the mind.

maybe you should stop seeking out trannies to argue pointlessly online with? maybe you'd stop being so obsessed.

I don't seek them out. All conversations about trannies find me. I'm just scrolling through some comments sections, when I read someone say something stupid.

>wanting stinky marlin in a game

Yeah, Mother 4 and Persona 5? It's gonna be great!

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