>MMO expansions better than standalone games
and this isn't even taking FFXI into account
square enix is fucking weird
>MMO expansions better than standalone games
and this isn't even taking FFXI into account
square enix is fucking weird
Other urls found in this thread:
don't you faggots get to talk to each other and jerk each other off about your game like... in the fuckin game?
or is it one of those mmorpgs where you try to talk and nobody cares or wants to talk and everyone is a sassy tranny faggot
let me take a wild guess
You need help.
SE doesn't deserve Yoshi-P.
exactly the kind of tranny sassy faggot response i expected from a ffxiv addict
meds now
I think the fan service in FFXIV sometimes works against it. For a long time, I didn't think it had a story of its own, or at least not a good one. I guess I thought of it like World of FF, where it's almost nothing but references to other games.
Now I know the references are pretty few and far between and the story is up there with those of my favorite FF games, but just hearing about how Kefka and Exdeath were bosses in the game kept me away from it for a while.
>in the fuckin game?
Well, technically servers are down for maintenance before major patch tomorrow.
>Endwalkers earnings is being pissed away on Kingdom Hearts 4
I hate this. Why can't FFXIV's money just be used solely on FFXIV and not capeshit or Nomurawank?
Square Enix is incompetent, nothing new here.
What's the next title?
It's probably easier to write for a world that already exists than to try and come up with a baller story right from the get go.
Shadowbringers > Endwalker
yes fucking stop discussing vidya and make the 40th elden ring thread about muh snake wife
>Yoshi-P just confirmed no old rank rewards in Crystalline Conflict
Feastchads... We can't stop winning.
The best references in XIV are the ones that are given their own identity in the game, like Emet-Selch, Thordan, or Nael. Old FF shit just straight up transplanted with a lazy handwave is boring. They could have done stuff like Exdeath and Kefka and made it feel like it belongs, they just didn't bother.
XIV is a cashcow, it's meant to be a thing they spend the minimum amount of money as possible while getting the most revenue out of it
Divine Legend
Wait for the new Omega questline in 6.1
I swear I've heard many XIV VAs in ER.
I know Fourchenault is Margit/Morgott, but I've heard other voices. I swear one of the merchants is Elidibus.
Alright fags
>your job?
>did the patch help?
>will you switch?
No idea, this reads like changes for changes sake
Naw, always been NIN and will stick with it
he didn't, nigger. continue seething.
Wasnt this fucker making vernum rex or some shit
>locking the cooles sets behind dogshit pvp
>only giving it to the top 100
imagine trying to get top 100 and never recieving this set
Tanith is Ameliance. I also don't know if he's in Elden Ring, but Aymeric is Griggs in DS1 and Hawkwood in DS3.
Can't wait for SoP shit in XIV. That game took me by surprise. Story story and characters are surprisingly good. It's a good piss-take of JRPG tropes, and mostly FF. The gameplay is also great. Once again Monk is best job.
he was given the choice of Verum Rex or Kingdom Hearts IV, and he went with Kingdom Hearts
>feasties are coping so hard they're literally imagining things now
The Expedience nerf was warranted, honestly. Now you need to be more deliberate with the timing.
No, it's in a great spot right now regardless. Even the PvP abilities look like they'll be fun.
>Story story
Superb* story.
It's more than memes.
can't fix what ain't broke
Why do they still push their pc releases on the fucking EGS? Yes it's only temporary exclusivity, but they have to be aware it means lower sales right? Only reason I didn't get SoP.
Also WHY ARE THEY STILL TRYING TO MAKE CAPESHIT? Are their execs retarded?
I'm indifferent.
Hell no, unga bunga forever
Not really, more potency is nice, but the higher recast on ruby sounds odd, need to see it ingame. GNB didn't need or get anything.
Not enough for me to want to change to anything else.
Those are shit buffs and you know it. Soteria buff barely even matter. Toxikon is a movement filler button till it is made into ogcd. -100mp on dosis will maybe make it mana neutral in the best case scenario.
Where is range buff on kerachole and physis? Why toxikon is still not an ogcd? Why pneuma has the same fucking potency as dosis?
I don't mind Nomura's games I just wish he made more shit like TWEWY and less shit like FFVIIR
KH's issue is that it's like 80% owned by Disney and nomura doesn't hate that enough to quit making it
Think kingdom hearts has melted his damn brain
PLD/SCH/DRG here. Am I in the shed?
>minor buffs that wont have any effect on me
>massive nerf to my favorite skill.
JFC, SCH werent having any mana issues. it feels like they did band-aid buffs because they knew cutting expedient in half and doing nothing else looks bad.
Endwalker was okay. Shadowbringers will never be topped by SE or any other MMO to come.
YoshiP HATED that SMN were using swift on Ruby to squeeze out a half a second of uptime every minute
>can't fix what ain't broke
Same. I still think Double Down just doesn't feel good and it's be better off being an oGCD follow-up to to Fated Circle.
Or something you can activate after succesfully completing a Continuation combo and getting a "Ready to Rumble" effect for 10-20 seconds so you can weave it in whenever.
DRG is literally unchanged unless you play on a controller where it got a qol fix
>female au ra dragoon
Rate my character/job combo.
I've always wondered, is starting a warrior from scratch with no outside support (like sending yourself money/gear from alts) as much of a fucking slog in FF14 as it is in WoW? Starting out sucks total ass and you don't even get your in-combat gap closer until 30, so you just get kited to death by literally everyone if you enter neutral or hostile territory.
woah friend
did you too
just get off reddit
holy wholserino, send me account so I can send
you some reddit silver
PLD you get no damage buff but all the healing buffs. Limit Break for pvp is giving yourself Hallowed ground (10 sec invulnerable) and your team 50% damage mitigation.
You be the judge
>your job?
>did the patch help?
Dunno, but a friend said it's bad?
>will you switch?
Nah, nowadays I only play for the story.
>female au ra
Uninspired and dangerously transgender
>GNB is basically untouched and still rock solid
>DRK has gotten all the buffs it needed
>MNK is still god-tier
>DRG got nice QoL
>MCH got buffs
>SGE got buffed
>PVP changes for every job look great
eating fucking good today bros
I'm eating good bros
>love the new mana system and the Embolden change, love the GCD cut and better fairy, LOVE the patch changes
What kind of fucking moron uses Swift on Ruby instead of Slipstream to snapshot the last second of raid buffs
RPR and DRG basically have the same bis other than RPR wanting a 2.49 GCD instead of a 2.5 GCD like DRG. Literally just 1 materia difference
Warrior and Paladin are absolute easy mode due to being the big self heal tanks.
>Range buffs on Kerachole and Physis
For what fucking reason? The former is already a strictly better Sacred since not only is the radius 50% wider, people don't need to fucking stand in it to boot.
>Why toxikon is still not an ogcd?
Why should it be? It's for movement like Ruin II.
>Why pneuma has the same fucking potency as dosis?
Because it's a cooldown classified as a spell so you can buff it with Zoe.
>dangerously transgender
I get uninspired dragon dragoon, but I’m not trans.
I've noticed most femras are IRL trannies.
>blood weapon changes
>we can do a 3 second prepull BW now
Absolutely not. WAR and PLD are some of the best soloing classes
no, i liked being a trick bot. but for real I feel like nins damage is going to skyrocket again due to the new TA
i have a blm and a smn as side jobs, probably gonna level dnc too so I can have one of each dps, but i dont see myself switching from nin any time soon
>>GNB is basically untouched and still rock solid
That's all I wanted to hear.
To be fair ARR was spawned from the fucking corpse of a dead game. It being remotely decent is a testament to the dev team imo.
You have a real fucking sickness buddy.
QRD on the race stereotypes so I can pick the Yea Forums approved one for the validation of other autists?
>>your job?
>>did the patch help?
>>will you switch?
Just play a femlala and we'll immediately know you're based.
Only Lancer is a slog.
Inner release change is more QOL than anything but will help prevent accidentally muscle memory problems
Nah, but I will flex DRK along with the other tanks in savage now. Only other thing that I wanted is a minor potency increase to Fel cleave to be honest. Overpower change doesn't really do much for me
Drg gets nothing but shortened animations for all their jumps
PVP lmit lets you jump in the air and become invulnerable whilst you home in where to land to deal 20k potency and gives you a shield worth 25% of your HP
Sch has mp reduction from skills from 400 to 300 and more range
But Expedient now only lasts 10 secs instead of 20 so its no longer like peloton
>Extending arrow on a MNK who is complaining that they ran out of TP from spamming their skills
Pure kino
Is paladin PvE in FF14 like paladin PvE in WoW where your DPS is painfully slow and every fight involves you alt-tabbing?
>mch just gets to pick someone to delete across the entire map
nu-pvp actually looks fun
whats the best healer
What changes lol?
No probably not
Retards that laughed at Expedient always makes me laugh, that shit looked so busted when they announced it.
lala if you are a pedo
cat if you are a normalfag
aura if tranny
roe if you wanna erp and get gifts from every person
elezen if you wanna be the special snoflake
hroth if furry
bunny if coomer
>square enix is fucking weird
They make almost no sense. They have a hit game, ff14, on their hands but never allocate funcding more than whats barely needed. ANy revenue generated in excess doesnt get fed back into their game to make it better. They take that money and fund marvel games and tomb raider which never makes as much money and almost always comes off as a loss it seems. Did working with disney on KH make them retarded? Did they see the disney money from the Marvel movies and just go full in on that?
Paladin PVE is you never dying ever in regular content.
Doing slightly less dps than other tanks in challenging content
>death link
shinobi bros its time
Paladin has a relatively busy (for tanks) rotation with 2 separate phases so no
>Don't care
>never have never will
It wasn't like Peloton in the first place since it's a sprint rather than some inbetween.
No don't worry, after KH4 the game will get a good budget
FFXV, KH3, FF7R didn't count
>Literally nothing changed, but it looks fun as fuck in PvP
>The job is fun so no.
Jesus, these Limit breaks.
It got light QoL because they thought that WHM having issues meant all healers need "something", soteria being stack instead of timer is kind of ass but the way it works means im breaking even
No, unless they add a HoT healer or dumb down sage im likely never switching
i thought so too
But Retards like big flashy stuff instead of things that actually make life easier
>hyur so boring theyre forgotten
>You will never get to use PVP limit breaks
Pity (You)
>AST gets Double
>people will still deny it's a Time Mage
What's it unironically like to have shit genetics and be born with Asperger's?
So pick midlander hyur? or bunny to proudly wear the coomer flag?
Can't speak for WoW, but for FF XIV, the "core" tanking gameplay is shared, so you have single target combos and aoe combos and mitigations. So really, you mostly pick Tank for aesthetics or the gimmick you like the most (axe man ANGRY, sword man FUCKING PISSED, seifer cosplayer, magic sword and shield man)
it was the first thing that popped in my mind
I'm hoping for some new good-looking gunblades tomorrow. Maybe the Endsinger weapons will be stylish and not bulky garbo like the ShB EX weapons.
Announcing Sage is against the rules!
Here we are again... Help me Anons. Grant me release from this torment.. help me find the sauce
literally the only change it got was a universal tank change, stance cooldown going from 10 -> 3 seconds
WHM's laser looks cool but with so much instagibbing burst damage all over the fucking place I think a barrier healer is gonna be more appreciated.
Pick Midlander Hyur, anything else is degenerate
Also have a normal name that isn't an obvious reference to some pop culture character and never EVER wear modern clothes you can buy in the cash shop
Sorry user, i don't know
There are people that still don't believe AST is TIM? It's all over in the lore. I half expect 91-100 AST to get Comet.
>falling off in Titan, Levi, Ravana, Bismark and Sephirot no longer keeps you out of the fight
literal end of an era bros
They basically already got it but it was called Macrocosmos instead.
Wait, what? So a stun or will they start attacking each other?
In the video showing PVP Yoshi-P and like one other of his team gets sniped by the WHM on the other team by the laser.
Paladin is actually surprisingly busy, you can inflict two separate DOTs while on physical phase, then blast enemies with magical attacks on the magic phase, and then repeat on physical plus recharge mana.
Think Lakshmi
I look forward to the silly wombo combos that are about to happen
Pic unrelated
It used to be way more obvious back before SE deleted all the fun stuff you could use to play around with buff timers.
>we will never get the 1.0 story repackaged either as an expansion or series of duties
Why have they not even put the cutscenes viewable in game yet?
Wish the busyness translated to some extra dps