Sony and Epic is teaming up and jannies are seething

Sony and Epic is teaming up and jannies are seething

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They go well together. They're both shitty companies that only get by because of exclusivity.

Gamepass and Steam will put them both in the ground soon enough.

>Sony barely has $10 billion available to invest
>Wastes 10% of it on gay metaverse shit

>2 billion

Thats like a quarter of a game kek

Oh fuck, Sony is going to buy Epic.

Little Timmy pays for my free games again.

Sounds great, two extremely shitty companies collaborating. They deserve each other.

It makes sense. Sony has been shifting market focus to PC, but being part of the Big 3, doesn't want to deal with Valve and Steam, and share the same platform as Microsoft and their games.
They're investing in Epic to build up a partnership so that their offer to acquire them will be on more friendlier terms and likely to go through. This will give them an already established platform on PC for them to sell their games through, as well as some of the other benefits Epic could provide.

>They're investing in Epic
Sony always making the bad decisions.

Sony can't afford Epic. According to the press release, Epic is worth $31.5 billion, and Sony would have to buy up all of Tencent's shares who would want a big premium. Purchasing all of Epic could easily be >$50 billion.

>Posting the same thread again after it was deleted the first time

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This is how they repay Microsoft's leniency?

Epic's shitty store will fold the instant they stop giving out free shovelware. Just like all the other stores that tried this exact same thing and failed. Don't believe me? Do you still Ubisoft's store installed?

>This will give them an already established platform on PC for them to sell their games through
EGS is hardly "established", the store is almost a billion dollars in deficit because only a tiny fraction of its users have ever bought anything there.

Gta 5 is the most expensive game ever made and it costed like 100 million bux

This. Not to mention the few games people actually want on PC/PS5 (like Kat's game, Killzone or youknowwhatsoulsgame) are basically ignored.
Hell I'd fucking kill someone to get TLOU1 purely for Factions.
>This will give them an already established platform on PC for them to sell their games
user, I....

Epic is too expensive bro

The entire point of Sony porting their old games to PC is to gain new fans that hopefully will go buy a PS5 when a new Sony game comes out. Releasing exclusively in a shit store that nobody actually WANTS to use and which will need a decade of heavy investing at least to start shaping up is kind of counterproductive to that goal.

two shitty company wanna team up

Sony closes down japan studio and now has a bunch of rapidly inflating cash with nothing to spend it on, time to quickly flush it all down the toilet, buy a bunch of mediocre third rate studios and and metaverse memes.

Epic is going to buy sony

Also they wanted to expand to new markets. Ironically China has done a massive crackdown in the vidya industry and Russia is Russia.

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>jannies deleting video game news
The absolute state of this shithole.

Sony can't afford Epic

>sony now has entire fiscal year to pander exclusively to poos

Does Epic have a shopping cart yet?

Yes you need something new steamie


why are the jannies seething? do you even know what jannies means?

Heck yes, more free games, not gonna buy anything ^_^

Jannies are valve shills so naturally they seeth.

two cancer companies teaming up. epic with its walled garden bullshit and sony where they pay developers to make multi platform games run worse than on the playstation

>Snoys try to chase Russian money
>Russians no longer have ANY money
LMAO Based Ukraine sticking it to the Sony-Ponys.

>This is how they repay Microsoft's leniency?
even though m$ has repeatedly bullied any form of competition out with vast sums on money and influence??? the fuck do you mean by leniency???

Then , now a game costs 5 billion easy

huh? didn't you see that the ruble just bounced back to normal?

>invests 2 billion more gaas shit

>invest billions into GAAS
Fucking brapfags are running the industry to the ground. How are they so powerful?

>billion dollars in deficit
guess who paid for it thanks Sony

Epic always pours money into Sony. This includes their film division which will use Unreal and SpeedTree.

>another mandatory DRM storefront
>when steam and gog are getting worse by the day, despite competition supposedly existing to fix this issue

Yar har mateys.

it's very ridiculous that people still complaining about not getting days gone 2, even though they are creating a brand new IP. I see the new IP as a positive not a negative. And if that’s successful maybe just maybe they’ll go back and do a sequel for days gone

Sony is probably more interested in UE5. Everyone and their mother will be using this engine, except for maybe EA and Capcom.

>to gain new fans that hopefully will go buy a PS5 when a new Sony game comes out
When will this cope end? Sony realized - just like MS - the PC platform is incredibly profitable and they don't give a shit about their fans who can only jack off to exclusives.

At least now even the worst fanboys realize the big acquisition was Bungie (by not actually owning them). The rest small shit that will help porting their games to PC.

Tencent owns 40% of epic so no they're not.

>build the future of digital entertainment
epic always spouts nonsense like this, but then does only serve up their own humiliation...

>established platform on pc
>to sell their games
>as well some other benefits epic could provide
so literally fucking nothing?

This is the same Epic that had that stupid Apple 1984 parody video and compared their lawsuit to the civil rights movement. Tim Sweeney loves the smell of his own farts.

with what money?

>Gta 5 is the most expensive game ever made
destiny was more expensive than gta5 before gta5 was a thing.
but rockstar is definitely better at spending their money by far, so how expensive shit it means nothing.

yeah, I know, they are always good for a laugh.

This is a Sony investment not an SIE investment. This is more about movies than games. SIE gains nothing from this investment but Sony as a movie entertainment company gain a lot because they get basically first hand support for movie development. TV shows like the mandalorian use unreal engine for CGI scenes and backdrops to give an example.

How come sony games aren't on the epic game store? sure they want to be on the biggest store being Steam but they could have just released on both places.


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They are, but nobody buys games on EGS lmao.

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oh fuck, sorry about that then, so irrelevant I even thought they weren't there.

Not really, SONY jumped on the virtue signaling bandwagon (totally not because we can't get your money cuz you got kiked out of SWIFT).

Dead cat etc etc

>This will give them an already established platform on PC for them to sell their games through

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please bring spider-man to pc
>please bring spider-man to pc
please bring spider-man to pc
>please bring spider-man to pc
please bring spider-man to pc
>please bring spider-man to pc
please bring spider-man to pc
>please bring spider-man to pc

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I can't wait for Sony to get bought out by Tencent. It'll be the funniest shit I'll have ever seen.

Imao, this means no acquisitions any time soon. Start crying Sonykeks

b-but we'll get more Fortnite skins!

It's news to no one that Sony is incompetent.

Maybe timed.

>Snoy making another bad decision
The end of Sony is nigh

Is Timmy buying us more games?

>they don't give a shit about their fans who can only jack off to exclusives.
That's why PlayStation is already dying a slow death and will become completely irrelevant until it fully dies this decade. They're not Microsoft and they'll learn the hard way. Once CoD becomes Xbox/PC exclusive, it's unironically over.

based retard

I am fine with Snoy being killed quickly with your terrible idea.

>The entire point of Sony porting their old games to PC is to gain new fans that hopefully will go buy a PS5 when a new Sony game comes out.
Cope, all it's doing is slowly killing the PlayStation brand.

>Store works exclusively on Windows (not quite on Linux)
>Ex 2nd party developer (Gears of War)
>Microsoft instead of Sony, has been using UE4 in many of their studios.
>When PC was going to shit, they bailed out to work on Xbox 360 (unlike Valve who stayed on PC and literally won the PC space).
>Microsoft usually has the teams that help Epic Games to test new versions of Unreal Engine before other studios/competition.
Their relationship business-wise is kinda closer to MS than Sony.