Advance Wars

You are going to buy her game right, Yea Forums?

Attached: samiqt.jpg (1280x720, 135.41K)

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Yeah I did like 20 years ago and she'll never have another

I emulated the GBA game recently and was reminded that I am dumb, so no I will not be buying her game. May jerk off to her porn though.

fuck both russia and ukraine, i want my toy tank game goddammit


I'll buy it just to make Yea Forums seethe but probably won't play it.

>unironically this

I can't buy games that are never getting released shit for brains.

The war was just a cover, Nintendo was very clearly not happy with how it was turning out and took a chance to delay it to try to make it better. Look at the leaked version, even Switch era Nintendo wouldn't sell that

Look at the brightside, there's absolutely no way WayForward is going to be allowed within 50 feet of a Nintendo franchise ever again after this.

Shame, I honestly thought they were more competent than this.


they added nigs so no


Same company that because of their poor management decisions caused the team that made Double Dragon Neon to split off and make their own company when they weren't allowed to work on another project together.

Who then made Shovel Knight.


Attached: samisalute.png (1919x1079, 1.23M)

Most people forget like 95% of WayForward's publishing lineup is licensed shovelware trash like Bakugan. They usually just keep their name off of it and only attach it to their own works or licenses they consider to be big deals.

>Nintendo was very clearly not happy with how it was turning out and took a chance to delay it to try to make it better.
Why? Because muh different hair and muh brown soldiers?

Very much this. The war is already fading from the zeitgeist, we need another Will Smith slap or something and it should be fine to ship it, at least for Burgers.

More like muh shitty load times

>I can still see where the straps were
How could you fuck this up

huh, yeah? I haven't heard anything about that. Last I heard about the game was the delay.

Why isn't Sami in Days of Ruin?

Attached: samilewd.png (4961x7016, 1.59M)

I hate how true this is lmao.

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How are we gonna do that if nintendo doesnt want to sell the game, a game mind you, that IT ACTUALLY WENT GOLD ALREADY AND GOT RELEASED LAST SATURDAY TO SOME STREAMER WHORE?

you know from the economic perspective, it's pretty ridiculous for Nintendo to delay the game indefinitely for sake of virtue signaling. they already throw million of dollars for making this game, I highly doubt that Nintendo is dumb enough to cancel the game after going this far.

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Due to Nintendo's incompetence someone that had preloaded the game and went offline for months was able to play it for awhile before Nintendo yanked the purchase from them.

The build seemed to be an older build since CO portraits weren't in, but the load times were pretty fucking atrocious and I doubt they'd have gotten better since thats probably an engine thing.

>Nintendo yanked the purchase from them.
Is that legal

get in the monday garfield

Video games (and also anime) have been cancelled for less in Japan. They can be super anal about this sort of thing.
only clip I've seen in this, I don't see any issues with load times.
>the load times were pretty fucking atrocious and I doubt they'd have gotten better since thats probably an engine thing.
This kind of thig can be pretty easily optimised, user.
t. game programmer

More like Days of Ruining my dick fapping to Sami.


They refunded so technically yes.

what do you mean?


She is honestly the best CO. With positioning and preparation, you can just activate her power and decapitate an opponent in one blow by swooping into their HQ and instantly capping it. Also with Fog of War turned on, nothing beats mechs jumping out of the forest and ambushing enemy armor.

>places a tank in my HQ permanently

Can easily be countered by letting one (1) tank on the HQ. Against Sami, that's a must.
Since her normal units are weaker and the co power is SLOW to build, you can simply crush Sami on battlefield and leave some defense on the HQ for easy victory.

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>Everyone looks like a steyvun universe reject
>Ugly as shit 3D models
Nah, I'm not even going to pirate it, I'm gonna replay the originals when this shit comes out

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Everyone here is too young to remember but the world got absolutely FUCKED for like five years after 11/9 because fucking Americans got mega triggered about any media depicting planes or terrorists.

If you actually fight someone dumb enough to not park a unit of some sort on the HQ solely to prevent that, you shouldn't even need to cap their HQ cause they clearly don't know what they're doing.

Even a medium tank can be overwhelmed by mechs in one turn with her SCOP up though

From what little footage we have of the leaked version, what could they do to improve it in such a short time? For all intents and purposes the game looks like it's already gone Gold, or else it wouldn't have been up on the eshop to download in the first place.

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I'm still waiting for one of you nerds to present any evidence of an actual problem

Ni i emulate the older better games, fuck your globohomo remake

Assuming what got leaked wasn't an early build, it's possible there could still have been a hefty day one patch.

Also how bad is this person they only got 292 points on a tutorial level on the new baby tier difficulty.

Attached: I have been waiting for feet.png (830x527, 335.28K)

Egoraptor is voicing Max, will never consider touching this

Can Ukraine just surrender or whatever the fuck, I want to play this already

I'm playing it on my phone right now. I also have it on my switch and PC

I personally don't have any problems with the game and how it looks. If the rumors of the campaign AIs being tweaked to not be bullshit retarded (ie: not focusing on APCs, actually being affected by FoW) I'll actually give enough of a fuck to play through AW1 Hard Campaign again.
Advance Wars is Globohomo by definition if we go by the 4 nations forming the Allied Nations by the end of AW2/start of AWDS

Attached: APCs.png (600x1050, 115.45K)

>infantry spam the game
no thanks

The first delay was for voice acting too.

Egoraptor is directly responsible for this game never releasing since had it not been delayed for voice acting it'd have been out in December of last year.

My first thought was the whole "nice boat" thing

>an engine thing
i full well know that its made in unity but please stop blaming the fucking engine just for once.
Unity is a very good fucking tool and every if not most mobile games use it.

Then the occupation would just begin and Nintendo would still be in a state where they can't release the game once the Ukrainian insurrectionists start trying to destroy the occupation government.

I've got the GBA ones, no thank you
You fags should check out Daisenryaku too

if that means we going to get Advance Wars Days of Ruin 2, then sure.

Even if this ever comes out (it won't) Nintendo and IS are not going to bother with this franchise again when they just shit out another Fire Emblem and not worry about international politics fucking them in the ass.

They won't have to worry about making another one because this shit will bomb hard, and instead of blaming it on the terrible decisions made along the way (fucking egoraptor? really?) they will blame it on consumer disinterest and shelve the franchise for another 15 years

Is going to be more censored. So the answer is no.


Nope. I hate the art style.

>15 years
Try eternity.

They've literally never a game that was more than a 6 out of 10. They'd rather focus on pandering to their coomer audience than make a game that's fun. They try to emulate the look and feel of "old school" games like when they made Double Dragon but they still feel "off".