
>Light eye color
>Light skin
>Big boobs
>Big butt
This is peak female character design, The West should take note.

Attached: 1mykbaesh5n71.jpg (640x800, 63.85K)

What kind of blonde is that?

>brown hair
>brown eyes (inb4 but dey r amber xdd)
>average tits
>average ass
this is boring ass shit just like the game a giant snore fest
fuck japs
'ate 'em all

It's dirty blonde and she has dark eyes? Still hot. I actually completed this game not too long ago, and it was the most bizarre JRPG I've ever played. Whoever came up with the story cannot write for shit, it was all over the place, more-so than your usual JRPG.

Feed Kisara the fish she craves.

Still hotter than every female on a western game released in the past 12 months at least.

What game?

>doesn't post her butt

>big boobs and butt

Most Tales games riff off of what Phantasia did with such focus that they devolve into nonsense.

More. Pics.

Just looks like an Asian with highlights to me, still hot though

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It was my first Tales game. I did remember buying Berseria but never could bring myself to complete it. The combat in Arise was great, but the story was just so ridiculous at the end.

I love milky booty mommy

>those tits
>that ass
She looks as average as a sidewalk on a summer day.
Also that's dirty blonde -at best-.

>like fishing
best girl

Attached: boss fish.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

>Big boobs
Sorry you are blind user

I don't like stringy or strappy clothes.

>uhh at least its better than literall garbage
fuck off retard

>average tits

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Kisara was easily the best girl of the game. Mainly because Rinwell shat the bed so damn much that it was impossible for her to become likable after they tried to redeem her.

Best OP I've ever seen. For once, OP was not phaggot.

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They are big anywhere except your overporned coomer brain.

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needs a moderately sized cock and balls then she will be absolutely perfect

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Tales of arise

Just be happy it wasn't an entry like Legendia, where the combat is bad and the story is infuriating.

Didn't she feel a bit insecure about her toned, muscled body since she's a warrior, unlike her dainty
female teammates?

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based as fuck

I actually bought the swimsuit DLC and ended up using her normal armour because of the ass.

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She's too tomboyish to find a bf...

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Made for hugs :D

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Your parents should have aborted you.

i stopped playing this game right after i recruited her and the prince guy and i dont know why

Your parents were good on raising you.

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>Tales of Anime game

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looks generic and soulless

Same. Sometimes more skin isn't better. In Kisara's case, her original outfit was honestly just the best.

Black hair with green eyes is superior

a woman like this is complaining to me about her husband and wants to eventually 'steal me away'.

what do i do Yea Forums?

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Which vidya girl has both of those?

holy based

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Really didn't dig the forced romance. Should have let all the girls as open options for the MC

are girls soft? do they smell nice? hows it like to kiss their lips, or squeeze their butt or touch their booby?

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Those are small and woefully misshapen.

tell me if you find out

Stop watching so much porn, user

You serious?
strawberry blonde

First time I dropped a game I was close to beating
The parts after you go to space are so fucking boring I wanted to smash my head in
Also the never-ending pointless skits and cutscenes

i was hoping you can tell me user

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Built for Big Dohalim Pancake.

>are girls soft? do they smell nice?
Yeah their skin have less elasticity, so it's softer. Now the smell is the tricky part, because it's tailored for each person, if you're attracted to her then she smell nice, if you don't then she'll smell okay at best. It's probably our brain telling us to get the girl or stay away.

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>less elasticity, so it's softer
does taht mean they bleed or bruise easier?

Literally the only reason to be with them is because they smell and feel nice to touch.

Literally only joggers and irishmen care.

>are girls soft?
even dudes can be if they follow the right skin routine.
>do they smell nice?
varies entirely on personal hygiene
>hows it like to kiss their lips
pretty based, difficult to explain but personally it just feels really intimate.
>or squeeze their butt or touch their booby?
its satisfying. titty are fun to play with. groping in a way they like is more satisfying though.
I dont know what kind of answers you expected user. You were going to get a "yeah its nice" from anyone whos done it.

That I don't know

i can confirm
don't let the plebs in this thread tell you otherwise

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You forgot
>coal burner
>race mixer
>spade wearer
She's everything west wants females to be

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>big boobs
That's a B cup at best.

>eyes aren't blue/green/grey/or any color considered as "light eyes"
Retard OP

for a moment i wanted to live through your experiences

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You get all of your ideas of size from porn, user. Those are at minimum C cups.

>no muscles

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forehead girl is for the twink
kisara is for the prince
makes sense they ship you with the AIDS bitch
God, what a terrible jrpg cast

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I believe in you user. I thought I was a permavirgin for years and I've fucked men, women, and had threesomes. Im only 26. If I can do it while being a fat balding loser, imagine the chances you have.

her forehead was intentionally designed to look like a landing pad for jizz, right?



Unless you have some malformation or crippling disability, the only one stopping you is yourself man.

>mfw turning 27 this year and still a khv
is it over?

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Pheromones are a hell of a drug.

No lmao. It's not over until your dick stops working. And even then you have other options. If you're solely seeking sex instead of a fulfilling relationship.

Nah fuck that. I hate persona because everything revolves around the mc.

When did you have sex for the first time?

I get my ideas by comparing bust measurement to band measurement, and her tits are barely bigger than her torso.
The difference is equal to less then half the diameter of her arm, her arms have zero muscle mass so that is probably only about 2 inches.
Her tits are small. That's an B cup using Victoria's Secrets sizing.

Attached: what makes a cup.jpg (3840x2160, 1.64M)

Don't forget
>cake female knight
That is my fetish

The west can’t draw

brown eyes are light colored eyes now?

When I was 20. At a drive in movie theater.

>light eye color
"Amber", "hazel", "brown with some green in it" eyes are still brown eyes.
This eyelet cope is like saying brown hair is light or a man is not short at 5'11''.

Kisara sex

Totally, they are to hug nice to touch but smell is difference depend on how clean she is.

Kisara has a shit face
Rinwell is perfect
Shionne is cute too

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Grow a mustache and get a van user, daddy complexes are a hell of a thing.