Stardew Thread

How are your farms going, bros?

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I actually recently bought it on Switch so I could play it in bed before going to sleep. Done everything outside of Ginger Island and maxing everyones relationship but I'm hitting the wall hard and becoming bored.

Also, Leah is best girl, just a shame you can't romance Robin.

Attached: Leah11.jpg (850x1202, 147.23K)

>Coal Burner
No thanks
I'd rather just marry her daughter, knock her up, then memory-hole our entire relationship using negromancy so that Maru and Robin will be forced to raise my disowned child without ever remembering that it's mine.

Any tips on finding golden walnuts?
I've explored the island pretty well aside from the volcano.

I can't imagine playing it on Switch, the low resolution would suck ass. I like being able to see most of my farm in a single screen.

I can't imagine playing without mods.

Is Sebastian a good husband? Trying to decide what spouse to pick.


There's a reason he's wildly popular, he's definitely interesting.

Elliot is best boy and canonically the tallest.


Anything less than pc is a botched experience. Not even portability is worth it.
These threads need an infusion of new mods and updates. Or maybe this one is just slow. We did have 3 healthy ones going at the same time the other day.

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Here's my current farm. using the expanded and ridgeside mods

Attached: Farm 4.png (1280x1040, 1.27M)

He's a good boy and a good pick.

>asserting jas dominance in less than a minute

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This is the most low energy beta cuck r*dditor game I can think of.
Spend the same time into real hard manual work and gardening as you put into your pixel art bing bing wahoo and it could change your life bringing you useful real life skills and accomplishments, but here you are a lonely uninteresting shut in faggot with crippling autism.

Tbf, it's monday. The active ones were over the weekend.

Everything is kind of all over the place.

Go water your garden instead of wasting your life on Yea Forums.

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I wish I could build comfy looking farms but I can't help but just make a giant rectangle of efficiency.

Like what? Aside from the Kegs and ponds.

This. My farms are absolute ass and a total mess. I just cram everything as close to my house as possible.

You have a lot of small, broken up areas for crops. If you put the fields right next to each other, without path in between every one, you'll be more likely to get giant crops, and you'll have room to grow more.

It helps if you get a good map.

He's the gayest fujo pick and I mean that unironically, no offense intended. Harvey is for gay men, the rest of the bachelors are straight, sebastian is a sissy little boy.

I only started playing about two weeks ago and I've already clocked nearly 100 hours in, almost at 3rd year. I fucking love this game and am shocked as usually I hate games of this nature.
I want to mod for more content now. Thinking of just adding Stardew Valley Expanded and Ridgeside Village mods. Is it safe to mod a file so far in or would I need to restart?

Attached: stardew valley emily dance.gif (128x168, 4.3K)

so for those particular mods you COULD use an existing farm, but as someone who did just that I recommend making a new one. It's weird that all this new content hits and you start seeing events like "hey Farmer, Thanks for being such a friend to X. I'm Y and moving back home" and you not knowing who the hell either of them are.

You can add them, but it's best to start a new game for mods like that. If you add them into a year 3 save it's probably fine, but a bunch of events will likely trigger out of nowhere with little context.

Idk man, Elliot comes across as kinda foppish.

I see
I'll probably just keep playing until I absolutely hit the wall with my current save then restart with the mods
thanks lads

start with the river farm and you will be forced to get creative

I've been working on this in order to rid the world of Pierre, thoughts? I probably screwed up by using Oppai Valley as a base instead of starting from scratch as I accidentally made her hair too fluffy and there's no way I'm starting over. Should I also make her clothes darker? Either way, here's the .ase file, if someone wants to try anything out please reupload it back.

Attached: wip.png (750x640, 8.43K)

Is there a mod that replaces characters with one another? I want to replace Caroline with another girl you can marry so they can live with Pierre and be Abigail's mother so that I can have Caroline to myself

Attached: 1642765444617.jpg (981x1238, 117.45K)

Looks great. Does the blue mean you're still working on the face?
>Should I also make her clothes darker?
Yeah, you could use some darker colors for the outlines on the clothes to get it to pop, like there is for the hair.

It'd be easier to make a mod that divorces caroline and makes her marriable rather than create or swap around characters

Rather than pierre it might make more sense to have her take over the traveling cart. Would be a lot easier to implement too without adjusting all the dialogues. Not sure if there'd be an easy way to make her a proper character that way though.

Yeah, the blue is a leftover from the character I was drawing over.
True, but I think it's funnier to beat out Pierre's jewish tricks with that of Recette's.

the dude might be a good developer but he is a terrible writer
is there any good dialog overhaul mods?

Is she married to Caroline?

Yes. I'll let you work the logic out.

It's not an overhaul, but there is a canon friendly dialogue mod that adds more variety.

I suggest you do a search for pixel art and banding, you can easily make this portrait look much better.

That photo was taken by Elliott moments after he was done blasting a massive load down her throat

Attached: Elliott.png (128x128, 1.79K)

I know the Rentry has a couple guides, but could you elaborate?

My thoughts exactly.

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I'll take a look, thanks user.

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Wish that user would post the emily sprites he's done

What's the best portrait mod? Preferably something anime looking

There's a popular anime portrait pack on nexus.

Stardew valley really makes me sad.
It's an amazing game, but the community is filled with degenerate coomers.

Stardew valley makes me sad because there aren't enough degenerate coomers.

Stardew valley really makes me sad.
Because I bought it again on switch and there's no coomer mods to use.

Stardew valley really makes me sad.
Because a wife as perfect as Jas will never be real

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Good. I wouldn't curse any fictional character with being stuck in our world, much less her.

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I could make her happy.

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>found a maru portrait that looks like a loli portrait with some minor adjustment
Hope there are people here who enjoy choco cunny.

Is it ape's beta?

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No it's a random old one I found.