>Marines are heartless and kill every scientist and guard there is, I don't have any problem fighting them because they're clearly morally corrupt murderers
>game goes full "hooah" and sucks the military cock
I thought it was interesting playing a 90s game where the GI weren't treated as literal heroes all the time

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Sex with HL1 ninja girls...

>Play as scientist, military are your enemies
>Play as military man, military are your friends
What is so hard for you to understand about this faggot?

it was a gay move to have your squad in OF not hear the command that your mission is to whack the BM personnel

>What is so hard for you to understand about this faggot?
Did you play the game recently? Or are you just going by memory? Because the worst they show the marines doing in OF is being "tough" with a scientist in some room, instead of you know, murdering all of them in cold blood, throwing them like trash like in Blue Shift, etc. Why didn't they show you being all friendly with the soldiers while being an asshole? Because muh soldiers. "Just a couple of bad seeds" lmao

exactly, they wrote it so you could be the typical "good guys".

Because playing as the bad guy was a foreign concept during the time and it was probably easier to keep the game the game from getting taken off the shelves when your objective wasnt to kill every human being you saw (plus it probably would have been boring anyway to fight black mesa staff)

I still killed every scientist and guard I could in the game


>Wtf characters are written to be more likeable when they're your allies than when you're they're enemies?? Whuh???

Because the US army is a force of good. It's literal good men and women serving our country. Maybe they don't deserve automatic admiration but they deserve basic respect. Their job is protecting me and you, even a parasite like yourself that has a personal problem with the army and talks shit on an anonymous website. The killing of scientists in HL was coopted alongside black ops, a regular grunt like Shepard or anyone in his squad not only is never briefed about any of this but they're not even there as a black op to begin with. Your objective is search and rescue, then Evac. Once Evac gets cancelled by Gaman your objective shifts to survival. The entire point of OPPOSING FORCE was to give you a perspective about the marines and their objectives outside of Freeman's experience. Now get your head checked out and try better next time.

>Marines are made by known scammers who commit false advertising and fraud

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January 2021 and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.

>I always try to save every scientists and guards i could in the game

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>because the US army is a force of good
Stopped reading there.

It was always weird to me that HECU are boot marines instead of a true socom group. God knows if some shit went down at area 51 they aren't sending the 82nd.

>Because the US army is a force of good.

op4 also has terrible level design (when it isn't badly copying and pasting random sections of hl1 maps)

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Because Shepard shows up at the end of the military operation. They're pulling out, no time to go hunting scientists.

The Marines voice chatter in Black Mesa was the one thing it did worse.

I lol'd

Then you're another dumbass. Army are regular people. Regular guys with mothers and brothers, a family they want to protect. Cokeheads hooked on adrenaline are single digits in every unit. Still all of them real blood and flesh that bleed just like you and me. Humanbeings that don't get to choose where to take a stand. It's the corrupt gov running our country you need to focus on instead. You want to make a stand, take it up with those in the top.

Based, Russian and Arab shills seething.

literal brainrot.

they do it because they want free college

Of course they try to make the marines likeable when you're fighting alongside them. This may be hard to swallow, but protagonists generally attempt to be relatable.

Fun fact: The marine AI will still shoot scientist NPC's, and there's one example of this in normal gameplay, with that poor sap under the floor, if your squad spots him.

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based for triggering euros who don't want to admit they'd be part of russia but now if not for the us armed forces

I actually like the sewer part with Voltigore, it's different and didn't exactly outstay its welcome. The worst part of the game is arguably the very next map with the sewer filled with infinitely spawning Pit Drone that you have to closed the door to.

based jarboi laying down hard truths
fuck biden

Seeing so many scientific geniuses with lifetimes of education in the sciences brutally ripped apart by alien wild animals and shot to death by braindead soldiers made me very depressed. The finest minds of our generation, wasted...

USA would be better off if less people signed up for the army. Not none, just less so that they can't do stupid shit like Afghanistan and Iraq any more.

Want to help your country? Don't be a soldier we already have too many of those for the politicians to handle them responsibly.

>USA would be better off if less people signed up for the army.
There wouldn't be a USA anymore. You would be speaking russian right now or learning it in a camp.

It's almost definitely better to just run away from the tunnels they spawn out of instead of try to turn the valves while they fire spines into your anus.

>Don't be a soldier we already have too many of those for the politicians to handle them responsibly.
>politicians to handle them responsibly.
yeah bro it's the army that's the problem.

Not even my bootboy friends suck military cock like you. My bootboy friends don't suck military cock at all, actually.

We don't need to. Everyone knows our military is the strongest powerhouse and force of destruction in the entire world.

Our missiles do that, not the soldiers. Soldiers are just for sending overseas to protect business interests and do "nation-building" they don't defend shit.

Russian army is currently stuck trying to invade fucking Ukraine, a country it shares a massive land border with, a country without nuclear arsenal, fleet, modern Air Force etc.

Our dear President in his infinite wisdom shown the whole world the true might of the glorious Russian army.

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Best player on the pitch after the game ends isn't much to brag about.

read my other answer

There is a difference between moral righteousness and force capability you jewish mongrel.


>Gets it's ass kicked in Korea
>Gets it's ass kicked in Vietnam
>Gets it's ass kicked in the middle east
>Gets it's ass kicked in its own border

They have jiggle physics.

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>Humanbeings that don't get to choose where to take a stand
a very good reason to not sign up for the military!

>our military is the strongest powerhouse and force of destruction in the entire world.
>Couldn't defeat rice farmers
>Couldn't defeat goat fuckers
>Can't even stop cartels from getting into his country

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It's true, but you're unlikely to ever see it. Maybe even impossible since they're always on such high-alert.

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>roll up to WW2 late
>summarily execute everyone else after they've beaten each other to their knees
>including your ''''allies''''

Thank you America you are numberone. forcing Europe to give the planet back to thirdworlders to secure your supremacy has worked out so well

>Couldn't defeat goat fuckers
Which ones did you have in mind again? Because they defeated a lot of those.

Interesting account of events. Entirely fictional, but hey, I'm sure you feel justified in your hate now.

You don't understand user, any defeat against them is mark of shame. Any military as advanced and heavily funded as America's shouldn't come within a nautical mile of getting beat by illiterate tribals with AKs
It's like Rorke's Drift in that it's entirely your fight to lose
If you win: So what you used guns to beat guys with stone age weaponry
If you lose: Holy shit! How'd your firepower get beat by a bunch of guys with stone age weaponry

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OK, but which ones?

Azure Sheep mod is overrated as fuck, is Point Of View any better?

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that hing doesnt die for a fucking hour and uses up your flashlight
and there's like 4 of them

the united states of america has never lost a single conflict :)

OP here. HL2's story (without episodes) sucks. What the fuck? HL1 was such a good game but the second one was shit. Fun game though.

God I want her to step on me.

In ww2 theyve surrendered in the battle of bataan, so filipinos has no choice but to surrender too even though the flips were ready to die. You are free to interpret what happened but i call that a loss for the burgers.

I always liked the engineer grunt model and how he lights his oxy torch with his cigarette.

>Who needs a locksmith, huh Sheppard? heheheh