How does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?
wrong warping is for faggots
Makes me feel like glitched speedruns that skip 99% of the content are stupid as fuck.
Racist and transphobic.
how long is the glitch-free speedrun?
nothing. i'm not a speedrunning tranny. nearly every game can be boiled down to a few minutes of doing extreme bs exploits that no one who plays regularly will ever do.
About 1 hour and 30 minutes which is still really quick in my opinion.
Does anyone actually think that speedruns are impressive?
It's like fast forwarding a movie or skipping straight to the credits and calling yourself a pro movie watcher
I'm at over 160 hours and I still have a long way to go.
Xe didn't beat it
Just use they you troon
What's the point of this clip?
Is he still being a super fag and using an old patch?
latest patch
theyre impressive if its not just wrong warping to the credits and they require a lot of skill and dexterity to execute
Nothing. If anything I feel sad for that guy because when the first couple of speedruns came out he said multiple times during the run that he hates any% yet there he is constantly doing it still.
I can't imagine constantly doing something you hate over and over and over.
it's still amusing to see how much you can break the game by abusing glitches
1h30 minutes still uses wrong warps and respawn glitches.
everytime theres speedrun thread like this its always a youtube thumbnail they obviously had to save to their pc so why not just post the damn link
>it's really him
Damn i feel better about myself now
The older any% runs still had you fight the final boss at least, the newer mega zip ones just go straight to final ending which is ridiculous.
>speed running
>still has a loving gf
Better than Running through the open world for the whole run.
>OK, so I'll be running in a straight line for the next 5 minutes. Got any donations to read?
>using wrong warp
>using glitches of any kind
One of the few times where you objectively in fact didn't beat the game.
damn it's as if souls games are not suited for speedrunning hahaha
that would be crazy if true
No, it's not better at all. Literally the only reason why anyone is interested in watching speedruns is to see someone who has mastered the game in a way that allows them to beat it much faster than the regular person can. In an open world game, a bit of downtime due to traversal of the world isn't a big deal. No one watches speedrunners stream anyway, so just fast forward the youtube vid. Any% speedrunners don't showcase any mastery whatsoever over the game, they just execute glitches that a collective hivemind of autistic discord trannies have figured out.
Its interesting seeing these runs. But I'm not sure where the skill lies in this as it looks like your time is largely determined by the weird teleport glitch rng blessing you
Doesn't count if he downpatched.
>not even killing a single boss
Is this even fun?
>start new run
>alt+tab and pause the timer
>activate cheat engine
>teleport directly to the endzone
>resume timer
>talk to Marika for the credits
>upload run
>Elden Ring World First Sub 1 Minute Speedrun
What now speedtrannies?
Glitches discard any speedrun.
>People are still getting upset about speedruns
We're upset because these guys think they're alpha males for teleporting to the end of the game
Fuck off with that shit you're literally playing a different game at that point
It's lame. I want to see Elden Ring being played but this circumventing the rules shit is shitting up the search results.
Watching his run evolve has been interesting, but the run itself is boring as shit. All Rememberances is where its at.
Not upset, just confused as to why anyone would waste their time with something like this. Glitchless speedruns are kinda cool, but any% is just stupid. The time it takes someone to beat Elden Ring in any% is completely irrelevant to me. Like 9 minutes don't sound any more impressive than 30 minutes, 2 hours or 2 minutes. Everyone knows the time all just depends on the glitch that was found and not any individual player's skill.
I think I understand the joke:
>I have to go to the bathroom
>Grab a little Snack
so the assumption is he will use the restroom (shit) and than grab aforementioned shit for consumption
top tier comedy, really, the apex of humor
Dist if you're reading this thread stop speedrunning, lose that fat you gained from trannying all day, and cut your fucking hair.
Well, he is the godfather of DaS2 speedrunning.
Dude, one job
Pretty cool to see how you can fuck the game up but I prefer all boss/glitchless speedruns.
Distortion literally has 10k daily viewers on his 8+h streams
Because people like different things than you, and other categories exist.
Not rocket science
How about this?
This is literally going to get down to 3 minutes
I do not have a vagina.
> this circumventing the rules shit
the category is -literally- called Unrestricted Any%
TAS is the one ran by scripts right?
Yeah but only for certain games. I still watch Super Metroid speedruns.
Tool-Assisted Speedrun, yes.
Another tranny has been spawned
He also speedruns it normally
It’s just fun to try the glitches too.
> Literally the only reason why anyone is interested in watching speedruns is to see someone who has mastered the game in a way that allows them to beat it much faster than the regular person can
Or how about just watching the video once just to see how much people have broken the game? Is it not interesting to see that it exists, how it works, etc?
I feel like anyone who likes video games should be able to appreciate video game glitches and the lengths people go to understanding them. You don't have to think the guy abusing the glitches is skilled or a better player than you if it helps your insecurity. TAS runs are the most enjoyable for me just because you can see the real lengths the game can be pushed and there's no real human element.
>inb4 "Liking video games on Yea Forums"
That is the point of any%.
Watch a different category fuck
This image makes me irrationally angry.
Depends on the category, any% in elden ring is pretty pointless at this point. All remembrances or specific endings makes more sense.
I'm sorry user but you're an easily influenced NPC.
If you had any critical thinking you would realize that it's bait for social media.
I'm sorry user but you're an easily influenced NPC.
If you had any critical thinking you would realize that it's a meme.
>TAS runs
I don't get it. Is the record holder the person who makes a mod that plays the end credits when the game is started?
in many games, a glitchless speedrun is a glorified let's play
Glitchless speedruns are boring as they're just let's plays where plot gets skipped
I mean, if it's a very long game like ER, then I guess that's what the speedrun is supposed to be like. To watch someone way more skilled than you beat the same game you played, only they are doing it much faster and efficiently. Why should anyone care about a 9 minute ER "speedrun" when the game wasn't even played?
>Glitch any%
Boy do I like watching speedrunners choke at skipping the game
>Glitchless any%
Just watch a Let's Play
>Glitchless 100%
Jesus fucking christ why
>Glitch 100%
>TAS Break everything run
Nothing since I'm not some loony troon speed run enjoyer
Good for you, but you are in a very tiny minority with that. There's a reason why 200k people were watching Asmongold do a lets play of ER and the entire any% speedrunning community put together can maybe get 10-20k viewers put together.
complaining about using glitches to beat games faster and saying it's unskilled has always been the dumbest meme
a lot of big time saving glitches in speedruns are very difficult to pull off consistently
besides, most of the time if you've played the game, you'll watch the speedrun, and you're here to watch people break the game and complete it fast, so why complain?
Besides, games with HUGE skips like wrong warp to credits also have other speedrun categories that show off more of the game anyway, just watch those runs.
How does this affect me?
The reason for that is because of zoomers and other dopamine fried individuals who love their parasocial relationships.
glitched speedruns are the only entertaining ones just to see what people can come up with to break the game as much as possible.
I don't give a fuck about watching some retard trying to 100% a game in 3 hours
Naw you can’t mod as in changing the code of the game or added or removing studf, the tools just allow you to slow the game down so you can input buttons faster than human hands can. Like theoretically if you rigged up a robot to press this exact series of buttons on a real GBA you could watch this run happen on unmodified hardware
Again, the whole point of watching a speedrun is because you played the game yourself and you are interested in seeing what it looks like when a vastly more skilled individual plays the same game you played. If you beat a game in say 20 hours and a speedrunner can beat that same game in 10 minutes, that is very impressive and interesting, because you have a frame of reference. No normal player ever uses these speedrun glitches though, so the time it takes any% speedrunners to beat the game completely lacks any context for regular people. To me a 9 minute ER speedrun is just as unimpressive as a 1 minute ER speedrun, or a 10 second ER speedrun. It's just glitches being abused. If someone found a glitch that lets you play the end credits in the character creation, would that be impressive to you?
Like slapping the taste of ass out of your mouth faggot OP.
you just said glitchless speedruns are boring because there is downtime and they are more like lets plays. If anything, you sound like the dopamine fiend here.