>the spell you get by beating the hardest boss in the entire series after 150+ hours is the absolute worst one in the entire game
So this is the power of Faith Comet Azur...
The spell you get by beating the hardest boss in the entire series after 150+ hours is the absolute worst one in the...
>give armor on the startup or the bulb
how the fuck did they fuck this up so badly
>150 hours
so this is the power of twitter and discord tourism combined...
A tale as old as Fromsoft. It's only for boss cosplaying. They rarely get it right.
>big flower explosion spell from the soul of a demigod
>rotty potty
Who the fuck crafts pots anyway?
Is it safe to assume that this thing is going to get buffed?
I do, consumables are very strong in e-ring
I do agree that items are strong, but I just buy knives and kukris. Crafting is just such a hassle.
Pots are pretty good for what they are, fuck running around looking for ingredients though they're good but not that good.
I used this against Placidusax with my mimic tear. It's pretty good
No it's not. Ofc they're going to release multiple updates and patches, some dlcs in the future. But they can and will just simply ignore some stuff. It's random.
No. You shouldn’t just look at a spell that has certain deficiencies and just assume these are not intentional and that an update will remove those + buff the spell in certain ways. The future of this game’s balance is very uncertain and pretty much mothing should be taken for granted.
>getting buffed
Haha, no
>Spell is so bad that when Gideon learns it he becomes easier
This, I beat Malenia at the 175 hour mark
Nah. This game is only going to get one or at most two more updates that adjust balance, From Software only change weapons and items if they affect PVP.
>endgame incantation from the undisputed hardest boss in the game
>still needs 2 casts to trigger rot on Placidusax
I hate Fromsoft
good I dont need them touching my blood of flies spam
I mean, it's terrible for her too and basically gives you roughly a half hour to set up on her take a nap and unload all your projectiles before she she comes out of it.
Yes mimic tear was the biggest problem in PvP. Also sword of night and flame was a big problem in PvP which is clearly why they nerfed it. It was always fine in PvE.
Normally I would think so but if they nerfed SoNaF for being overpowered then I would think they will buff this because it's so irredeemable bad.
I beat every boss in the game in 120 hours and I was letting it run while eating and shit. How are people this fucking bad?
Why every incantation that takes more than one slot is fucking trash anyways?
>high fp costs
>long windup
>not planetary size hit box like the bosses
>no hyper armor
>no big poise dmg
braggers being like, lol you didn't beat the game within 2 hours? fucking pathetic bro, get good haha
these games aren't even that fun, it's that there are barely any games like it so unfortunately you get fucked if you don't care for the memegame
You rushed.
You went to a luxury restaurant, ordered an expensive steak and you ate the steak in one bite.
Next time, chew your steak.
>you're not a demigod lmao so you're allowed to learn only a fraud baby version of demigod powers
wait until you see Elden Stars
me constantly
rot pots are instant proc 95% of the time in pvp
2 in a row for anything else in the game pretty much
volcano pots are also super fantastic
The only thing I ever crafted was 1 (ONE) oil pot to lob at Alexander.
Is there 'anything' that incant's good against? Sacred damage in general seems to be pretty piss, even against skellies.
Yeah someone nerd to redraw it with Malenia and Tarnished. Or at least photoshop it hehe.
It's sad you guys won't understand the image because it's legit hilarious
if you use the lightning clutch or fire clutch talismans there are some OK incantations like giantsflame take thee (if you aim it manually with your camera) but it's not worth your time. you're better off using a weapon that scales with FTH and spamming the weapon art rather than actually using a seal.
Jews are used to scare Omen children
I tried crafting pots and perfumes to put in my item slot for my mimic to use.
The one that gives you a shield that ignores 1 hit is pretty good.
No it's not spicball shitter
>abusador de miquella
Too much mexican makes it cringe.
why do these people see ugly features and assume it's about jews?
There were dozens replies to this image before. Ironic spic anime tier lists is not a new thing. But
>someone posted it on reddit r/eldenring
>2 upvotes and like 5 comments, completely ignored and downvoted too
Now these spineless cucks don't understand humor.
if you used fast travel, torrent or even sprinting outside of combat you might as well not have played the game
I meant Elden Stars in particular. I'm pretty fond of the Communion incants and the Dragon Cult red lightning stuff.
Oh, Elden Stars has no PVE use whatsoever. It's ok for PVP but not as a damage tool.
work on those arcane gains bro
>>Forma 41 porciento
Hyperarmor? In Elden Ring? Haha, fuck you.
>dude I HAVE to do 4000 damage every fucking attack I do or im not having FUN!
You meta game cunts must really enjoy the game after exactly one playtrough where you just break the game in half
I'm actually disappointed that it didn't go far enough. Too much english and some of the names lack a joke title.
Why yes, now I'm on my second playthrough with a level 1 character and I'm still beating the shit out of everyone, how could you tell?
Yes, because it is beyond expectations for the most challenging optional boss of the game to give a worthwhile prize.
You get her armor. It's pure d r i p
>guaranteed rot proc
>decent damage
>explosion damage plus rot proc means the damage potential is absolutely massive and makes it a fantastic opener assuming you can land the hit
>guaranteed knockdown on most enemies, stagger on bosses
>honestly looks cool as hell in action
But to counter...
>obscenely long cast time
>even longer recovery time
>no hyperarmour means you need a distraction or you need to pre-cast it with proper spacing
>extremely high FP cost (justified as it's basically a single-use spell)
>requires T H R E E memory slots while other potentially stronger spells (that don't rely on a DoT for max damage) require 1 slot, 2 at most, and most of them don't require a lot of prior set-up
I tried really hard to like scarlet aeonia, but man the negatives outweigh the positives 2:1.
when you have to sacrifice every other stat for 80 faith just to do half the damage of a weapon art yeah i'm not having fun
Absolutely embarrassing
Absolutely not. It leaving you wide open is the same thing it did to Malenia to get her killed. Its entirely intentional.
Elden Stars is a stagger machine. There's a reason you aren't showing anything in motion. Stars will stunlock and then stagger break that entire group as you stand there.
Elden Stars was how people were stunlocking Malenia if they didn't want to do it with flies or stomps.
It looks like a bathrobe.
With 80 fth I'd just dance on your ass with GOG and the holy dagger. I wouldn't be casting incants at you. I'd just hit you from 100 feet away with an arc of holy light for 2400 damage.