Rank them based on difficulty
Rank them based on difficulty
Sekiro and Bloodborne are the hardest to me
Demon's Souls is actually pretty hard too, or can be. I'd say playing offline is kind of cheating, you really should play online so you can experience lower world tendencies.
Elden Ring has the worst difficulty in the series but it's not the hardest. It just lets you choose between Super Baby Mode and Ultra Violence Nightmare Rape Mode with no inbetween.
Dark Souls is the easiest but also the best.
Haven't played the DaS sequels because they seem gay
Sekiro is the hardest one easily because you can't level up without beating bosses. In every other game you can just farm your level up.
elden ring is easily the hardest. minibosses have larger movesets than major bosses in DS games
Elden Ring is the easiest. In fact as a FromSoft veteran I'm insulted by how easy it is
You rate them, lazy fuck
Sekiro > Demon souls(the game bosses are a joke but 50% hp loss and extremely stingy with souls/materials makes it difficult for someone not paying attention or doesn't know anything. most people meme about later games regular enemies 2 shotting you but thats really because they didn't put anything in health. demon souls it literally doesn't matter. you will get 2-3 shot from anything in soul form regardless of health ) > Dark souls 3 > Dark souls 2 if the dlc count > Elden ring > bloodborne > Dark souls 1
Bloodborne = DaS3 > ER = Sekiro > DaS2 > DaS > DeS
sekiro is the only hard one out of them all because you can't easymode your way out of it through summoning other players
all the other games effectively have easy modes tacked on them
>Demon Souls
Hardest to easiest goes like this: Elden Ring > Sekiro > DaSII > Bloodborne > DaSIII > DaS > DeS.
True but grass isn't going to help you from a npc invader literally stunlocking 2 shotting you even in human form in a swamp you can't roll out of.
demon souls is really nasty to players and if your walking in blind its 100% harder then most newer games
it's easily the easiest, you can cheese everything, you can just rush to get moonveil and moon veil every fucking boss in the game while they're distracted by your summons
>Demon's Souls
lmao wtf
>unlimited heals
>rolling itself is busted
>bosses get 1 shot by magic
>majority of bosses lose to straffing
>only challenging boss is Flamelurker or Maneaters
Great game, pretty hard game when u are completely and utterly new to souls games
but if you even have remotely any experience, DeS is a cake walk
I'm wrapping up DaS3 DLC and have really enjoyed it. This is my first souls game and I've been able to solo every boss so far (haven't attempted Ringed City bosses, yet). Nameless King, Pontiff, and Sister Friede required the most amount of time/attempts for my basic sword/shield knight build.
Should I pick up Sekiro while it's on sale or pay full price for ER? I realize ER is closer in combat to DaS3 but I'm not opposed to trying something different and being patient/waiting for an ER sale.
Sekiro > ER > ds3 > ds1 > ds2 > bloodborne.
Keep in mind BB is my favourite. But once you perfect parry times in BB the game is utterly trivialized. If you think BB is anywhere near the hardest you unironically need to git gud.
you speak like a true faggot. whoever actually decided new players should basically always have 50% max hp which makes everything 2 shot them and also make the level literally far harder with special super enemies that take 10x more damage and 1 shot you and also to get a maxed out weapon you need to farm mats for several hours is an evil person. but it does makes demon souls far more difficult if your new then the later games that give the player no pentantly on death and still keeps the out level everything mechanics .
>b-but the new players
They fucking eat grass and unga bunga the content. DeS is easy as shit.
I'd say go Sekiro because ninjas are cool
i'm a complete shitter at games and i've managed to beat all of them except sekiro
therefore, sekiro is the hardest and all the others are casual games made for casuals
Elden Ring seems like it would be the hardest but there are like 50 different OP weapons, weapon arts, spells etc that trivialise it.
>new players losing 50%
kill yourself at Nexus and wear cling ring
everyone figured it out back in 09, i don't see the problem here.
OP asking which game is the hardest
u are making shitty scenarios in your head to compensate for how easy it is to break DeS
nope the series only exists because demon souls is considered extremely difficult to the point people recommended others to even buy it prompting dark souls 1 to be made. try again
sorry being able to just level 50 times and never die while also being handed mats to get multiple max weapons means the newer games will never be hard.
outside of sekiro which is obviously the most difficult without question
>having to literally warp out back to base to avoid consequences while also permantly down a ring slot for slightly easier baby mode
i guess if you have to cheese it. it makes it easier
objective ranking
sekiro > ds3 > ds1 > ds2 >
demon's souls > er > bloodborne
this list assumes you use all the tools the game provides and don't follow arbitrary rules like "no shields" or "no magic"
ER is hardest if you abstain from OP weapons/weapon arts/magic.
Play a something like a STR only build dual wielding two brick hammers and its the hardest by a large margin.
I hate this faggoty take, levels don't do shit in dark souls, only your weapon level
If you cheese/use magic/summon in any From game, you didn't beat it. Difficulty rankings should be based on solo, melee only runs.
i refuse to believe anyone considers ds1 hard. you can just literally r1 anything to death with heavy armor on.
its by far the easiest game
Most trouble Sekiro gave me was the dogshit camera. If you know how to stealth, most of the game gets trivial, overreliance on meta knowledge and gimmicks with many bosses spoiled it for me.
sekiro has no summons for shitters to sleep through the game with
or if you grinded
>i grinded till i outleveled all the game and beat it
no having 3-4x hp and about 80-140 bonus damage and maybe 2 dozen stamina points really do make the game easier? also most of them you gain physical defense on level up
its why despite wearing the same gear lategame at a highlevel enemies in the first area of these games do literally nothing to you
Its only easiesr because it doesnt have input reading massive-combo bosses. Even its hardest bosses are extremely fun and enjoyable underequipped because everything is readable and nothing feels cheap.
Why would it be the hardest wielding two great hammers, when that kills bosses in like 3 hits?
Wouldn't just wielding a straight/great sword be harder?
First one you played > the rest
demon's souls is easy as fuck compared to the other souls games
the only reason it was considered hard, was because it got released during a time where most games were simply easy as fuck or had difficulty sliders in them.
it was being marketed as a game where you had to be strategic with your blocking and weapon swings and being patient, while the games now are dragonball Z fuckfests where all of that is thrown out of the water and only lightning reflexes matter
i bet replaying DeS would feel like a walk in the park now
Very respectable ranking. For me ER only came after sekiro because I ranked it based off the idea youre not using any of the cheese the game gives. If you rivers of blood your way through the game its easy yes.
why don't you play it. its easy enough to emulate. go body for when your not and don't be a bitch going around the design by exiting out to suicide to nexus for no consquences like the game intended.
it still has teeth to it. even with cling ring and 10 points into health enemies can still 2-3 shot you and black phantoms can easily 1 shot
bed of chaos exists
also i think gwyn destroys you if you try to mash him to death
ornstein and smough have big shockwave moves that do a lot of damage as well
the game has tons of cryptic things that will fuck you over if you don't look it up beforehand as well, not sure if that should be considered
>why don't you play it
because i already played it retard
haven't played bb or sekiro
das 3 > er > das > des > das 2
First boss, easy peezy
>Tower Knight
>kill archer and hit ankles
>Armored Spider
>just hit head and avoid fire
>Fool's Idol
>kill enchanter
>lock on & strafe
>Leech Monger or Dirty Colossus (can't remember who is first)
>lock on & strafe
2nd Boss? Actual Challenge
>Old Heros is trivial with Thief's Ring, and even then...
3rd Boss? Fuckin gimmicks.
>Dragon God
>hit with ballistas and hit head
>Old Monk
>fight invader or default NPC
>Storm King
>kill with Storm Ruler
>False king is pretty cool fight ngl
Sekiro = elden ring > bloodborne > ds3 = ds1 > ds2
how the fuck do you think all those PVP players got their DBS?
You think they just happen to get that far into the game and just happen to be PWWT?
>also i think gwyn destroys you if you try to mash him to death
nah i literally just replayed Prepare to die, havent touched it since remastered went dark ending last time. I went black iron armor with boar helm. gwen only took about 1/12 of my health bar per hit and i 4 shotted him with a chaos great sword at level 67
>bed of chaos exists
if you exit to menu and come back you can easily do all 3 parts since it spwans you outside the fogwall so you can run in and do the next part before bed of chaos has time to start really attacking but is this considered difficult? its just a crapshoot of will you be knocked into the instant death hole.
>ornstein and smough
you can literally just poise though most of their attacks and phase 2 is a free win. they split up well enough and both only have like 2k hp. about 4 hits with a ultra weapon.
replay ds1 but ignore fast roll. just throw on as much physical defense as possible. keep a medium roll because some VERY FEW things like manus black magic you want to roll though since its not physical and a medium roll is good enough for that. you will never go back to fast rolling. armor is hilariously overpowered in dark souls 1. you can even poise though Artois and manus attacks DLC BOSSES and just r1 mash them to death in a few hits. and when they do get you to like half hp in 6 attacks lol you can just poise estus back to full.
dark souls 1 is why armor has only gotten worse, they don't want a repeat but it is kind of fun feeling an iron juggernaut, but it does make the game way to easy if you just forgot fast rolling, its not needed.
yeah okay dude
its not about bosses. i never mentioned bosses. why do you think bosses are the only part of these games when you spend only like 10% of the time doing them. demon souls levels are nasty and if you don't know what your doing it is by far more difficult then any game besides sekiro especially if you don't nexus suicide cheese and get pushed to black world for the crime of dying a few times.
ER (no summons) > Sekiro > DS3 > DS2 > DS1 > ER (with summons)
Didn't play snoy exclusives.
Sekiro > don't care, none of the souls games have real difficulty because it can be circumvented by leveling/weapon level
DS 1 has some insane yet annoying level design, also the enemy placement. it's the hardest part of the game for me
I remember DS2 having some bullshit enemies gauntlets but no boss save Fume Knight was particularly difficult. Every one of them had too little health.
Kind of difficult but overall Sekiro is more challenging than the rest, at least if you're not like a prodigy at Sekiro's combat system.
Elden Ring is definitely the easiest since it gives you a virtually unlimited amount of tools to trivialize every encounter in the game to the point where people have to handicap themselves to have fun.
because 90% of DeS is literally running to the fog door
the first playthrough of any area is simply walking around with your shield up. But the levels in DeS aren't that big, a couple ambushes and surprise attacks, but once you been through the horror house, you can breeze through it all.
Sekiro > dark souls 2 > elden ring > dark souls 3 = bloodborne > dark souls 1
pretty much the newer it is the harder. Exception being Sekiro is still the hardest, got stuck for way longer on things considering how short the game is. Elden Ring is pretty difficult too but individual bosses didn't take me nearly as long to figure out. Also the balancing fucking sucks but everyone already knows that
DAS2 was literally this for me
i can't recall anything in DeS being bullshit outside the 3-2 of Valley of Defilement
>rolling being nerfed even more
>those turtle fucks in iron keep
>pre-patch Shrine of Amana as a Melee build
All the games are either easy or meh in difficulty.
>You can farm to overlevel your ass in pretty much all the games.
>You can summon to have someone or an NPC carry / distract the boss in pretty much all the games.
>Look up on Google "how to beat X boss" and it'll tell you exactly the weakness to a boss, like magic / lightning etc.
>All the games have some way to heal way too much. DeS fuck ton of heals. DS1 humanities. DS2 Lifegems. Bloodborne rally mechanic. etc
>Now, the thing about Sekiro is, it doesn't let you farm to overlevel yourself / no summons, while that is true, the game is balanced around not being able to do that shit, so the game is still easy. Just attack cause infinite stamina, block when they attack, when you see the red kanji notice if it is a sweeping motion or thrusting motion and either jump or mikiri.
The games are not hard, you can make a debate that any game is hard. People don't realize that Miyazaki himself has to beat the games. Aka you are playing a game designed to be beaten by some 50 year old Japanese guy who doesn't spend everyday playing games. Sekiro I'd say is the hardest in the series just because it has the least amount of bullshit a player can do to beat the game but the game itself is actually easy compared to other games that are actually hard.
If you go above SL1, you didn't beat any of the souls games.
Sekiro is obviously the hardest game because you can't brute force your way through levelling or co-op or cheese tactics. You need to become proficient with the combat mechanics or you get deleted.
>I'd say playing offline is kind of cheating, you really should play online so you can experience lower world tendencies.
or you can be bad like me and die a bunch in body form and get assraped by black phantoms so you die even more
Sekiro > Elden's bullshit bosses > Bloodborne > DS2 > Elden rest of the time > DS3 > DS1 > Demon's
Sekiro is hardest simply because there is no respeccing or changing your weapon or leveling, if a boss is shitting of you the only thing you can do is learn the game's mechanics until you can beat it.
Standard enemies in Demon's Souls are the hardest of any souls game though. The challenge in DeS was meant to encompass both the enemies in the run up and the boss itself, rather than in later souls games where basically only the boss is the challenge and enemies are window dressing you run past. user is also right in that IF (big if) you play the game it was supposedly "intended" to be played (ie don't Nexus die cling ring cheese all game) then it's black world tendency mechanic is the harshest punishment FROM have done in their games.
Sekiro is the hardest one, not a RPG where you can just outlevel any boss, other soulsgames are fucking easy, even Sekiro being a rhytm game.