Patch 6.1 notes up:

Patch 6.1 notes up:

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Careful user, janny is awake.

>that pic title


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shit, beat me to it

the drk changes are nothing but buffs because flood of dark is the low level version that you could barely use since you didn't get enough MP for most of your leveling before it got replaced with flood of shadow

but now that you get stalwart at 40 you can spam that shit way more and do overall more damage. also you can TBN more in 70 dungeons for whatever that's worth

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pvp is looking pretty fucking good
>strong job gimmicks and most jobs have a clear goal or purpose
>lots of CC
>funny flavor shit

I just hope the grind is not that bad to get the rewards from the "battlepass" thing, if not then its perfect

>YoshiP throwing shade about the price

Be prepared for a 5 mil MGP cost.

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Frontlines are going to be a massive shitshow for the first few days. Can't wait to see that.

Cat mommy tits.
Also, where my NINggas at? How cucked are we?

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Speaking of low level buffs, SAM at 60 and NIN pre 50 will be WAY stronger.
So will all the healers now that their DoT spells are all 30s.

This fucker said it would be easy to get. I’ll never forgive the Japanese for this.

I just want my lily spells to be off gcd and useful, but this is some kind of ultra-haram shit I guess

Well, getting MGP is "easy". It just takes a long time.

They extracted all the soul from PvE to add it to PvP I guess.

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>Flood of Darkness Potency has been reduced from 130 to 100.


You are already getting all the love. Play sge or ast if you want to know what despair feels like.

Tanks aren't allowed to do damage because... well they just can't, okay?

From the discord translation
>YoshiP is being extremely cryptic over how much MGP it cost, so the overall answer to how much it costs will be just, "It will cost just the right amount". How "right" it is, well...
I don't speak nip and I'm not watching the stream, so I have no idea how correct that translation is, but what if it's just 602 MGP since it's called pod 602 or something?

kill urself redditor

>Seiton Tenchu
>Rushes target and delivers an attack with a potency of 10,000, incapacitating foes whose HP is below 50%.
>Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Death Link
>Duration: 5s
Literally worse than old assassinate, meanwhile all sam has to do is use chinten then they can 1shot all the retards that kept attacking them

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Stalward Soul is at 40 now that's why. This is only Flood of Darkness and not Flood of Shadow

wtf the sick animation was literally the only thing that kept me playing. what will replace it for the damage buff then?

602 seems really low, but 602k might make sense.

they buffed all the potencies by 50% (except where they added autocrit)

if SAM LB is up I am simply not attacking them unless they're being stunlocked

All your big hitters are now auto-crits.

>the prepull doton meme is dead
Thank the twelve.

i didn't even play sam all that much, but the sequence of going into the big ability buff is still burned into my finger movement. its really weird that they remove something that adds a lot to the job fantasy and is a satisfying sequence in general

How do SAMs dope with no longer being the designated dance partner partner?


I'm worried that AST might be mandatory because of The Spire, especially coupled with BRD's LB, but everything else looks great. Gotta see how stuff actually works in practice, but AST/BRD/SAM might just run shit over.

fuck you

It was hated by pretty much everyone that wasn't a ninja and I suspect ninjas themselves also hated it.

>SIX personal housing wards.
I am truly sorry for houselets.
I hope this means island housing will become a thing.

What did it even do

They literally did not.

annoyed the shit out of your tanks

>580 crafted gear came out in January
>Patch brings alliance raid that rewards 580

is this actually retarded or am i?

Apartmentbros won

And now begins the age of retards saying that this is dumbing down the class when literally no one liked this shit.

I might actually play PvP now. probably gonna t least grind out the set for this patch it looks pretty sick. Like Yhorm and a Nazgul made a tag team

>Area of effect has been changed from a cone before you to all nearby enemies.

WARbros, we are once again winning.

>didn't rush through role quests because there was no finale one
>now there is

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Feels good to be a PLD main, all this self healing

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The new gear can’t be penta melded, it’s just an alternative to the pandaemonium normal gear

>classes now have more flavour in PvP than PvE
Ah, it must be nice to not have a screechy tranny raidlogger community who constantly asks everything to be made the same

It's worse though. The conal was way better for pulling shit.

I've never played PvP before, are BLM any good there? I fear casters are shit in fast paced combat.

Yeah but it was """""hard to use"""""

>WHMsisters actually won

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>Stalwart Soul : Now acquired at level 40 (previously level 72).

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cone was top tier for pulling in dungeons, you could hit mobs before they aggrod anyone

>24-hour downtime to deploy a patch
Bros, our money...??

what if... its the conal effect range, but around you as a circle?

I did, it forced tanks to move the bosses in the middle, because you know, 99% of them love to move toward it and fuck over positionals by turning around

Gnb bros...7 seconds off royal guard. The time to spam is here.

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>cones finally gone
>100% crits on big moves finally beginning
>doton pre-pull nuked
How does he keep doing it, bros.

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Fuck. I'm on Odin EU. Just 360 new plots is literally nothing. That means 20 competitors + per plot and a less than 5% chance to win one.

giving neither nin nor drg their aoe shit earlier is pretty funny

>Range changed from 8 to 5
The real winner is the IR change.
>Can save it for a stun or knockback inmunity
>Can use Inner chaos or combo.
>WAR rotation is even more unga.

You generally want to pull a boss to the middle of the arena during a given fight anyway, outside of certain circumstances.

we give them more espirit now, so we're even more dnc partner bis than before

Holy shit, they actually made a good DRK change since they added that job in HW.
I guess the new storyline also affects the job designers.

>they did literally nothing about ast button bloat

I love being functionally useless in lower level dungeons
>Why aren't you AoE'ing?

That's planned for 6.2.

Just use plugins bro

They already said that the finale one was coming in 6.1

It's not.

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I finished all of them yesterday, I almost didn't make it

going to unsub right now

Which doton forced retarded tanks to do

>don't have to tell sprouts to use return in Haukke Manor anymore
It's the little things

>Kaiten removed
fuck yoship

No, the retarded tanks still wouldn't pull to middle and ninjas would just get more mad than usual

>some mana cost reductions

AST isn't even that bad. SCH is all full up though and you still have to roll face on your keyboard to do the healing that other healers do.

wtf is the point of that lmao are we like 5 months past normal mode now

I had one who didn't work it out for 5 minutes even though we were telling him to. This was on OCE. I really want to go home to Tonberry I can't take this anymore. I'm going to get banned.

how does it feel to be a gay whm?

Misery is DPS neutral now and lilies are up every 20 seconds rather than 30, meaning Misery can always be up for raid buffs.

Alliance raid gear is for glam and catchup for people who don't raid 8-mans.

They better not change the only fun healer because of dumbfucks like you

I moved to OCE but haven't played much since. Please don't tell me the people that play here are retarded. I'm on Ravana btw

How is this even remotely a problem? I've tanked savage with ninjas in my party and no one said shit, just move the boss slightly more when you pull. Its only for the first mechanic which is always just a raidwide anyway. Like I'm seriously trying to envision any reason any player on any class would be even marginally inconvenienced by prepull doton. Were the NIN parsers just that bothered that their PF tanks ignored them? Is that an actual reason to remove a useful and fun ability interaction?

Yeah it's pretty retarded. You also get upgrade mats for the tome gear from there which is iLvl 600. Alliance raid gear should be 600, or 590 at least.

Play whm or sage is you want to be bored

WHM won't win until we get a hood that doesn't look gay as fuck

tank bros... we won!

NIN and SAM players are bithcing a lot in the stream chat and YoshiP is visibly annoyed.

>the spell that does literally 4% of your overall DPS has been slightly buffed
W-WHM is good now sisters...

will they add a new way to level up alt jobs yet? Only have reaper at 90 and i'm too lazy to level my lower level ones because none of the options of doing it seem fun. Now that i'm BiS and my static is on break, i'm not really sure what to do. I look forward to Endsinger EX and i'll do some Ultimate in PF for fun without expecting to clear it. I guess there's a 24 man aswell. But anything worthwhile that isn't raid and would motivate me to log in more again?

Anyone did the new stuff? Is the gear worth getting for glam?

literally every fucking tank defaults into the middle so much so that whenever they need to move them anywhere but there they complain. stop pretending like this isnt the case.

>we actually, unironically live in the era of people mourning doton prepulls

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