What's the good city development game right now? On PC.
City builders
Cities: Skylines
Mental illness doesn't corelate with suburb upbringing, actually.
Do I need the expansions and DLC?
It never stopped being the best
What the FUCK is the work commute like
Just put some podcast on.
the one in the OP is a fake town they test bombs on
This looks so homogenous that it gives me despair.
wrong, they stopped doing that
Its Las Vegas: google.com
Here's another prestigious neighborhood in the expensive metropolis:
Perfection. Who wouldn't want that view.
well that's deceptive as fuck.
God this game has been out for 7 years PARADOX RELEASE A NEW ONE ALREADY
My city is a fucking mess, each district has its own architecture style, I am not fucking kidding.
>Doing anything while VTMB2 is fucked and they fired everyone working on EU4/stellaris/hearts of iron
Don't know how these things work. Do they rally have do commute to go grocery shopping or to a pub. Why didn't anyone figure out to make a convenience store or something.
>More parking space area than actual building
what the fucks deceptive about it?
Cars take up more room than persons.
>rows of copy-paste houses bad
>commie block apartments good
why are yuros like this?
people need to live somewhere and its cheaper
>people need to live somewhere and its cheaper
that's fine but why do they seethe over one and not the other? they're examples of soulless methods of people living while crammed in like sardines.
pics make it look like it's some neighborhood completely disconnected from the rest of the world, when it couldn't be further from that
As an islander, I'm always amazed how wide North American roads are.
Having that much space must be really nice.
Cities XL
The higher you go, the more expensive it is. Five floors should be the maximum.
what country? is this one of those chinese mud buildings?
Russia, St. Petersburg.
Based urban planning chads ITT
Architecture and urban planning board when? /n/ touches on it at times but obviously doesn't go far enough
That is the outskirts of a city which basically only have stores and no housing
>it's so cheap it's made out of paper and it collapses before the first guy could move in
why would someone care what their place looks like from the outside?
Lift humanity from the ground, lift it to the sky, closer to God. Higher, taller, more, bigger! More!
close enough
Imagine being so retarded you decide to live in a desert
Vgh, EVROPA....
>that one babushka that knows everybody in the blok and has made an empire of dirt
Imagine being a child growing up in a neighborhood like this. Imagine having literally nowhere to go and nothing to do until you either bought or were given a car. Fucking terrible. So glad I had woods to play in and parks to go to.
God said so.
I love SC3k, but it has some major problems.
The worst problem by far is the way utility buildings are handled. All power, garbage, and water buildings degrade and become less effective over time, eventually turning into a pile of rubble. In SC2k, this happened only to power plants, but there was also a feature to automatically rebuild the plant when that happened. This feature is absent from SC3k, and it's sorely needed. Several times I had a water pump station just break and take out the pipes underneath it, completely separating my water supply from the city and causing people to move out in droves before I could find the problem. It will take dozens and dozens of pumping stations to supply a large city with water, so you will constantly have to query all the pumps to make sure they are still working effectively and aren't about to just break.
The growth calculation is also fucked. It uses the percentage of the population working to determine overall growth, so the moment the population starts to get old and retire, the RCI indicators will all hit the fucking dirt. The only solution is to cut all medical funding, causing all of those old people to get sick and die off. Once all the old people are dead, you can set medical funding back to where it was.
Commercial construction is banned within that type of zoning
All my rich friends live in a desert, though.
I like rectangles.
Mecca, and the Kaaba, was built for the worship of Manat and other assorted pre-islamic gods.
Allah worship came much later.
I can't even imagine the plumbing system of these buildings
It seemed like a hassle to even do anything
I hope the housing is dirt cheap to compensate
It being "connected" doesn't suddenly make it less SOVLESS and DYSTOPIAN
t.some euro probably
Then people wonder why these kids are coming up all neurotic and fucked up
christ I'm glad I don't live in a city
it's no wonder the world's going fucking crazy when the majority of people have to live like that.
That looks like a early 1900s building to me user.
But I guess that's ancient to an american.
No, but half of the reasons you think it's SOVLLESS and DYSTOPIAN is because of deceptive framing and outright lies.
>The only solution is to cut all medical funding, causing all of those old people to get sick and die off. Once all the old people are dead, you can set medical funding back to where it was
based. fuck the boomers. that will teach them to fuck the labor market and housing market
Nah that's just icing on the cake.
The copy-paste is what makes it SOVLESS.
>tfw live in Germany near a bunch of mountains and forests
Not being able to explore or go on adventures is a human rights abuse and has drastic consequences to the human psyche.
My favorite at the moment is A-Train All Aboard Tourism.
It has a decent economy, so instead of just worrying about keeping the budget positive like Cities Skylines, you have to worry about paying fees, your company's expenses, and then share profits with shareholders. This kind of solves the money problem because bigger companies will have bigger responsibilities that always force you to have responsible management.
Then there is the fact that the city will grow in a chaotic way without you having total control. Your role is to identify the characteristics of the city and implement good plans for urban mobility and freight. This solves the "sandbox" problem of games like CS, instead of being in the role of the woman who decorates environments, you are in the role of the engineer who needs to really think about urban planning.
Finally, the game takes place in "real time" (actually the time is a bit accelerated), which is a huge differentiator to games that Westerners often associate with A-Train like OpenTTD. There's a difference in passenger demands on a Monday morning when compared to a Saturday afternoon. The city also makes sense, each independent building generates its own demand, so there is not the abstraction of games like OpenTTD where cities are merely illustrative, in A-Train if you have several office buildings in a region then you can be sure there are a lot of workers needing trains and buses at rush hours.
All these things made me never go back to Western city builders. But it's not as if A-Train is problem-free, on the contrary, the western versions often have less content and terrible translation. The UI of Tourism! is terrible, and the game may even seem superficial to some because it hiddens a lot of options by default and does not offer signals to coordinate trains, which makes Westerners used to the complexity of Factorio or OpenTDD think that A-Train is too simplist.
The Eastern European version is growing up exploring the abandoned factories from the USSR days, sticking out of the ground like the skeleton of some dead dragon, and thinking "man our parents really fucked up something".
what about a fucking neighborhood where everyone gets a single family home to themselves is soulless and dystopian?
you faggots saying this are the same ones going THIS IS WHAT THEY TOOK FROM YOU posting a picture of a 50's suburb in rural america. it's literally the same fucking thing. a housing development.
Looks like a commercial district in a suburban area.
why do amerigoblins build their cities like this? it is literally impossible to reach certain streets even tho they are right next to you because for some reason there is no intersection next to them
where are the grocery stores, gas stations and public transport?
Ugh, the streets of Penisburg (formerly Penispolis).
There is not a single store, school or workplace, anywhere in sight, there isn't even any footpaths to leave, when you have thousands of identical houses that are only accessible though a fucking highway, that sound dystopian to me.
>thinking "man our parents really fucked up something".
so you had boomers too. truly they are the scum of humanity
Looks interesting. I'll give it a pirate right now. Thanks, user.
I completely forgot about VTMB2 being a thing lmao
Also Stellaris is getting a new DLC/expansion but unfortunately the description is as fucking generic as it can be and says fucking nothing about its content.
That looks like Turkey, that ain't europe.