The cutest professor at Hogwarts.
The cutest professor at Hogwarts
ugly brit goblin
Looks like dog shit and is probably a lesbian who fucks 5th years. Harry Potter is the worst franchise because it was never meant to be this flushed out and explored by individuals.
How could you stray from Merula, user?
I've never played Hogwarts Mystery, so I have no interest in Merula (for now).
>lesbian who fucks 5th years
God please this is so hot, age gap yuri is the best
She probably smokes pot after the class.
If this is the best the game has to offer, and not even romanceable, I'll be fucking mad. Don't get me wrong, she's cute, but if there isn't at least an equally cute girl that you can at least befriend and take with you on your journeys, I won't be buying it. And I'm not even racist, but that black girl from the trailer is just... bland and uninteresting.
she looks like she smells awful
She's going to be Ronald Cuckly's great grandmother, because american video game industry writing is almost as shit as american tv and movie writing, the absolute fucking state of the industry that allows hacks like Anthony Burch and Alanah Pearce be recruited from twitter and fail upwards is incapable of anything originla, creative or sincere.
I'll play the game just for her.
The virgin Harry Potter wizards:
>hide away from the non-magical folk to avoid being genocided
>avoid using their magic on non-magical folk
>hide their school in the middle of the cold and damp ass highlands
>wave little twigs around
>couldn't stand up to one dark lord and two dozen cronies
>only eat big dinners at school
>rise the ranks by reading books, passing tests and making new discoveries like a bunch of nerds
>most powerful wizard got his title by cheating with the Elder Hax Wand
>afraid of death
The Chad Discworld wizards:
>live among non-magical folk, openly display their magical status
>use their magic on anyone who fucks with them, give zero fucks
>put their school smack bang in the middle of their world's biggest city
>use solid oak six foot staffs with knobs on the end
>can stand up to dragons, elves, Things from the Dungeon Dimensions and even the Auditors of all reality
>eat big dinners their whole lives
>rise the ranks by 86ing their superiors
>most powerful wizard fucking earned his title by being too robust and sharp to kill
>summon death to ask him trivial questions
Are you actually going to play the game when it releases?
It makes trannies seethe so yes
Too many niggers.
To be fair, the Weasely family is one of the "sacred 28", so it shouldn't be unlikely to meet one of them in the 1890's.
Pirate at best. Too many games to play
Where are her breasts?
Have a reply and I hope you manage to get some help
I'm honestly amazed there's a ginger character at all. I wouldn't bat an eye if a Weasley ancestor is introduced and is depicted as picrel and anyone who says "wait... what?" will get called a fucking bigot. Hollywood/american writers+producers fucking HATE gingers and will almost always race swap them to their virtue wank fetish material.
I'm gonna study extra hard for herbology!
>black family gets bleached into being unrecognisable
>is notorious for being irresponsible with money and having far too many children to afford
Jesus Christ Rowling, did you even check what Raimi was writing?
God imagine a bunch of naughty senior Slytherin girls doing weekly /ss/ parties with shy Gryffindor shotas...
Harry is a transboy!
>She's going to be Ronald Cuckly's great grandmother, because american video game industry writing is almost as shit as american tv and movie writing
I hate how this is almost fucking guaranteed. One good thing about this Hogwarts thing seems like it's removed from the crappy characters who I never really cared for and keeps the amazing setting that has so much possibility for fun. But you just know they will try and add these shitty links through not just names but entire quests and storylines to the already played out Harry Potter story. They did the exact same thing with that fantastic beasts film, it was at least something new and interesting in the first movie with a change of time and setting to the US and it being about magical animals instead of the same old wizard squabbling, but within 1 movie they shifted the whole thing back to Dumbledore and Hogwarts and now it's just boring as shit.
Fuck J.K. Rowling
Fuck TERFs
Fuck this game
>deliberately gets himself killed
Jesus CHRIST Rowling!
Should be a romance option.
Snape is Harry's real father! And Albus Dumbledore is his mother!
Reaching new heights with my bong wife
Yes, I am not a Harry Potter fan, but this seems to be shaping up to be exactly what I liked about Harry Potter and removed from what I didn't care about. I don't really care about the Harry story so the fact that they have moved away from that but kept the world intact, with kino exploration of a cool magical castle seems very interesting to me. And there is enough scope and lore to be able to create multiple wizard builds with different magical skills and choices that allow you to have some moral flexibility.
In theory it sounds amazing and something I can see myself playing for a long time.
"It makes trannies seethe"
Say the game with tranny options
The only thing actually making trannies seethe is the Rowling itself
what if she cast the shrinking spell and kept a tiny student in a jar.
>I don't really care about the Harry story
You fundamentally play the harry potter story but as a not-harry anyway, it's not going to be as free as you believe
I'll wait for the white children mods first
You will get the same 5 white npcs copy pasted all over the place
You can tell she's a self-insert because she has bpd cat lady eyes
What if she transfigured a student into a pair of panties.
To expand on this. I'll wait on the hermoine/Luna mod.
>he lacks critical information
trannies don't want people to even play this game
I know it seems like it but white people don't all look the same. That's a hurtful stereotype
I don't care about what some twitter folks say, I care about the actual game content user, and it will have trannies and woke shit
She looks like she fucks first years
don't care, i will still play it and trannies will seethe about it
God I would masturbate furiously to such a fanfic if it were to exist.
Looks like a dumbass
I like her outfit
tik tok
>ahah look at me, a straight man taking it in the ass! Fags seething amirite???
You do you,user
Give it body mods and I will play your game
A modern-day warrior
Mean, mean stride
Today's Tom Sawyer
Mean, mean pride
If I can't at least take her out for a dance, I'll shoot Howarts up.
ok settle down Cow Tits Tony
Cow Tits Tony settles down once the jiggle physics do and that ain't possible.
Start Fixin’ to holler, cow tits Tony
why doesnt harry potter use pistols
it's set in UK, best he can do is a butter knife from Hogwarts pantry
Just what is their fuckin problem? Why do they hate humanity so much?