What technologies should you aim for before you abandon your initial spaghetti outpost to set up a proper, well-organized base? Electric furnaces?
iirc I went for an USB-like setup from the start and never had problems with "base cleanup" or general "rebuilding debt" since the base was designed to be easily extendable
Steam sale when?
I don't know, I'm still technically using my initial base for most stuff - I made a separate base for my rocket silo & MIRV manufacturing facility, and there's separate rail outposts purely for producing intermediaries, but my main base still makes a bunch of stuff.
Pic related, my main base.
> Electric furnaces
and nuclear reactor
stop all the research after that and just focus on mining shit for you new base
build 4 reactor power plant and just build around it
but you have to kickstart the whole thing with coal
that's what I usually do
Started playing again after dropping it for a year, having a blast
Never. Dev outright said that the price is what it is, no discounts ever. If you're not ok with this, gog-games has a 100% off sale.
>b-but muh indie game dev
>not hekking wholesome!
You missed out. If you wanted it cheaper, you should have gotten it before full release. They will never EVER have it on sale, and they had said so long before they ever raised the price partway to what it is now, let alone to the price it is now at full release. Just don't use G2A or some other key reseller to try and get it cheap, the devs have specifically stated they'd rather you fucking PIRATE it than use that shit
You never set up a proper, well-organized base. You get to the point where you think about needing to do it, realize how much fucking around it will be and stop playing.
Then you go and do it all again a few months later
Oops, forgot why I took that screenshot. Mods no ban plz.
Here's a picture of the full base.
Beacons, most definitely. Buy if you plan for it, you don't need to rebuild much.
Doing it before bots and blueprints is a pain too
i did
without using logistics network, laser turrets and solar panels
base refits at t2 drills and then t2 furnaces
Am I weird for mostly avoiding beacons and modules? They just seem like such an extra layer of faff, especially when you have to start configuring your smelters around a ring or row of beacons.
I'd much rather just make extra smelters or assemblers.
Pleasantly ordnung, well done user
Beacons are not weird to avoid because you need to think around them with your layout, but there's no reason not to mass-produce modules and slap them on everything.
see They had said well in advance when it was still half the price it is now that if you wanted it cheap, get it in early access because the price would only ever go up, because they felt later sales rewarded people who waited and not the ones who supported them early, as is reasonable. You waited, now you can pay the higher price now that the high quality is a certainty. It was already worth the full price they're asking now even when they were asking half the price anyway and now it's even better.
Beacons are basically required if you play long enough. Eventually your base will get so big and have so much going on that you cant keep up the the game speed tanks. Look up UPS in factorio. More buildings doing more things means more hardware tax. Most people never make a base big enough to hit that wall though.
>squeak through
>long reach
>bullet trails
Any other small QoL mods for vanilla game?
Thanks. The base is like it is because of the playthrough I'm running right now:
>railworld with extra infrequent patches
>clockwork mod which makes days 10x longer (so an hour a day), as well as making night time pitch black and last half the day (so half an hour of pitch blackness)
>Nightfall mod, that makes biters more aggressive at night - in addition to the mod that only makes them swarm your base at night (but still make new biters during the day, which leads to massive swarms as soon as night falls)
So thick defences are useful. Right now I'm on the extermination phase though: I made the world an island with finite land, so my plan now I've got MIRV production up and running is to kill every biter in the world.
Even Distribution
Task List
Quick Item Search
Pipe Visualizer
I usually set up my proper base when I can mass-produce robots.
Then I set up a mega-base with a bus when I get artillery and can wall off a huge area to eliminate the need for local defenses.
So I've played this a bit before but I'll consider myself a newbie. What world gen settings should I use to keep the game interesting and somewhat challenging without resource scarcity becoming too much of a bother?
Production modules can be really fucking important, especially in rocket silos. Where 4 prod3 modules will have their free production catch up and start having more rocket produced in a matter of like seven minutes. Using them in other stuff with lots of sub-parts like yellow science is a quick return too.
>tfw make new game think im doing okay
>open random factorio stream, see if i can get some inspiration or learn something
>instantly feel like a brainlet as I watch some autist make a mega factory in real time
I just dont have the autism for this game
When do i start using the circuit network?
I love this as a fun infrastructure making game. Here's my main base to silo facility shuttle which I made because running my spider back and forth was too slow.
Eh, don't be too disheartened by what others create. Part of the fun about Factorio is self-expression: it's about how YOU solve the problem, not someone else.
It's remarkably forgiving in that regard too, you can be as dumb/brute force or clever as you want.
Comparing yourself to others is where you fucked up, son.
default settings should be fine
maybe turn bug aggressiveness a bit, but I think you'll pick up the game when the bugs start to bother you properly
user, they are doctors, engineers. Let them in your base.
i cant figure out how to make 2 way trains work in a system of rail tracks
they always seem to act dumb and get stuck on crosroads
just b yourself, user
No they aren't, they're big bugs that bite. Also modded biters as well: Armored Biters (really quality mod, they look like they fit the vanilla artstyle and are a nice addition to the biter/spitter duo - I call em snappers) and Exploding Biters, which are fucking hellish: particularly the behemoths that can tank a fucking MIRV to the face.
That's actually the only 2-way train I have, they always seem to be more trouble than they're worth since they need double the amount of signals. The rest of the rail network is a 2 lane one with LHD trains.
Pretty sure that 2-way trains are something you should only do at the start for simple, linear deliveries before you even have a proper network.
literally and unironically bee yure selff, the game can easily be "beaten" by brute forcing production, the fun comes from figuring out more streamlined and efficient designs on your own
Ironically, that kind of dense spaghetti seems like it'd take more planning and autism than a main bus setup.
Pic rel is the most spaghettiest part of my base.
There is no reason to use two headed trains unless you're playing ribbon world or something.
I did. I designed a city block setup that could expand the city blocks, setup mining and production sites, place and remove train stations and even remove biters with artillery, all with just placing down blueprints. No travelling, no spidertrons, only blueprints on the map.
The only thing it was missing was trash collection and sorting, and the only concession was turning off biter expansion. It was defeated by UPS, but everything is. I effectively "won" factorio and will probably never play it again.
I mean that's what I learned
nut its kind of dumb that its so hard to make work considering its pretty much standard irl
It would be cool to have trains that could freely detach/attach loads, then you could make shunting yards and the like.
Train autism is the most fun kind.
>its pretty much standard irl
Only because irl we detach locomotives as we please, which isn't really a thing in this game.
What's gonna be in the expansion?
I'm betting something like Space Exploration mod, but less time-consuming.
Many people never do. But at the very least it helps a lot with managing crude/light/heavy oils.
finished the game twice
never even touched it
I don't do any major rebuilds until I have construction bots. I just can't be arsed to do it by hand.
Here's my n-step program. Learn to:
>balance oil production
>setup inserters so you never load excess ore into a furnace, improving backpressure
>count beakers you produce and consume and stop production when you reach count, avoids hundreds of beakers on the belt doing nothing
>call in a train only when you have space to unload it completely
>call in a train with fixed supplies to an outpost when they run low
>call in a train with arbitrary supplies to an outpost when they run low
>connect two separate logistic networks with inserters so that they scale up nicely
>Resupply a network of logistic networks with supplies from central distribution points
>Ascend from your body and lord over all with curcuits and blueprints
Imagine torturing a factorio autist to death. Imagine pulling his teeth out with a pair of pliers. Imagine breaking his fingers. Imagine getting a dull knife and slowly taking pieces of his skin off. Imagine throwing salt on the exposed bloody tissue. Imagine burning his dick off just with a zippo lighter. Imagine keeping him alive for as long as possible. Imagine breaking his shin bones with a chisel and a mallet. Imagine pouring acid in his eyes. Imagine cutting his nose off. Imagine smashing a glass bottle on his face. Imagine slowly pulling his arms off with a rope. Imagine hammering nails into his ears. Imaging just letting him slowly die, every now and then coming and giving him a kick to hear him scream.
Imagine pumping an anime girl up to her limits with whipped cream until she exploded.
I'm bad at this game because belt management is pain, on satisfactory or dyson sphere program I can just make belts cross no problems because 3d building, any tips or mods to ease this?
I spend too much time planning and too little playing, while 3d building allows me to improvise no problem
In general? Yes, a beaconed factory will wildly outproduce a non-beaconed factory of the same size.
As it is implemented? No, because there are only two designs for beacon placement, which means there are only two designs for every single setup
I just like my comfy SR latch-controlled depots and delivery points which feed numerous sub-factories.
Takes like 10 minute with bots and blueprints
Worth every penny and more
For me it's SR-latched backup coal/nuclear power that only comes on if accumulator reserves drop below a certain point.
All sounds like problems that can be solved with saturating input (aside from oil distribution which can be solved with saturating conversion)
What is "backup" nuclear power?
using blueprints isn't fun though
every playthrough when I used imported blueprints I just abandoned because it was simply boring
use underground belts
if your fuckup is too big for belt, use a bigger underground belt
if your fuckup is too big for that just find a gap and use two underground belts
Until you realize after 20 minutes that your "saturated" input was hugely insufficient, you've only realized it now because of no backpressure and you're now starved for resources and can't build the infrastructure to fix it.
Well currently it's this puppy - up to 140MW of power for if the accumulators drop below 50% (it's morning, so it's still charging them along with the ~500MW of solar panels).
Though it's on more nowadays since I use the excess steam in one of my outposts (I have a coal liquefaction setup).
I want to play again but I'm going to wait for the expansion so I'm not burned out.
>imported blueprints
Holy fuck LOL
>hugely insufficient
Well then it wasn't saturated then was it
All you need to do is balance in a slightly bigger input than what's required, including starting from the top with miners and furnaces. It's not like all that shit on the belts won't get used eventually
desire paths and a timelapse mod
Do you design your production lines with trial and error or do you just boot an excel sheet and count? I feel there's no in between.
Also I can't be arsed with nuclear so I just have my bots spam massive solar farms.
I wish there was an underground train tunnel option like underground belt.
If you're asking why I'm not primarily using nuclear power, it's because I'm using the realistic reactors mod which makes nuclear power a bit more troublesome than just plopping a bunch of reactors, HEs and turbines down. Reactors need to be kept in a constant 'sweet spot' of temperature in order not to cool down too much (and deliver less power/efficiency) or heat up too much (and melt down at 1000C).
Pic is my biggest setup made so far in a previous save, and it was a massive headache to get running. It worked well but I don't want to just copy/paste it, I like making new plants each time.
I'm not going to calculate precisely if my 2 new ore patches and 2 half depleted ones are enough for my factory. Eyeballing will always get it wrong. Building twice as many as I need "just to be sure" is a waste of time and infrastructure.
Backpressure management costs almost nothing and pays off massively. If there's too little of something, my factory immediately tells me. No need to fix starvation or overbuild, everything expands at an optimal pace.