Lobotomy corporation

help, i don't get the EGO damages

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like the numbers on the bottom right
stuff why are there two with different results?

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Great another lobcorp thread

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Manager, read the manual.

I literally posted the manual

An Elden ring thread died for this. What a shame.

No arrow so you say and look like this


the damage types?

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i mean the stuff on the bottom right herewhy are the values shown twice with different utcomes?

now read it nigga read

i read it and posted the shit i didn't get

One is the damage that your worker cause against monsters, the other one is about how much damage the monsters do against your guys.

It's basically saying in a complicated way that wearing EGO gear of a weaker level/grade than the abno you're working with or fighting is less effective.
Basically you take 200% more damage from an ALEPH abno if you're wearing ZAYIN grade ego and if you try attacking them with a ZAYIN weapon you'll deal 40% less damage.
The opposite is also true, you'll deal and take less damage if your gear is higher grade than the abnos.


they are a postive 4 and a negative 4 each for weapon and suit as shown on the table indicating equipment grades
train your prudence user

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but why do they have the same -4:200 values?

Because it's only showing the extreme cases in the pictured examples.

Top right picture is a ZAYIN abno (0) taking damage from an ALEPH weapon (4)
0 - 4 = -4 so the abno takes 200% damage

Bottom right pic is with the roles reversed

Attack and Defence are calculated separately.
You can equip a high level suit and tank tons of damage, yet deal no damage at all because you have a shitter weapon equiped. Vice versa.

ok thanks

Good luck, manager. And remember, part of the fun in the games comes from fucking up catastrophically most of the time.

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i've been stuck on this scarecrow for ages and don't know what i'm doing wrong, i unlock all the shit i can with him too.

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didn't these guys port quake to the saturn?

have you tried reading?

why wouldn't I?
He still escapes, it's some other bullshit i have to guess why he does cause nothing i unlock tells me why he does

>found that mega one user was doing during 2020
>last updates one or two folders 2021
Well it might be outdated but it's got enough.

Clearly your reading comprehension isn't up to snuff

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You unlocked managerial tips right ?

Is this a meme?
Are you doing this on purpose?

I unlocked all this shit but he still escapes when I don't even send anybody over 2 insight, it's so random.
i don't know what else to do. what's more is that people go insane randomly when fighting him and my entire team is insane by the end

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>forgot nugget equipped with magic bullet
>close to end of day, send deathball at breaching scarecrow and look away
>side screen suddenly filled with warnings
>half the nuggets in the hallway were blown up in one shot
>remaining half gone crazy

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did you forget your Shadow picture you zoomer faggot?

His counter lower when the work result is bad, just send people with high temp and low insight.
>insane randomly
This is not random. Low level agents receive White damage when they enter a room where a higher-lever abos is. For instance, a level 1 agent encountering an ALEPH will go insane instantly, even if the abno did not touch him.
Also agents lose SP every time a fellow agent in the room dies, careful.

>Agent goes crazy after doing some abno work
>He's running around the facility so I send in all white and black nuggets til someone fucking catches up and hits him
>One of them has magic bullet
>Everyone running after the crazy nugget either dies or goes crazy too
The full magic bullet set hits like a truck

Higher Class EGO better against Lower Class Abnormalities


Hope that explains it to you.


>Get a slime baby that never shuts the fuck up as the first abno in disciplinary
>Does roulette work when counter reaches zero
>which is like 90% of the time after finishing a work
>not only it is annoying to manage it is annoying to hear
bravo, whoever designed this piece of shit

Reset your game, you've clearly gone too far to MemRepo your mistake.

Are there cool Ng+ mods that make it worth replaying after getting 100% with all the gear and everything?

I just fucking modded out the friendly fire of Magic Bullet. It's honestly not that OP without it.

Lorefags, explain. How can Chesed drink coffee?

This thing randomly shows up and just one shots me, what do?

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Get every nugget out of a main room and put them in a hallway whenever you see a purple noon event will happen.

dont get hit by it?

Frankly, I see it as one of the greatest mysteries of the PMverse. How can you drink coffee when tea is a much more superior drink? It is incomprehensible
Incidentally, I also think Ayin should get together with Binah

You can fight this?
Fuck, I had to reset a bunch of times
How do you not get hit by it?
You can't dodge

This post literally told you how to dodge it.

oh ok

Quads of anti-prudencelets

You can do or alternatively move every nugget to a different department.
If a nugget from a different department is in that department's generator room it wont suffer any initial damage

i unironically didn't know this up until a few days ago when i restarted playing
basically bigger risk level = better for your ego and lower = worse that's all you really need to know to be honest

When you know a purple event is coming, move your agents in the nearest elevator, pause when the obelisks have landed and send each group to their respective target

bro just don't die? it's just 100 red damage

i hate prudencelets they need to be culled

Pause the moment you trigger that particular noon ordeal, look at where the names are then MOVE YOUR NUGGETS THE FUCK OUT OF THAT AREA!


is that enough time?
Won't they still get hit?

Probably not for some of them, I'd advise moving all nuggets to nearby elevators.

>It's another "forgot which nugget had the Magic Bullet" episode
I ended up making Bongbong again and giving it to her. Again.

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>trying to figure out what I've been doing
>log is flooded with bongbongs
>can't tell which one did what

what do i do with the shoes?
when somebody becomes uncontrollable how do i stop them?

if its on its way to the shoes, just click them a lot
if they already have the shoes, its over

wow that worked, thanks

The punishing bird instakilled someone while I wasn't looking. I thought they didn't attack him unless ordered to.

>mfw army in black

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