We have to confront a hard truth that few people seem to want to face about the Souls games...

>We have to confront a hard truth that few people seem to want to face about the Souls games, but here it is: the combat is nothing remarkable.

>In terms of actual complexity there's not much going on. There's not much depth, and that wouldn't be a problem, except the series has increasingly leaned on its action elements more and more as time has gone by.

>If you're a staunch defender of the series this is where you might be tempted to rattle off all the attack animations your favorite weapons has... It's true that there are differences in range and damage, but the effect on the enemy is usually identical. They lose some health, possibly suffer some hitstun which either lasts long enough to get another attack in or it doesn't, in which case you go back on the defensive until your next opening. Positioning is important, but that's about the extent of it.

>In terms of defensive options the series is a lot better, with the ability to block, parry, or dodge most regular attacks...Unfortunately, against bosses, parrying is often completely impossible and blocking is often ill-advised, which leaves you with rolling as your one and only defensive action. So prepare to roll again and again, and again and again and again. When you're not rolling you'll generally be getting 1-2 hits in with whatever weapon you choose, hits that usually provoke no response from the boss whatsoever making every weapon basically the same thing apart from whatever damage types and numbers it has.

>You go in, you learn the moveset. maybe you die a few times along the way, until you know the boss's moves like the back of your hand. Then you dodge past them, punish at the right times, and win the battle. It's perfectly serviceable gameplay but doing it 20x in one game is just excessive.

>I'm not saying you should be able to juggle Hollows or anything, but if the game is going to be so relentlessly focused on action then I have fewer reasons not to just play a better action game.

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We have to confront a hard truth that few people seem to want to face about the Matthewmatosis videos, but here it is: the content is nothing remarkable.

It obviously must be if all his imitators take 10x the time to say 1/10th of what Matt says

the souls series are exploration games, not action games.
thats why they're shit on a second and third playthrough compared to the first

matthew "filtered by champion covenant" matosis

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For a place that apparently hates e-celebs, you fuckers should like posting about them.

>every YouTube opinion is e-celeb


I think the dissonance here is: Games with great combat are niche, and Souls games are mainstream. Souls games also have better combat than most mainstream games. So for most people who play Souls games, that is the best combat they've experienced in a game. Then they get told to play DMC or Revengeance or some shit and they get all defensive because again, character action games are niche and they don't want to admit they can't get into them, so they just say Souls has better combat.

No, the Souls combat being serviceable/mediocre is fine until they started embracing the anime flips in the fights. This was to make things more difficult without regard to how it plays.

Calling dark souls an action game because it has combat is like calling your car a sound system because it has a stereo in it. Like sure there are games that offer better action gameplay than dark souls but that's not the only reason to play dark souls

Well yes I agree but that wasn't really the point of my post
To be perfectly clear: I like Souls combat, and there's nothing wrong with simple combat in games. Actually I enjoy simple combat more than complex combat, which is partially why DMC1 is my favorite DMC. But the thing is, From fans think complex = better for some reason so they won't admit that the Souls series has simple combat.

Also, on your note, I'm playing Bloodborne and I noticed that the enemies and bosses are actually a lot less retarded than Elden Ring, despite the fact that your character has a lot more mobility than Elden Ring. I think they really fucked that up in Elden Ring, they shouldn't have stuck so rigidly to the Souls mechanics if they wanted the enemies to be faster than Bloodborne.

He's right. All the good fights in Elden are cinematic set pieces.

The point of the video is that Souls went too far into the action side of things while barely, if at all, changing the player's options and tools. All while speeding up enemies, giving them comboes that combo into more comboes, egregious delayed attacks while still having issues such as input reading, input drops, enemies attacking through geometry etc. His whole point is that the series lost its charm, the unique things and memorable experiences and encounters.

Someone post webm of him "fighting" the twin dragon riders

Yes but when I beat the hard boss I feel good so that mean it IS good.


This sort of mentality will ruin the series eventually.

while this might be the case, it just speaks magnitudes about combat in games in general
souls is way more satisfying and fun to play than lot of combat and action heavy games
complexity of mechanics does not equate better game, theres a reason the 8-bit and 16-bit era is to this day considered the gold standard for 2d platforming, it felt tight and satisfying despite arguably lacking in complexity
same with boomer shooters, simple fast paced fps combat is fantastic to play, shit like stalker is amazing in its own way and way more fucking complex but thats not the key takeway why one would prefer stalker over say blood

>The point of the video is that Souls went too far into the action side of things while barely, if at all, changing the player's options and tools
Y'know, Bloodborne actually did really good in this aspect. The enemies are faster and more aggressive, but YOU are also faster and more aggressive. But then Dark Souls III and Elden Ring completely missed the point and transplanted Bloodborne-style enemies with normal Souls mechanics.
No coincidence that Matt actually really likes Bloodborne, I guess

>which is partially why DMC1 is my favorite DMC.
Why are you parroting eceleb. Have you ever tried to form your own opinion for once shithead

you realize that the player is much faster in ds3 compared to ds1? you're parroting a retarded meme that was never true while acting like an enlightened video game critic. typical matthewmattosis tard i guess.

No I just actually really think DMC1 is the best one. It's not that uncommon of an opinion I think. I was a massive Kamiyafag before watching any Matthewmatosis videos.

Sure thing

Sure you're slightly faster. Whatever. Bloodborne had a moveset and mechanics totally designed around its increased speed. Turning up some numbers on the basic Souls mechanics can't compete with that.

>Bloodborne had a moveset and mechanics totally designed around its increased speed
like what? a slightly different roll, and?

ignore that user, he's a jaded faggot so of course he thinks it's impossible for someone to actually genuinely enjoy something without it having to do with an e-celeb.

It already has

>Quicksteps when locked on instead of rolling
>Gun used for parry/riposte instead of a shield
>Trick weapons which can change forms while attacking
>Blood vials being much faster than Estus
>Rally mechanic encourages aggressive play by healing you when you attack after getting hit
It's an exclusive so I don't blame you for not playing it I guess

dmc3 had better combat but worse everything else

More complex combat system but worse enemies. It makes a huge difference for me.

this hundred times over yet people still think its a game just for the sake of being difficult. i mean it is, but like what matthewmatosis said, it was never their MAIN focus. now we have whats known as "souls-like" genre but they all completely miss the point of what a "souls" game really is

>first album is the best
Neck yourself

fuck off

You could just as easily attribute someone calling DMC3 or DMC5 their favorite to some "e-celeb" or critic somewhere.

>but worse enemies
Ah yes, I can't stunlock 95% of enemy roster with stinger/gl and get S rank therefore enemies are worse


Show me eceleb with same dmc1/kamiya cultist mentality as mathewcocksosis. I will wait

>Quicksteps when locked on instead of rolling
fundamentally the same thing as rolling in a souls game, but very slightly faster than ds3 roll
>Gun used for parry/riposte instead of a shield
works the same way as parrying with a shield, but now you can do it at range. doesn't add any layer of complexity to the combat system, same shit with a different coat of paint
>Trick weapons which can change forms while attacking
and most of the time you're using r1 spam, sometimes l1 if you're feeling spicy
>Blood vials being much faster than Estus
slightly faster than ds3 estus, not a radical difference
>Rally mechanic encourages aggressive play by healing you when you attack after getting hit
pretty irrelevant in the late game when you get hit for 80% of your health, doesn't do much in the early game since blood vials are so plentiful anyway

bloodborne is dark souls with a new coat of paint. there is no significant departure from souls combat. it's very simplified (less spells, less weapons, shorter, less hidden shit). it's structured slightly more like an action game than ds1 and des. what if find strange is that almost everyone who shits on ds3 is also usually a bloodborne cocksucker. that game is incredibly similar to ds3 most of all, and is most different from ds1.

Shazam and Tortanic ruined Yea Forums


>ohnoooo somebody have a disdain for my re4 leftovers
>muhhhhh soul thunder.gif and le 80s action hero dante
Fuck off, unclephill88

Can't you just jump cancel/RG cancel everything in DMC3 if you want to play like a faggot? "Playing like a faggot" is possible in almost every game, I'm not going to judge a game by the least fun way to play it.

his channel is dead in general

Yea Forums has probably the worst media literacy I've ever seen. Toddlers and dementia patients would at least admit to not understanding the point.

>Playing like a faggot gets you the best rank and turns almost every enemy into joke
>It doesn't count in dee em cee 1

The fact that his videos are still being discussed after a year of inactivity means his videos have staying power far beyond most Youtubers, they're not just FOTM junkfood like most videos.

2015 at the latest unless we change soon.

>most changes are the same mechanic but slightly faster.
Holy shit, it's a whole new world!

At least Sekiro introduced some properly different mechanics and did away with the Stamina (which in completely vestigial in Bloodborne, btw).

In fact, if you play Elden Ring with something like Quick step or Bloodhound step, the gap between it and BB is even smaller.

stop talkin out your ass

>literally repeating what Joseph Anderson said in his ER video
kek, the state of Yea Forums

It's the elitist mentality the Souls difficulty spreads about.
Never mind that every analysis on Elden Ring is from someone that has played through all the games back to front, this particular take isn't good because this person died to Mytha, the Baneful Queen.

>Be a video game Youtuber
>Make a few videos on Souls but don't really focus too much on it
>Community still seethes about you years later
What other communities are known for their incredibly thin skin?

But Sekiro came out in 2019

Yea Forums

Pre-Lord Vessel Dark Souls never loses its magic.

The Souls fanbase is so bad and stupid that I'm almost ashamed to admit that I'd consider Dark Souls and Bloodborne to be some of my favorite games

I actually really enjoy second playthroughs, mostly because of my exploration paying off.


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Literally the point where I laughed and stopped watching his videos.
The attitude of "people just don't wanna admit what I'm saying is right" left aside, he's just not realising why people enjoy souls combat or the game in general.
And this entire paragraph is just him justifying himself in front of himself.

Not him and I haven’t seen the video you’re talking about, but you are literally faster in DS3 than you were in DS1

That's not the point, Lieutenant ESL of the Moron Corps. I'm saying you can dismiss anybody as a lemming for any number of reasons, especially on a board as regularly ruled by groupthink and knee-jerk contrarianism as Yea Forums. Lots of people genuinely like DMC1 and many other games that make you screech. Get over yourself.

yeah but he said it in his video so you are a parroting retard

It's not hard to watch the Demon's Souls video and determine for yourself which trends reversed in Elden Ring and which ones got worse.

>Demon's Souls as the most nonlinear game in the series is no longer true, they did a good job making ER nonlinear.
>Bosses all presenting the same type of challenge as Artorias got worse. Much worse. Misbegotten Warrior in Demon's Souls or even Dark Souls would be a memorable fight but in Elden Ring it's more like Misforgotten warrior the deceased.

>What other communities are known for their incredibly thin skin?
youtube video game critics
if you dare criticize their shitty videos they usually lose their shit almost immediately. same goes for the cocksuckers who constantly parrot their opinions