Horizon getting more sequels and spinoffs and Killzone is dead lol

Horizon getting more sequels and spinoffs and Killzone is dead lol

>Competitive (hero?) shooter with esports focus. 3 yrs in dev. R6S leads involved. Here my sources differ, one claims that it's a new SOCOM game, the other says that it's set in the Horizon universe. Soon we’ll find out what's true.
>Horizon will be a trilogy and its universe is already expanding with VR spinoff and more to come. Online standalone game or expansion is planned. Probably something close to Monster Hunter World. Sony considers Horizon one of the main PS franchises at the moment.
>Killzone is dead


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It's really sad seeing Sony desperately try to push this series as a flagship IP

>Sony considers Horizon one of the main PS franchises at the moment
Welp, they need to do something about these embarrassing sales ASAP, kek.

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Indeed, seeThey must be desperate right now.

Why don't you post it's launch month?

On one hand, I've never heard of a genuine Killzone fan. On the other, I can say the same for Horizon.

I'm a Horizon fan :)

Because launch month sales aren't relevant outside of the launch month

It was also beaten by Elden Ring and it didn't even crack Horizon ZD's 2017 numbers.

Attached: horizon mogged.png (1069x807, 744.3K)

this really reads as if it was from game dev tycoon

Elden Ring is beating everything though. Does that mean every game that comes out this year is a flop?

Devs have been salty as fuck about Elden Ring I can only imagine the next Horizon game will double down on idpol and sjw nonsense and will barely make the fraction of sales as HFW

released 1 week after Elden Ring

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No, but Horizon 2 didn't even crack the first game's numbers, thats a flop if you are trying to start a franchise as desperately as Sony is trying with this one.

>Horizon 2 didn't even crack the first game's numbers
Any source on this?

Here's hoping the 3rd game also releases shortly before a major Japanese game and gets squished yet again.

The source is Sony themselves not talking about the sales despite always doing it with well-selling games.
Everyone is noticing this and every Snoytranny is entering full cope mode hoping into the 20 million sales/bundles/giveaways of the first game.

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I like both franchises enough to replay them. Killzone is fun, HZD is a comfy podcast game

The shitch has no games

>Protagonist talks every 5 seconds
>comfy podcast game

You could have tried better, shill.

>they've put the director of HZD in charge of all PS studios
Ohnonononono ahahahahahaha

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It's just a collectathon open world game you retard
>bububut protag mumbles sometimes
Who gives a shit. Days Gone is also a great podcast game and the protag mumbles a lot as well, why do you care enough to listen you retard

>The source is no source

>and every Snoytranny is entering full cope mode hoping into the 20 million sales/bundles/giveaways of the first game.
As a snoytranny myself you really overestimate the number of us that care about horizon.
Case in point: it's sales.
Same point you're making.

Dude out here really calling himself a tranny

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He wasn't the Director he was just in charge of the studio


It's funny because the way it all started was staff polling on stuff theyd want in a future game and i think it was the art director who went ROBOT DINOSAUR and everyone approved

Snoy kept quiet about lust of ass 2 sales
Snoy keeping quiet yet again with forgotten west

Horizon will sell less and less unless they finally admit uglyness doesn't sell. They had a cool Aloy design in the concept art. They could have had their own new female mascot. But no, Aloy must be ugly, everything has to be ugly. Same with any TLOU3, it will sell way less.
Hell it's unnatural to have so much ugly together. Ruins the world too since people wont want to explore the lore and characters for being too ugly. Sorry but beauty and style should be one of the priorities to develop something
At least they didn't run away from Elden Ring like BOTW2 did.

Sony should really start marketing the fat alloy that works at mcdonalds. It’s more iconic than the flop sequel!
Imagine snoy having a urgent meeting in commiefornia about that fat alloy pic when it first started making rounds

Nintendo really did acknowledge Elden Ring by backing off for a whole fucking year
Christ Elden Ring left a mark (scar for them) in the industry

They ran away like bitches

Lmao more like shat their pants.

>horizont forbidden west
Im not playing games with ugly people im already ugly IRL.

I think you're beautiful user

They seen how that one game was murdering everything before and after it’s release. Nintendies will try to cope and say this wasn’t the case but it’s so fucking obvious that it is

Sucks, Killzone was a series with sovl.

>r*ddit spacing homosexual claims boreizon is getting more games after flopping
>his source is a tweet from an unverified account that gets less engagement than my little brothers
Oh wow shit I’m like totally convinced

My dad works at Sony AMA

>idpol and sjw nonsense
what sjw nonsene?
I love asking this question, anons always come back with bullshit that isn't in the game.

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I don't entertain snoys, how much are you paid? Or do you defend shite games for free?

>has nothing because there is nothing
As expected.

General character aesthetic and i dont even need to look that the bad guy is prolly some white dude/woman, bonus points if they old if they are killied by some minority, thats a sjw bingo

Killzone fucking sucked, good. Have Aloy lose like twenty pounds and the series will sell tens of millions

So a bunch of shit that isn't defined in any way, how is general character aesthetic SJW? The bad guy is killed by the main character, do you consider gingers a minority?
The final boss is also evil because she's an obsessive lesbian, is it in the interest of the LGBTQ+ABC123!@# community to portray gays as psychos and then allow you to kill them?

How do they have absolutely nothing after having such a significant lead at the end of the last gen? How did they squander that do badly?

You are genuinely as bad as the people you hate at this point
They only had a lead because Microsoft and Nintendo shat the bed hard, that's the only time Sony consoles sell.

Character aesthetics are plenty defined
Sjw aesthetics tend to stick to a thing i call 'gross realism' in that characters are extremely detailed in theird imprefections and deformaties
Things like overtly effeminate males or overmasculine females also the most unflatering minorities they can find.
Yeah its not necessarily sjw but its the aesthetic they stick to
And i do not like it, nor can i be shamed into liking it

>realism is social justice
So you're a moron, got it.

>HFW released on both PS4 and PS5
>Install base is twice the size as when HZD launched
>Buying digital gives you receipts for both versions
>Sony still hasn't boasted about sales at all
It must have done fucking terrible.

>i cannot into reading comprehension

They don't do this anymore I don't know why people keep saying this

this nigga coping, imagine having worst arguments that FUCKING SNOYS

They do, case in point Days Gone 5m most recently

>the designs are sjw
>what about the design is sjw?
>the realism
Seems pretty straightforward

Nah you are literally retarded
Its sjw when they try to make the characters ugly under the pretense of realism
Thus 'gross realism'

Days Gone never got an official statement all we ever got was the ex-employee who said it sold more than Ghost of Tsushima or some shit which was wrong because he used trophy data and the game is on PS+

>if i keep saying aloy is ugly it will be true

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Exactly my point. Sony counts PS+ as sales.

So you concede that Sony was too scared to boast about Days Gone sales just like Horizon because they both did shit

FF7R is a good exemple of realism that doesnt fall under the category
Thx for giving me an example

They announced sales for stuff like Returnal, Rift Apart and MLB21

This is good because I like redheads and I want to see more Aloy SFM porn

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FF7R isn't realistic at all, full on bishi anime aesthetics. it's also a terrible game.

No Sony wasn't happy with with Days Gones critic scores. Did you really not hear the Sony Bend story from about a year ago?