I stand with Ukraine. Yes! Ukraine Yes!
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Yes I do stand with Ukraine. And I hope Biden passes an executive order to kill all chuds.
Gonna laugh so hard when it loses
Shame soviets don't deploy female soldiers or else we could have gotten some decent vids out of this
Only because their army are actual legit nazis
normalfags don't even realise this money will be used to prolong a pointless war
did you know that people who go to Ukraine to help out have their passports torn up, and get forced to the front lines (beaten by Ukrainian soldiers if they refuse) to be killed for propaganda?
Why wouldn't you?
I mean how much of a brain-dead NPC do you actually have to be, to side with Russia in this(or any day) just because you're contrarian, and your conservative ideology forces you to do the opposite of what everyone else does? No matter how unreasonable your actions may be.
It's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen.
>Arma devs are Europeans
>SCS Software are Europeans
>GSC are Europeans
>Wube Software are Europeans
>why do you care about Ukraine?!
It's one thing for the faggot American far right to keep crying that it's not their war, so why do they have to give a shit, and they don't care, blah-blah-blah.
But what is it about you nigs thinking the people where this war is in their backyard shouldn't say a thing or care either? Kill yourself.
What's so bad about charity?
What does putting up a flag does exactly other than say "I support the current thing"?
I haven't seen a single conservative pundit or politician advocate for Russia in this conflict.
I support trans rights too
i dont stand with russia, ukraine, or anyone else
its not my problem
kys faggot im on nobodys side
It's because retards would rather have snow niggers (read: Vatniks) invade their soil and rape their woman than plant a bullet in each and every one of their monkey skulls.
They'd sooner present their asses for rapification than actually defend their own country if it was invaded.
If you don't care, fuck off, retard. Why is it that idiots like you that keep saying you don't care can't shut the fuck up about how much you don't care?
It's getting scary how many conservatives are starting to shill for the Russians, and calling you a "globalist" if you think it's wrong to invade neighboring countries.
What the fuck happened to the right? How exactly is it "nationalism" to let the 21st century's worst war criminal usurp American hegemony and commit atrocities in Eastern Europe?
Is "globalism" just defined as having any kind of foreign policy whatsoever? Just the simple act of acknowledging that a world exists on the other side of the ocean?
Our grandparents spent 40 years fighting to stop the expansion of the Soviets, and now it's somehow "patriotic" to let Putin destroy everything they fought for?
You will never be an empire
They're literally donating part of their earnings to charity for the war victims.
I will stand on a tranny.
How's that tactical retreat of yours going vatnik
>defending the united states
Yes. And the Ukraine thing isn't popular among far-right and far-left. It's the perfect fit for us center chads.
I-i-it's for charity!!!!1111
Alright sisters let's all cut our dicks off in unison for support of Ukraine!
Tranny leftist commies support Russia though you absolute mentally ill abomination.
For the record, I don't stand on anyone's side but for God and myself only. I enjoy the random assumptions, mutts.
I'm a filthy authoritarian commie and I support Ukraine against the russian invasion.
They are using it for tax schemes and PR/marketing. These literal who games would sell 1/1000 of the amount they sell with a ukraine flag slapped onto it.
I don't support Russia, but you could learn more. They're almost all Duginists and it's far more than "contrarianism".
It's a lot sadder than that mang. They lack a strong father figure and view le based political strongman as a substitute. While quietly ignoring the fact that said strongman is responsible for his country becoming an Africa-tier shithole, of course.
Why though? There are always a billion people and corporations donating to the """"""victim""""" and all that money goes to israel anyway
our grandparents fought the wrong enemy
the west should have united with germany to erradicate the slav niggers
It's funny, yet also sad how far /pol/ has fallen that they let vatnigs run their shit into the ground.
What the fuck happened to let these fags run the norm beyond pure, utterless, and brainless contrarianism?
>why would you oppose what globohomo tells you you should support?!?!?
this argument doesn't work
supporting the opposite of the current thing is not conformity (unless you live on Yea Forums) and has social repercussions, not rewards
some user on /pol/ made abunch of posts on how all the pro russian posting are done by unironic russian shills that all follow the same tactics. I believe it desu.
But majority of libs are the ones that say they will run away, while Republicans and Independents say they will stay and fight.
Why should I defend feminist countries that hate me and anyone like me?
I live in the UK and I wish every single Russian would be nuked. They own our politics, they get away with assasination attempts and now think they can crash the world economy for a third year in a row. They have tried to subvert the west for a century with bolshevik subversion- infiltrating our academic circles to spread degenerate ideologies like feminism, racial equality, tolerance of faggotry and acceptance of communism. We need to cut the snake's head off once and for all.
>Microsoft Flight Simulator
Those are all reasonably popular series.
I don't oppose it because globohomo told me to nigger, I oppose it because subhuman snowniggers are starting another war of conquest on my fucking continent.
Most of those are probably scams.
I mean it's already unity template skin swaps that nobody bought.
Wouldn't be surprised if some of those were made by russians, because that sort of shovelware usually has like russian and english language options from my experience.
tl;dr looks like scam by east europeans
people still care about that?
It's not just that, they're also on /k/ too.
The difference though is that it's so obvious that it's a Russian that the moment you start posting videos on how hard they've been losing they start screeching and screaming about how it's propoganda
it is literal conformity, you are basing your opinions on what the majority is thinking instead of making your own opinions and looking at things case by case, there are plenty of rewards since even though one side control the media half of the population will still support your stupidity
ameritards be like:
>pls fuck my wife
>shoot up school
It's part of massive information war against Western powers, there will be anons who will be eager to betray there nations.
Thanks for your support, /pol/sisters. With your help we can den*zify many more countries.
Only until the next thing happens then they will forget about this just like they did with the hoaxvirus
/pol/sisters... even Russian state media is making fun of us
>Why though?
Why wouldn't you support those who are protecting the border of your continent? I know for the local burger audience it's just another Middle East situation, but for people living in the civilized part of Europe all this shit is dangerously close to their cozy homes.
Why does this image always get me 5+ (you)'s?
Ivan what is this, text for ants? do better or you're going to get gulag'd
For many people the Ukraine-Russia conflict is just as distant as the Israel-Palestine conflict yet no one talks about it
>and has social repercussions
I'm sure the people shitting on Ukraine and supporting Russia are definitely talking about this outside of Yea Forums with people that they definitely know in real life.
Next Big Thing(tm) isn't scheduled until Q4.
Really gets the noggin joggin
where is all this seething for china though? or jews? hell, soros singlehandedly wrecked the bank of england by himself once.
The absolute state of the ukrainian mft troontroupe
>retard brings up Israel for no reason
>you're still replying
russcucks be like
>what about americans?
>i don't care about american media but I'm mad that america boycotts russia
that means they're winning
because russoshills are cringe
What discord trannies are trying to pass as "/pol/ is supporting Pootin lol!" is actual genuine shilling made by russians and russian expats.
The more its going on the longer I believe that Putin and Biden are working together to create a divide on stupid principles to distract the sheep.
>just let me take a quick girlboss selfie infront of this destoryed r*ssian tank
>*turns into pink mist*
I don't know how anyone who isn't a third world nigger could support a Russian invasion of another sovereign country. It makes no sense.
Yeah but you see akshually the Ukraine is fighting for le globohomo or something so they actually do not defend themselves
based schizo
so I take it the war is going pretty bad for russia?
Ignore the 20 year war in the middle east.
Ignore the Chinese labour camps.
Ignore the poverties all over the world.
>the the
I don't give a shit about Ukraine
I don't give a shit about Russia
Let's just nuke them both
did they not see the tank or something?
whataboutism deez nuts ivan
Probably thought it was friendly
Which one of these contains while people? Which one of these is actually taking place in the civilised world?
Russia lost.
>that time FSB agents tried to assassinate a Russian ex-spy in Bongland with a chemical weapon but the retards fucked up and killed a random Brit civilian instead
>they did an interview in Russia where they claimed they were just tourist
Literally taking the piss.
You see user, Ivan is really the based and redpilled freedom fighter while the other guys are a bunch of subhuman faggots
Just ignore how Ivan's comrades are also raping women and children, executing civilians, bombing hospitals, and overall waging a war more akin to the civil war's union employing total fucking war on everything and everyone,
Except they're so shit at said war they're still enacting their "tactical retreat"
>unless you live on Yea Forums
user, we clearly do.
how many times do we have to go over this? it's okay when the people you kill are brown.
>heheh I guess that includeds americans, right?
Americans think this is a wrestling show
Say goodbye to your food and gas supply
>russia kills redditors
And trannies still wonder why I'm #TeamPutin
well, this place is an obvious echo chamber. i don't care for russia, but how do you guys enjoy regurgitating the same shit takes to each other? you don't analyze this even from a good oppositional standpoint? everything is merely contrarian to you? gtfo off for Yea Forums for awhile. there are better takes than this. fuck. not everything is a meme.
Almost all of those companies are former Soviet states or literally in the Ukraine. American corps falling over themselves to virtue signal is nauseating, but these people are directly involved so it's fine.
I can't stand with Ukraine because I don't like Neo-Nazi scum. They have a right to their beliefs and a bullet to their skull.
Wanking rn keep posting
Ignore the fact that denying the holocaust is a crime in Russia.
Ignore the pro-muslim attitude of Russians.
Ignore the Nigeria-levels of AIDS infections.
Speculation is that they thought it was yet another captured tank (there really have been that many). Sucks for them, but maybe the Ukies will be more cautious in future.
>browsing the popular section trying to find cute anthro girls to jerk off too
>see a pic of monkey putin
Hilarious shit
America is self sufficient for food and gas moron
They were doing a photo session for thecking upboats on reddit. The two woman leaning onto the destoryed tank are ukrainian instagram models. CNN told them the front line was in the suburbs of moscow so they felt safe when the russian tank rolled up
>you're the suicidal soi wojak
>no YOU'RE the sucidal soi wojak
I'm bored of hanging soijak, isn't it about time for a new wojak to be the embodiment of 'thing I don't like' ?
Nah, it's all part of 4D chess.
They didn't want to take Kiev anyway, that was just a feint. Great opportunity to get rid of some old vehicles as well. And they're so successful in the east, they've taken Mariupol like six times already.
>t. Putin
I thought /pol/ loved Nazism so why support a supposed attempt to de-Nazify a country?
I think sjw libtards and /pol/tards are both controlled by jews
I stand with getting great offers and not actually giving a shit about "the war" at all. I live half way up a mountain, all I want is my fuel to go back down in price.
yea sure
russia lost
trump lost
say that again in a few months
> the the
> white background
trans is a rich plot. I saw it unnaturally funded on tumblr and unnaturally take off. it has astoundingly low popularity yet is pushed horrifyingly, un-naturally hard.
Russia lost lol
Imagine being this close realizing how Russia and China are actively trying to divide the west and still falling back to their trap
So what your saying is...
Two more weeks?
weird double think
Stop trying to gaslight you fucking tranny, I was on there for the first time in ages and all I saw was massive support for Ukraine in the generals.
Y-you do know that America exports *both* of those commodities right user?
Not if the leftards have control of it.
I wany a retroactive "I stand with Iraq" bundle.
It's not fair that you can only get cheap games for certain wars.
Fuck war exclusivity.
STALKER 2 probably got delayed specifically because of this, GSC is literally a Ukrainian development team. Whoever made this image is a fucking dumbass.
>two more weeks until America collapses!
But Russia has effectively united the West against Russia
Can Putin do anything right?
Factorio hasn't been based for a while now.
some ruskie seething really hard itt
>/pol/ is one person and he looks like doreen
Cmon bro…
I thought reddit hated Nazism so why support open neo-nazis against denazification?
What's wrong with Hentai Mission Ukraine?