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use mimic and stop crying, my god ima kill myself if i see another post whining about elden ring being le so hard
It's the backhop. and he has a shitty hitbox
>finish 100 hit combo
>punish time
>nah, hop
no its his DOT. Black Knife Tiche can apply it too
That has nothing to do with why he's difficult to hit
he is designed to be hard to catch, if you use the parry item on him he stays in place for a moment
he has generally low health so a few of those is an easy kill
Well, it adds stress to react , causing you to chase him.
i simply used my shield and whacked him with a hammer
Sent him to Hornygaol
He jumps around too much and uses life drain instant one shot BS. Sekiro was great because you could face foes head on but they went back to the standard “roll around and hit once then roll around again” formula.
Should should have let you put parry on any normal weapon and make it play like sekiro.
he isnt
you can hit him in the middle of his combos and every time he does aoe attacks on top of hitting him after his attacks
you can constantly keep up pressure if you want
wait for him to do that waterfowl lookin shit then dodge at his cock and delete his ass,he just stands there and takes it
I don't mind him being spastic since he's pretty squishy and you're safe behind pillars for fucking once.
Underrated spelling joke
this nigger is the most anime faggot in the entire game with all the flipping and shit he does
luckily he's a glass cannon with low hp
Pillars are the summons of this fight. There is nothing more powerful. Use pillars, appreciate pillars, pillars are friends.
Well that's what confuses me because I've been conditioned this entire fucking series from Demon's Souls that every motherfucker in the game besides you can swing through walls so it felt weird to take cover and actually be able to heal
i used pillars freely til he fucking sideflip noscoped me around them with one of his ranged wave attacks,i was wary after that
>different parry timings for all weapon classes because it would look stupid if you could parry at the same speed witha dagger than with a great hammer
>all enemies have to be built around god knows how many different parry timings
That would be a total disaster. There's a reason Sekiro only gives you one weapon
He's a good boy shut up
It's funny that people are just now complaining about maliketh. Not only that, but I found second stage to be more fun and easier to handle than the first, I found the first stage annoying as fuck for some reason.
Joseph is right. Elden ring is not designed like the other souls games. In Elden ring you can't "play fair" because the bosses don't play fair. They all have hour-long combos that just don't seem to end and don't give you an opportunity to punish. The only real way of playing Elden ring is by cheesing the shit out of them. You're not supposed to have an honorable dual. Nuke them with magic, use OP summons, apply status effects, do everything you can to get an edge. Otherwise, have fun waiting minutes for a safe opening to attack just to have the boss read your input and counter your singular attack.
after you understand him, the first phase is unquestionably more annoying to deal with, he has a lot of retreating attacks, a couple wonky hitboxes, and gives you very small punish windows generally, he's particularly hard with larger weapons until you start jump attacking his spells consistently
p2 is just swingy because he can just murder you with the dot, and it adds a lot of danger even if he is much easier to deal with realistically (much more telegraphed, large punish windows, the parry), but just getting hit once by black fire can make people panic and lose.
Try formularing your opinions instead of aping pretentious fart-sniffing essay vidyatubers. Is yoir opinion of Dark Souls also stolen from MatthewMathosis?
You're not smart. You're just a bitch. I already knew elden ring was bullshit. That's why I stopped playing a str big hammer guy immediately once I got to fire giant and started a new game as a mage. Way more fun. Way less frustrating.
That explains it
I must've been super unlucky or used them incorrectly because they were more of a hindrance than actual protection (he'd always clip through them with his final attack and I wouldn't see it coming due to visual obstruction). Malekith and Malenia were the only bosses in the game where I decided to swap from a Halberd to 2x Colossal just to beat them without getting an aneurysm in the process (no summons/ashes).
the gods feared him for a reason
i want maliketh to lick my face.
STR or agi. It doesn't matter. If you're not exploiting the fuck out of the game you're not doing it right. I could probably easily beat fire giant with my STR dude if I just use the black knife bitch to burn all his HP. Might actually be easier than what I did on my mage. I ended up not even really using my summon at all. I just nuked him to phase 2 as quick as possible and then I stayed within a certain distance of him where he will always try to melee attack but never actually hit you.
im always interested to see where the strfags tapped out, the only boss i even considered going to a faster weapon was maliketh because he runs away constantly and has such tiny windows
frankly str was fun as hell in this game, i can understand people tapping out at places like niall or many of the multifights though
You can literally stay under him and hit him in the middle of his combo and he can't touch you.
You could beat ghe Fire Giant with a torch if you had ebough skill for it. Your issue is that despite thinking you are above crutches like spirit summons the reality is that you are not skilled enough
>Doing a Fist weapon run
>Get to Malekith
>Can't hit him at all even when you're pressed directly against his collision box
Like I said. I probably could have beaten the giant with my str dude by just cheesing him. And I could have probably beaten Mali by just cheesing him. (I doubt I can beat Elden beast by cheesing him though, fuck that final boss he's utter bullshit lmao I fucking love not getting to hit him for literal minutes.) It's just that none of that is what I wanted from my STR build. I wanted to duel the bosses, and that's just not what Elden ring lets you do.
You can beat Fume knight NG+7 with a broken ladle but that doesn't make it fun.
>I'm not the only one who had this problem
The star fist looks so much fun, but you straight up can't hit most bosses with it because the reach is too short.
I don't get why STR is considered underpowered. I have 3 playthroughs. DEX/INT, DEX,FTH and STR. STR was by far the easiest playthrough. Was stagging most enemies with the Longhaft Ax and never really had a problem with any enemies.
>I-I swear I could have easily totes beaten everything easily with my STR tard build I just didn't feel like it
Skill issue
It's honestly very obvious that the game was designed around using katanas. They're the right length and they're the only weapons that do an appropriate amount of damage to the HP bloat of late game bosses.
Because there's a major overlap between STRfags snd DS1 poisebabbies
I did go Barbarian with the lightest roll possible, so that might of helped make STR strong.
I could. It's just no fun when the dipshit rolls around all the time and I have to run after him. Constantly having to get off my horse fucking sucks. Or I could just use the Halberd and do that OP horse attack all the time. But that's not what I wanted to do with my strength build. I wanted to duel the boss. Not marathon after him in the case of fire giant or wait for fucking ever for an opening with Malakith.
He is one of the most consistent bosses because he doesnt randomly chain combos. Its all fixed. Learn to to roll behind him when he does the somersault for free R2, roll towards him when he sweeps twice or after the black blades combo for free attacks
I kept using the fingerprint shield and meteoric blade, most bosses got staggered from my counters
>Japanese devs have an inferiority complex over nippon steel
You are so blantantly a coping turbo shitter, its actually sad
I feel pretty much the same, though some fights were particularly daunting at first (generally the multifights like double draconians or niall). Greataxes admittedly have very good movesets as well as massive range and pretty decent damage even in 1H.
To be fair going a swole caster makes traversal and most midbosses a total joke so it feels skewed towards it, but a lot of the later bosses you have to really work for it.
Frankly I enjoyed my STR character much more overall as well, unlike I found the bosses fun to engage with melee only without summons yada yada yada, far more fun and engaging than just lining somebody up and blasting them with comet azur, at least.
But besides all that, I am fine with people giving up and using everything they can to beat the game, it's kind of unfortunate that's the attitude a lot of people bring but it's to be expected and I wouldn't fault anyone for trying the myriad of toys that makes their lives easier in a pretty brutal game.
The only turbo shitter here are faggots like you who'll eat the shit Form shovels out.
>play mage
>summon mimic
>wait for him to pull aggro
>stunlock with rocks
ez game git gud didnt expect weak foe
No wonder you parrot fag vidyatubers, I'd probably do the same if I had such a blatabt skill issue but was in total denial about it
Yeah, STR ate only an issue for people trying to recreate Havel Armor shenanigans in Elden Ring
>Explain why shit isn't fun
>Ur bad
Hope you enjoyed running after Elden beast :^)
What is the problem? Beat him first try.
you get so many options for passive negation in the game already anyways, this was the first time i played around resistances and had it work well in a souls game and that felt fucking great honestly
i love seeing people complain about malenia ONESHOTTING them at 60 VGR or whatever they claim when me in little bitch exile armor survived pretty much every 'one-shot' in the game with talisman distribution alone
Poise is really good in Elden Ring, just like in DaS1. The issue is there's basically no heavy armor to speak of until Mountaintops of the Giants unless you do the Volcano Manor quests which a lot of people ignored.
And by the time you get Niall's armor, all of the bosses left are basically impossible to poise tank because they're shit like the Fire Giant which just ignore poise.
Your explanation is a whiny rant about how you were getting your shit pushed in as a STR tard so you started over with an easier build.
It's okay to pick easier options as long as you're not a major fag about it, like you're being right now
It's just everything after the capital.
I beat Margit (Margit is a stat check, level the fuck up), Godrick, Rennala, Radhan, and fake Godfrey without spirits or co-op. Everything else was just bloated stats with too many stupid anime attacks.
>everything that rekt me is stupid and anime and overtuned
Skill issue
how can you in the same line say that one thing is a stat check and the other isnt