When you hear the phrase "Worst fucking party member imaginable", who first comes to your mind

When you hear the phrase "Worst fucking party member imaginable", who first comes to your mind.

Do you use party members you hate even if they're useful gameplay wise

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>When you hear the phrase "Worst fucking party member imaginable", who first comes to your mind.
loyal pet (lvl1) in one way heroics

Kimahri a shit but you have to invest in him anyway because he has a forced fight.

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>who first comes to your mind.
any female party member that i don't want to fuck or any male party member that is just boring. personality can easily make up for looks but looks can never make up for boring personality.

>Do you use party members you hate even if they're useful gameplay wise
No, never. I'd rather use some average shmuck that the meta party member who's insufferable.
Same thing applies to stats/equipment - I'd rather go for fashion and something that's pleasing to the eye instead of dumb-looking gear that's OP.

This bitch made no sense to talk to

Honestly anyone from Inquisition. The entire roster is dogshit.

The worst part is you’re better off not leveling him because his forced fight is scaled to his level. No horn no horn!

Usually the main character in any jrpg since they are often boring to play and have a bland personality. In Xenoblade 2 I replaced Rex with Zeke and kicked him out of my party as soon as I had the opportunity.



I thought Blackwall was pretty cool.

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I don't like sharla

I forgot he existed, literally. Only at the end of the game in the celebration did he show up in a cutscene and I was like oh yeah, that guy existed. Whoops.


Blackwall is good. Solas is good.

dragonage where that ugly goblin elf exists was my first game of the series and all the shitty ass characters and story completely ruined the whole thing for me. was the series always like this?

Everyone from Inquisition except sometimes Solas.

>he's white

>was the series always like this?
Nah, DAI is by far the worst part of the IP.
DA:O is really fucking fun. Probably the last good game of Bioware.
DAII is an inferior sequel with some neat ideas here and there. Not awful but not great.

I got into DA2 without prior research or even checking out Yea Forums for how it's going, and I was sorely dissapointed after DA:O.
It made me seethe and hate BioWare because I felt duped by what the game was.
Inquisition I went into with no expectations and still got disappointed.
The entire IP is dead to me now.

she's my favorite...

>DAII is an inferior sequel with some neat ideas here and there
I couldn't take the darkspawn seriously in that game. They looked like emo jesters instead of the genuine horror shit they had going in DAO.

Pirated it and barely got past the tutorial before I gave up on that pile of dogshit.

i really hope that DA4 will be better boys. i really do.

ugly elf.
make her a shortstack, Paint her green, make her nose a little more jewish and a redhead, and you have a really hot goblin.
her attitude would also fit better.

After smashing hits like Anthem and Mass Effect Andromeda, how could it not?

It's gonna be shit and you know it.

Yeah, there's no way a person coming from DA:O wouldn't be disappointed with DAII. It's inferior in pretty much every aspect (although it has some redeeming qualities).
True. Bioware orc'd them and they looked very generic. They only improvement in terms of darkspawn were the emissaries. Are there even any darkspawn in DA:I? I didn't get far before I uninstalled.
Good joke, user.

>literally only 1 good game in the entire series
>I hope the next one is good!

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>beaten the trilogy multiple,multiple times
>never have i ever used this nog in the slightest

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DA:O is highly recommended if you even remotely like RPGs of any kind. As the other user said, probably the last good (and real!) BioWare game before the old guards left the company. DAII is one of the most unabashed cash-grabs of that era, basically a modest-sized expansion full of copy-paste maps and enemies; arcade, almost hack&slash combat system and castrated role-playing options. I avoided it like a plague for like 5 years, then I finally played (and beat it) before Inquisiton: it wasn't as atrocious as I expected beforehand, but still a subpar title that's only worth a run because of the lore. Play a Sarcastic DW Rogue Hawke to help alleviate the pain and try to forget that it was supposed to be a Dragon Age title.

There is no chance. It's a dead studio at the point.
I heard something about DA4 focusing on proper single-player experience but it's too little and too late, I don't think they are capable of even making a good game now no matter how much they wanted to.

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This is the reality. They went from DAI to Andromeda and finally to Anthem, They're not just making bad games, they're getting significantly worse with each release.

He's very useful as a second (or third) Rikku on most playthroughs.

My mind always goes to the gimmicky members. The animals. The robots etc. I don't care if they're useful, they're staying in camp.

DOS2, no question

I typically only use characters with designs I like, or have synergy in-game in terms of lore. If games force me to use party members that I didn't raise, I try my hardest to cheese or rng through those parts.

I only use characters I like which can sometimes be a problem if none of them can heal. Heal bots are usually boring inoffensive to okay though so it's not too bad of a compromise.

dragon age hasn't been good in over a decade user, it's time to let go

why would anyone not like my wife sera?

I only use characters that I think are hot and that I can have sex with.

Cassandra is alright, Varric is still Varric. But yeah tons of blunders in that roster.
I would have liked Dorian if he wasn't a fag and just a fabulous straight dude but no they had to go with the stereotype and then tack on a gay magic conversion therapy storyline on top of it.

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Development hell? Vaporware?
We know more about AtomicHeart and CultCitizen than we do DA4 and Starfield. Redflags all around. At least Starfield has a supposed release date, but it's safe to assume we're looking at more cyberpunks down the line. And it'll all be blamed on the chinese flu at least up until 2025.

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They were onto something with the friendship/rivalry system but then they dropped that
Considering DA2 was made in a year honestly it's a wonder it was as good as it was

Same for this faggot

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>it was as good as it was
It seems like you were implying that it was good on some level.

Jacob really isn't that bad honestly, it's just tough to be the regular dude in ME2's circus crew.
Same thing, though being tacked on instead of another ME1/2 crewmember didn't help matters.

Literally any companion from Skyrim or Fallout 4

>the friendship/rivalry system
It's honestly one of the best systems of that kind in RPGs. Shame it was never expanded or picked up by other studios.

It was and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't.

Jacob and Vega can go fuck themselves, but at least Vega can hit enemies with basic attacks.

Vega is just superfluous. He adds nothing. He's literally nothing except for YES SIR OORAH appeal, which noone cares about.

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>though being tacked on instead of another ME1/2 crewmember didn't help matters

The suicide mission, as great as it was, ruined the party in 3. Because anyone could die, they were not developed as much as they could have been. That's also why ME3 sucks off Liara so much, she is the only squad member from 1 and 2 who is guaranteed to be alive in 3. So all the development time they spent on her wouldn't go to waste unlike time they gave to people who may be dead.

To be fair, he think he daddy doesn't love him because he's gay while in reality he doesn't give a fuck where Dorian sticks his dick in as long as he just gives him 1 (one) heir.

At least vega wasn't the self insert of a biotranny's blacked fetish. Female shepard defaults to leering on literally all the jacob dialog in ME2.
>muh pruyzeeeee

Well that's what you get for trying to roleplay as a tranny you fucking weirdo.

Both the character and the people who play her.

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That fight scales with Kimahri's stats so you don't have to level for it, just give him use and have him chuck fire gems

if only retards gave Vivienne the benefit of the doubt the same way they give Dorian. It'll never not be funny watching all the self-inserting moralizers get utterly BTFO by her.

My thoughts on Vega was that he was the companion aimed at people who were starting with 3, that his chats with Shepard would be lore dumps on the exploits of earth's greatest hero. I don't remember that being the case.

Morinth, Jacob is a close second.

Miranda and one other character from 2 should've been on the ME3 squad, I'd say Mordin.

It's just Yea Forums users trying to fit in, pay them no mind or simply ask them what they didn't like. Most will probably reply with "ITS DOGSHIT" because they don't even play games, only shitpost. It's pretty similar with cp2077 when it's actually a better and more fun game than Snitcher 3

>I only used 90 % of my ammo on wiping out almost all of your health? why are you so mad?

>so what if ai zoomzoomed through the map triggering all the waves and spawns so you three have to fight eleventy trillion rats and minibosses all at once?

Reminder TW3 also was absolutely unplayable at launch, yet nobody seemed to care for whatever "strange" reason.

>It's just Yea Forums users trying to fit in
Are you 2 cunts out of your fucking mind? If not this was some pretty next level bait that I completely fell for.

Rafa and Malak.
I instantly delete them because they take up valuable chocobo egg space.

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That's the black noble girl right? I remember really liking her but she wasn't a romance option.