She amazin'

can CDPR give her a job/character to voice act in Witcher 4? ty

she is on NG+7 in ER so that's some heavy gaming cred plus she does good VA on stream

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Other urls found in this thread:

the only internet whore i want to va in games is sydney

the only internet whore i want to va in games is Aris

she only likes asian men

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i need sex

>simp so mentally ill he is making threads about some literally who streamer for seemingly no reason

the absolute state of Yea Forums

fuck off and take your dumb blonde "Gamer" slut eceleb cunt with you

there it is. i was wondering when the negative nancy posters would show.

She is DizzyKitten, a gaming legend.

who is this whore?

but she is the best gamer - her NG+7 Malenia kill is probably top 10 in the world for world first kill. Maybe top NA

What kind of mentally ill person plays er 7 times

She would only make Witcher 4 better.

what kind of mentally ill "person" watches someone play ER 7 times

and she beats the bosses without summons too. she breaks the mold

She's got the crazy eyes. Stay away.

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her asmr sucks, all she does is open pokemon cards. why isn't she licking my ears like the other whispering whores?

I don't watch female gamers

kill yourself for ever having put this combination of words into a sentence. or better yet, kill your whole family and anyone who's ever been stupid enough to associate with you, and then do the needful.

LOL. i dont like ASMR, im watching another ER streamer.

a sick fuc

But I like a little bit of crazy.

ah pajeet my son

your post only makes sense if you read it in a hill billy accent

>Told a story about how a stripper ate her pussy at a strip club
She's either a whore or a liar. Neither of which I'm interested in watching.

sir do not redeem the twitch prime!

that's a compliment

You guys need to stop putting vaginas on a pedestal, it's going to do more harm than good in the next few years

pajeet, my son

It already happened... when tinder was released

damn, she's a perfect angel. fuck bros, kill me

at least with tinder people go on dates.
This has 0 personal interaction with the other person.
Parasocial relationships are going to be the bane of zoomers

i mean, its pretty cool to live amongst "angels".

She's got "For Asian men only" eyes

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are you a boomer? why are boomers such unironic misogynists? you have no horse in the race.

bro you post this in every Dizzy Kitten thread but i forget that mans exists when i watch her play ER

>She's either a whore or a liar.
shes a woman, so both

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>He's this easily tricked
>He thinks she's actually playing

>But I like a little bit of crazy.
Let me tell you how I know you haven't had a "little bit of crazy" gf.

It is NOT a good time. You'd think it just means she's freaky in bed but crazy is way more bad than good.

L + Ratio + you don't play vidya + your memes are shit + you will never date a girl + you will always be a simp + janny clean it up

tiny virgin white hands typed this

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but i'm Korean .

Damn you can listen to kpop without subtitles

no i can't. i skipped language school.

You will never be white

I am 31 and have never had a gf :(


me too user. just gotta try harder

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OnlyFans when?

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>yeah she PT and XC+2 and GXTI good on stream, hope QQPP ty fr fr
faggot what the hell are you talking about, use real words

>guy in the middle
lel lel
>guy on left

Had gf since I was a teen and it's not great like you might think, every single girl betrayed me in numerous ways. Women haven't been taught to have honor or decency so they do whatever the fuck they want.

quit being such a boom boom, ya pretendin'

so, you have posted in my thread. perhaps you know me. i'll see you around *removes handle*

Kill yourself with a door handle.

I get it, you're the mad boomie, it's your schtick

>moonveild + rivers of blood
didn't beat it

She did use ROB for one Malenia kill, and still uses Moonveil.
But, go ahead and try those out, it ain't easy she just makes it look like cake.

i guess id throw her a pity fuck if she begged for it

Girls should really kiss girls.

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Why the fuck do the useless jannies allow shit like this to remain up?

Nice talents